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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 98 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 98 Part 2

Lu Sicheng started the car and backed out of the garage: “He’s teasing you. My mom, that’s his mom too by the way, is about your height. Are either of us 1.5 meters high?”

Tong Yao grabbed the seatbelt with a dark face: “I’m not talking.”

Lu Sicheng reached out with his big hand to pat Tong Yao’s head: “As long as our son plays more basketball then he’ll grow taller. Don’t panic.”

“...............................................................” It took 3 seconds for Tong Yao to reflect that there was something wrong with his words: “Who, who’s having ‘our son’ with you!”

“If it’s a daughter, then it'll be fine if she’s just like you. She can go capture a tall guy later on from another family, perfect.” Lu Sicheng drove out of the residential area, then earnestly said after being quiet for a while: “To tell the truth, I’d prefer having a daughter. Sons are too naughty.”

Tong Yao covered her red face with both hands

“......You, too, shut up.”

“Why can I just imagine for a moment?”

“You can’t, imagine something more normal.”


“You sound like you’re smiling.”

“I’m not.”

“You are.”

“I’m just being a little emotional here.”

“What are you being emotional about?” Tong Yao put her hands down from her face.

“I just thought what luck to pick up a little cutie like you. If you were underwear, you’d be the one with blue and white stripes.”

“..........................................................................” The color on Tong Yao’s face turned from red to white then to red again. After a short moment, she looked straight ahead without much expression on her face and said: “Captain, do you see that huge tree next to the road?”

“I see it, what?”

“Crash into it, I want to die together with you.”



Tong Yao refused to respond to Lu Sicheng for the rest of the drive, no matter what he brought up. Tong Yao didn’t speak until they had arrived at the shopping mall and Lu Sicheng had parked the car: “Captain, you’ve totally ruined your public image.”

Lu Sicheng seemed undisturbed: “Why do you say that?”

“In my memory, Chessman is calm, composed, cold, sharp, and prescient.” Tong Yao released the seatbelt, turned to jump off the car because of her short legs. Then she closed the door and stretched out her head to say from the other side of the car: “But in the end I found out that you’re just a shameless wily old fox with indecent thoughts. I’m sad.”

Lu Sicheng had gotten out of the car as well. He closed the door while saying briefly and to the point: “Too much imagination.”

Tong Yao: “......”

To avoid bumping into any fans, they had picked a shopping center in a more remote location. They walked shoulder to shoulder out of the parking lot, Lu Sicheng reached over to touch Tong Yao’s hand. Tong Yao knew what he was going to do and stepped to the side a bit.

Lu Sicheng sighed: “Be reasonable.”

Tong Yao: “......What do you mean?”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Aww he wants to hold her hand haha

  2. Yeah. Be reasonable.. you're on s date. Give your man your hand and something else later on. Please

  3. She is too cute. Maybe they shouldn't be holding hands out in public even if they're in a "remote" area. Even if there are no paparazzi, Chessman is too famous. There could be fans any where.

  4. I can imagine them playing with small Tong Yaos, leave me alone 🤧🤧🤧


  5. He's waayyy too direct for me... I laughed hard when he compared her to an underwear... an underwear, of all things!!! HAHAHAHA

    1. 🤣🤣remembering the rabbit+carrot incident..🤣🤣

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Cheng ge is very witty. I’m glad his character didn’t change dramatically (especially in this aspect) because he’s In love

  8. Why isn't he more careful of how this will affect her?

  9. Imagine something more normal? Yeah, I have an idea of what that would be…

  10. It's cute how he talked about their son/daughter-to-be. And his preference of daughter becoz sons are naughty 🤣 (do you talking about yourself captain? LOLLL)

  11. The color on Tong Yao’s face turned from red to white then to red again. After a short moment, she looked straight ahead without much expression on her face and said: “Captain, do you see that huge tree next to the road?”

    “I see it, what?”

    “Crash into it, I want to die together with you.”


    PENTAKILL!!!!! 😂😂😂

  12. No, no, Cheng Ge. If she were underwear, she would be the one with rabbits and carrots, or have you forgotten?
