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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 71 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 71 Part 3

Manager Zhang called the Kings of Glory coach over and asked Xiang Nuan, Lin
Chuyan, and Oblivion to play a 1v1 against the coach.

Xiang Nuan was a little worried, the manager was a little weird.

Uneasily, Xiang Nuan played Diaochan against the coach. Hu Ge had taught her how to play Diaochan in the beginning, then after gaining more experience with the game, her skill at playing Diaochan had substantially improved.

After the coach played each of the three, Manager Zhang asked them to play against their current players.

The coach called and negotiated with the players for a couple of minutes. Two players came down and formed a team with Xiang Nuan and her friends. There were five other players who stayed in the training area and also formed a team. Both teams logged into the game.

Xiang Nuan chose to use Laofuzi, whom she had taken a liking to lately. She went into the game with the intent teaching these nutcases a lesson and played aggressively from the beginning of the match. She wasn’t intimidated at all by professional players.

Manager Zhang and the coach exchanged a look, both of them looked surprised and excited.

After one match, the manager wasn’t satisfied and said: “Best of three.”

They had no choice but to play another match. Xiang Nuan used Mulan to chase after her enemies.

The manager asked her: “What other position can you play?”

“I can play support.”

“Play support in the third match.”

“We already lost two matches!”

“I’ll give you guys one more chance.”

Xiang Nuan’s team had been formed on the spot and as a result they weren’t very coordinated with the professional players. Even if their individual skill level was equivalent, it didn’t help them win the match. After losing two matches in a row, Xiang Nuan was irritated. In the third match, she used the champion she was best at, Zhang Fei. Lin Chuyan used Sun Shangxiang, and Oblivion used Luna.

The champion Sun Shangxiang was a killing machine in the late game as long as she was able to develop. Xiang Nuan focused on protecting Sun Shangxiang with Zhang Fei to make sure Sun Shangxiang could survive through the early game. She protected Lin Chuyan very well.

Though they still went through quite a difficult time this match, they won in the end.

The manager quietly asked the coach: “Did our side throw the game?”

The coach shook his head: “I had asked them, they didn’t.”

After winning the third match, Xiang Nuan was in a very good mood. She put away her cell phone and called out to Lin Chuyan: “Let’s go.”

Lin Chuyan immediately went to her side.

“Wait.” Manager Zhang said. He gave a glance to the coach to let him lead the others out of the room, including Oblivion.

There were three of them left in the room.

Manager Zhang pulled some new tea for Xiang Nuan and Lin Chuyan, then sat down across from them, with a flattering smile on his face.

“Are you two interested in playing professionally?”

“Ha?” Xiang Nuan was so surprised that her mouth was wide open. She was excited and happy at the same time for the recognition of her skill: “Can we?”

“Sure you can.” Manager Zhang answered with a smile.

Lin Chuyan calmly looked at the manager and said: “We’re still students.”

“Don’t turn me down so soon.” Manager Zhang shook his finger and smiled quite confidently: “I can give you this amount each month.” As he was talking, he opened up his hand shaking his five fingers.

Xiang Nuan, based on Oblivion’s monthly pay, figured what the manager meant: “Five thousand?”

“Fifty thousand.”


Xiang Nuan didn’t have an idea about a professional player’s pay originally. But Oblivion only got eight thousand a month, then fifty thousand felt like something for a superstar.

It was unimaginable for Xiang Nuan. Oblivion could only earn eight thousand, why would she and Lin Chuyan get fifty thousand each? Why?

“You, you feel……” Xiang Nuan swallowed and made a wide guess which made her excited just by thinking about it: “You think we play better than Oblivion?”

“You two are better looking than him.”


Translated by Team DHH at


  1. LOL it's all about the looks huh?
    Many thanks

  2. Replies
    1. It isn’t only China though, other countries can/will do the same since if they’re good looking, than that means more fans, meaning more money.

    2. Not really. Other countries will focus more on talent because fan culture isn't their thing. It's talent that draws fans in most countries, not looks.

    3. Let's not get too excited, this is a light novel which has been written to the author's own preferences after all

    4. better looking people = more money from stream
      that's pretty much their goal esp for a team that's still starting

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I hate this manager already. They are Oblivion's friends.
    The team offered him 8g before they met him. So that offer had nothing to do with his looks. He is offering 5 times as much to less talented people for their looks? What kind of team is this Arghh i can't even...
