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Saturday, June 13, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 98 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 98 Part 4

When Tong Yao handed the coins over to Lu Sicheng, she could feel the envious looks from the surrounding girls and the nervous look of the owner behind them-- --She lifted up the two rabbits to take a closer look then turned to Lu Sicheng: “Which one is cuter?”

Lu Sicheng hit the confirm button, as the metal claw firmly picked up a third rabbit, he turned back to take a look at Tong Yao who was earnestly asking while holding up the two rabbits. He said without any expression: “You’re cute.”

Tong Yao: “......”


The end result was that before lunch Tong Yao had collected a big bag full of stuffed rabbits. She imagined that when she lined all the rabbits up along the head of her bed, it would really be like a grand meeting of rabbits……

Tong Yao: “I used to think, when I couldn’t get anything from the claw machines in an amusement park, that I just needed to wait till I have a boyfriend and then come back to clean out all the machines.”

Lu Sicheng: “You’ve done it.”

Tong Yao: “What?”

Lu Sicheng: “You’ve gotten a capable boyfriend.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng: “Which amusement park is that? Go get the tickets and we’ll go clean them out.”

Tong Yao: “......The Disneyland in Tokyo?”

Lu Sicheng: “ ……”

It was 1:30 in the afternoon.

A date for any normal couple would usually be to eat lunch, watch a movie, have afternoon tea, play some games, eat dinner, then say goodbye and return to each other’s home. Since Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng were practically living in the same house, they could skip the last step. What they needed to do now was to take care of lunch.

Tong Yao carried a big bag of rabbits and led Lu Sicheng around in the mall. Her indecisiveness prevented her from deciding on what to eat. She hesitantly stopped in front of a dessert place and bent over to check the menu at the front of the store. But someone yanked her back: “Lunch. What are you looking at ice cream for?”

“Why can’t ice cream be for lunch?”

“Are you a three-year old?”

Lu Sicheng dragged her away. As Tong Yao said: “tsk” and was about to say something more, she suddenly noticed from the corner of her eye that there was a group of girls, standing in front of a store across that looked rather familiar. She took a look to make sure and was stupefied. Those four or five girls in front of that Korean BBQ place were those fans who carried those support banners at the competition a few days ago.

The tallest one probably still had the support bracelet with Tong Yao’s name on it on her wrist.

-- --If any one of them looked up now……

Then they would see the two players from their favorite team didn’t stay at base to play rank games. Instead the two were hanging out at the mall hand in hand.

Tong Yao gasped, threw away Lu Sicheng’s hand, and told him that she needed to go to the restroom and he should wait for her in front of a certain Western restaurant on the first floor before he could say anything. Then she scurried away…...She rushed into the restroom and took a while to calm herself down. Then she walked out the restroom and found Lu Sicheng hadn’t followed her suggestion to wait on the first floor. He was leaning against the exit with arms crossed at the bend of the staircase, smoking.

When he heard her footsteps, he looked up at Tong Yao then looked down without saying anything and extinguished the cigarette on a nearby trash can.


At that moment, Tong Yao felt like she had done something really lousy and her captain had been especially, especially mistreated.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Wow... Poor boyfriend lu got dump, no just left behind too fast by yao yao.

  2. Thank you for the chapter😃

  3. Obviously she'd go crazy 🤣🤣🤣


  4. We all know he now only smokes when he’s upset or frustrated. He obviously is upset at her actions just now

  5. I guess Tong Yao family is capable too, maybe not as rich as jinyang but still... She studied abroad. I have a chinese friend who's studying in Singapore. Her mom is a doctor. So maybe her parents belonged to high paying job too.

    1. I seem to remember that TY's mom is a teacher (maybe ep1) though I'm not sure here in the novel.

  6. "Which one is cute"
    "You're cute"

    Gahhh I'm dying
