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Monday, April 6, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 87 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 87 Part 1

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

The air in the room seemed to have frozened. An indescribable awkwardness floated around them…...Tong Yao stared at Lu Sicheng with a tight face but didn’t make a sound.

She even forgot to blink.

Her heart seemed to have stopped beating.

After staring at Lu Sicheng for a long time, she finally laughed strangely, like a crackle, and then suddenly screeched: “Cheng Ge, please, act like a normal person, Cheng Ge. I really can’t take how you do this over and over again. How many times do you plan to play this trick before you get tired of it? I’m telling you, I’m not scared this time. I’m really not scared-- --”

As she was professing her lack of fear, she had used honorifics to address Lu Sicheng and was backing away from him at the same time…...until her back was against the door, her hand secretly touching the doorknob-- --The cool metal in her burning palm helped calm her somewhat…...Then she saw Lu Sicheng looked rather frustrated and raised his own hand to mess up his hair. He sighed deeply and sat back down onto the chair behind him.

-- --He looked like he didn’t know what to do either.

But Tong Yao didn’t care what he was thinking about right now, all she wanted to do was run out of this room and find a place where she could hit her head against a wall to clear her head. She wanted to wake up as quickly as possible from this nightmare or hallucination, which she couldn’t distinguish what was reality in the moment-- --Tong Yao quietly turned the doorknob and opened the door. When her body was half way out of the door, she heard an imposing voice coming from inside the room: “Where are you going? Come back.”

Tong Yao: “....................................................”

Three minutes later, Tong Yao sat down at the chair right across from Lu Sicheng. She tilted her head and looked at her captain with a timid and confused expression. She kept looking at him until Lu Sicheng impatiently rubbed his ears and gave her a stern look. Tong Yao was shaken by the stare and shrank back into the chair. Her whole body was backed into the corner of the chair, as if she was a frightened meerkat.

Lu Sicheng: “What are you doing?”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng showed a mean expression: “What did I say to make you like this? Did I ask you to tie the knot right here-- --”

“Ahhhhhh!” Tong Yao blushed and screeched while putting her hands over her ears: “Don’t, don’t say it anymore. Lu Sicheng, let me just remind you. You can’t confess to and ask someone to go out with you using this kind of tone and expression. Even peacocks know to fan their tails when they’re looking for mates! How can you be like this-- --”

“Like what?”


“You’ll agree to it if I’m a little gentler?”


“See, you quieted down.” Lu Sicheng frowned and displeasedly said: “Tsk. I’d really like to grab Jian Yang or Xu Tailun and beat them up.”

“......What does this have anything to do with them.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Because they make you don't believe to be in a relationship with men in esports anymore.... ๐Ÿ˜„

  2. Yeah poor ML ๐Ÿ˜ช... And Mc so frightened to death. I don't know whenever I will be angry, cry or laugh on this duo. And thank you for this chapter~

  3. Haha... Cheng Ge is really frustrated. Let's see how he can convince TY that he is serious.

    1. He'll give her the cat. Yeah, "that Xu Tailun's cat"

    2. Uhh dont spoil (ik it too but respect)

  4. Tong yao you big dummyyyyy๐Ÿ˜ง listen to the poor guy will ya
    Thank you translator sama

  5. Thanks for the chapter.. I really looking forward for the end of this chapter ❤️

  6. Thanks for the chapter! I#m guessing to won't be long now before she's finally convinced and their relationship can *officially* start.
    Ugh, we're getting to the end of parts that have been spoilt on the NU spoiler thread - I need to know more about what's going to happen in upcoming chapters TT^TT

  7. I understand the ML's frustration but at the same time, he can't just say "I'm different" and expect her to believe you. Prove it dude.

    1. He sort of has. He's protected her and supported her a lot already. His attitude has changed although she's not as aware as their other teammates.

      And to really prove it she has to be brave enough to say OK I'll date you, so he can show his feelings and how he'll really care for her.

  8. Thank you for the chapter๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  9. What to do with this girl tsc tsc

  10. She’s super scared and he’s super frustrated. In a way I understand TY but I think generalizations are totally wrong. There are bad men everywhere. You just have to find your right one

  11. No matter if it's the novel or the drama, I just keep seeing this scene in anime format (re) playing in my head ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
