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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 72 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 72 Part 1

Xiang Nuan couldn’t really compliment Manager Zhang’s sense of values.

She frowned and retorted: “Manager, I disagree with you. One plays the game not with one’s face but with their ability.”

Manager Zhang smiled slightly: “I don’t deny that it’s one’s ability that counts. All that means is that your abilities are good enough that we’d consider recruiting you two. You two play well and with good training you’ll have a chance to be our main players.”

“Then what about Oblivion? Oblivion plays better than us. Is he worthy of receiving good training?”

“Young lady, let me be frank with you. I’ll make it clear to you now since you two might be on our team in the future and I’ll have to say it anyway. It’s not easy to run a gaming club. We can’t do it like a charity, right? We have to be concerned with earnings. Without money to keep the club going, the team would have to be disbanded sooner or later. The commercial value of each player is different and that is one of the important indexes when we consider a player. Most of the players’ commercial value is linked to their gaming abilities, but there are exceptions. You two are the exceptions.”

“Just because we’re good looking?”

“That’s right, just because you’re good looking.”

Xiang Nuan found it to be quite absurd.

Seeing the disapproval on Xiang Nuan’s face, Manager Zhang became a little impatient. But considering the potential value of Xiang Nuan, he remained patient: “Oblivion needs to rely on himself to work hard to get noticed in the circle, whether he can be successful or not all depends on himself. This is the path for many professional players. He knows it and has no objection to it. You don’t have to feel sorry for him. What I’m trying to say is that for both you, with your looks, as long as you join this circle, I’ll have ways to let you two become the most sought after idols. With a conservative estimate, both of you can expect a yearly income over one million, comparable or even better than the best players in the league.” He looked like he was moved by the picture he had painted for them and himself.

Xiang Nuan knew the manager didn’t harbor any ill intentions, but what he said made her uncomfortable. So in the professional world, a person with better looks but third rate skill could be on equal footing with a first rate player?

“I feel that’s quite unfair.” She said.

“You shouldn’t feel that it’s unfair. You should be glad that your parents give you such an outstanding appearance.”

Xiang Nuan was quite upset but didn’t know how to give a retort to that. Irritated, she stood up with a stone face: “Let’s go. Goodbye, Manager.” As she was speaking, she grabbed Lin Chuyan’s hand: “Let’s go.”

Lin Chuyan held the backpack in one hand and used the other hand to hold Xiang Nuan’s and quietly walked next to her.

Manager Zhang didn’t understand what this young lady was fussing about. He followed them to see them out. As he was walking, he rattled on: “You really don’t want to think it over? You’re in school now and after you graduate, will your starting salary be at ten thousand? …...I think our circle is already quite decent, no matter how good you look, you still have to have some skills. Look at the people who act in TV dramas, they don’t even need any skill……”

Seeing Xiang Nuan’s face was turning darker and darker, Lin Chuyan stopped and turned around to give the manager a pleasant smile: “Thanks Manager Zhang for reminding us. We’ll give acting in TV dramas a try.”

Manager Zhang was taken back by his words and stood still dumbfoundedly.

Lin Chuyan marched off holding Xiang Nuan’s hand.

-- --

Xiang Nuan walked briskly. Her face still looked gloomy after they had walked a long distance away from the base. She pouted her lips with her lower lip bulging, like a little goldfish again.

Lin Chuyan was amused by her appearance and felt like teasing her, but was afraid of irritating her even more.

He stopped and lifted his hand to rub the top of her head, gently asking: “Still angry?”

Xiang Nuan looked up at him. Her eyes were turning red.

“What, you’re going to cry?” Lin Chuyan was surprised, carefully cupped her face, and gently caressed her cheeks with his fingertips. He was actually amused by her appearance but knew better than to make fun of her right now.

Xiang Nuan looked so disheartened.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Awww my sweet baby saw the double standards of society she's growing up

  2. Thanks for the chapter :D it's kinda nasty that good looks in some cases are so much more "valuable" than hard work and skill...

    1. The truth is a hard pill to swallow but our society is very superficial.
