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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 87 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 87 Part 2

Lu Sicheng said: “Find a mirror and take a look at yourself, then you’ll see what a terrifying expression you just had on your face. I was planning to wait till at least after we win the summer competition championship to say this to you. But after seeing that expression of yours, I knew it wouldn’t work. If I keep waiting till someone like Xu Tailun pops up in our circle again, then without waiting till the summer championship, you’ll probably become a buddhist nun already. There are quite a lot of scumbags in this circle after all.” Words came out fast from Lu Sicheng’s mouth before he paused for a while, then as if he felt that he had said something wrong, he quickly added: “Not like me, I’m very good.”

Tong Yao: “......”

She didn’t know what to think of this man.

“.....................................” Tong Yao still shrank in the corner of the chair and said without much expression on her face: “Then say it after the summer championship. It’ll be perfect timing, I also think it’s a good idea.”

“......” Li Sicheng looked at her as if she had skipped her medication.

“You don’t have any principles.”

“That's why when you asked me early on whether I’m perfect with nothing to fear, I already told you that I wasn't.” Lu Sicheng’s lips curved up a bit, his expression was still a little mean but in a cynical smile, he looked even meaner than usual: “If the outcome of being a principled man is to have the woman he likes become a nun, then what’s the use of having principles? Shoot myself in the foot?”

…………...The woman he likes.

Tong Yao widened her eyes, then once again she lifted both of her hands to cover her ears. Then on the second thought, she covered her eyes. Eventually, she put her hands down and stared at Lu Sicheng as if she was terrified.

Amid Tong Yao’s stare, Lu Sicheng gave her a glance.

His facial expression suddenly started to change, though only slightly.

The change in his face was like a dried plum dropping into a glass of 7-Up to her.

“-- --So I’ve just been flattering myself and you’ve never liked me?”

Tong Yao thought it wasn’t like that.

It certainly wasn’t like that.

Tong Yao moved her lips, subconsciously wanting to deny it, but before she could say anything, she heard Lu Sicheng continued quickly: “Then why did you stand behind my chair and speak like a deserted puppy to stop me from going to see my blind date?”

“I didn’t-- --What the hell, you heard that? !” Tong Yao covered her chest. After a while, she stared at him as if she had thought it through: “Damn, you didn’t plug in your earphones again? !”

“It was in a break between songs. I heard it just by chance.” Lu Sicheng leaned back into his chair: “Didn’t that turn out to be a good thing?”

Tong Yao: “......”

……………………………….It didn’t feel like a good thing to her.

Lu Sicheng paused for a moment: “Then, are you going to turn me down?”

“......I wouldn’t dare to.”

“......” Lu Sicheng’s eyelids twitched a bit and he sat up straight a little: “Then, you agree?”

“......Not exactly either.”

“I know now.” Lu Sicheng nodded: “You simply just need a beating.”

“See!” Tong Yao stretched out one of her fingers pointing at the Lu Sicheng’s nose tip across the chairs: “See, just like that tone of voice; the tone of the captain, of the bully of the team, of a dad-- --whatever it is, that just isn’t the tone of a boyfriend. Ah, I didn’t mean you when I said boyfriend, why are you curving your lips up for, put them down!”

Before Tong Yao finished, the man across from her suddenly sat up straight and stretched his long arm over to grab Tong Yao’s fingers-- --Her cold fingers were surrounded by a rather warm big hand. Tong Yao didn’t realize what had happened at first. When she finally came to her senses, her face was as red as a cooked shrimp!

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "The woman he likes"

    Ahhhh I wanted to scream!!!
    Theyre so cute!!

  3. LOL girl.. just accept him. he's not going to let you go and be a fangirl now XD

  4. I don't know if it's funny or cute lmao Just say yes already, girl, don't make him beg 🀣🀣🀣


  5. He's gonna suffer so much .. poor guy luckily he really knows what he wants .. fighting

  6. This part was a boost of serotonin, she's so cute lol

  7. "And children...that's how your mother accepted your father's feeling" πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    1. #BestCommentEver

    2. I read that comment in Jinyang's (Tong Yao's bestfriend)voice!!! Where are you bestie??the biggest news is here,ahahaha

  8. So cute so cute soooo cuteeeee. Them bantering like this is the best.
    Thank you translator sama

  9. D*mn so domineering! As expected to my boy. Ahhh I want to scream! No I'm screaming!!! Thank you for this chapter~

  10. Trying hard to sell himself πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. I can't control the curve of my lips🀦🏿🀦🏿

  12. Finally he tells her he likes her

  13. Btw I would like to know when she became a woman to him and not a kindergarten girl. Plus umm he’s become a pervert right?

    1. Probably when he saw her "rabbit hugging carrot"πŸ˜πŸ€”πŸ‘€πŸ€£πŸ˜‚.. that moment, tong yao's fate was sealed😁😁

    2. I don't think he ever actually saw her that way. I think he always was attracted to her off the bat. From the first time her heard her voice on the phone, to her weird 'shorty' antics in the store and elevator, up until her challenging him upon their first official meeting when she refused to delete the post. I think he's been attracted to the challenge of her personality all along.

  14. Lu si cheng confession will be my one of the best confession ever🀣 Another fantastic confession is from wei wuxian😁

  15. I just finished binge-read this for 3 days and here i am again rereading where they becama a couple,,,aaaa i can't get enough of them

  16. Please recommend me some or ur best read (fluff or smut) plsss 😩😩 or maybe if there's novel like this pls pls tell me

  17. It seems like I need to visit a doctor. I had too much sugar lately. I know it's not good for my health but I'm loving it🀦🏻‍♀️
