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Friday, April 10, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 87 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 87 Part 3

Lu Sicheng said: “Whether I can be what a boyfriend is supposed to be, you have to at least give me the chance for you to try it before you’ll know for sure, right, en?” Lu Sicheng lightly tugged her fingers.


Tong Yao looked at her own fingertips and thought: Why are you wiggling my fingers and don’t say en, why is a grown man acting coquettish? That’s a foul.

Releasing Tong Yao’s fingers, Lu Sicheng stood up and rubbed her hair: “You think about it.”


“I’ll give you two hours to think it over, before nine o’clock tonight.”

Even when he was confessing to a girl, he was still so cocky.

“......Why nine o’clock tonight.”

“Because it’ll decide whether I’ll have the appetite for dinner or not.”

Lu Sicheng turned and walked out of the room after he finished…...Leaving Tong Yao in the room, stunned. After a long while, she suddenly bent over and covered her face. Then she turned to throw herself onto the sofa and kept rubbing against it until the sofa began to shift from its original position. She then stopped, took a deep breath and told herself to calm down.

……………………………………….Though it was already impossible for her to calm down after facing such an earth splitting confession.


Tong Yao remained in the break room by herself in a state of mental chaos.

The time for the interview soon approached. A few minutes before their interview, Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng filed into the interview room. Each of them occupied the end of a long couch-- --They didn’t have any bodily contact. They didn’t even exchange eye contact.

Lu Sicheng casually sat while leaning against the couch with one hand supporting his chin the whole time, looking to the left.

Tong Yao sat straight up the whole time like a kindergartener waiting for her award, eyes looking straight ahead.

The reporters looked at each other, if they didn’t know better, they would’ve thought that ZGDX's players had trouble getting along with each other-- --If there was actually a problem between the players, then they didn’t have to even do the interview today-- --That issue alone would be worth a report at least three pages long.

The reporters asked: [What are your thoughts about the issue on Korean help?]

Tong Yao: “We can’t treat it in an undiscriminating manner. There are many good Korean help, such as Huawei’s jungler…...hum, YQCB’s ad and jungler, and some others.”

Lu Sicheng: “It’s a way to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, a way to see quick results. If we want to have a stronger professional league, we shouldn’t rely on Korean help too much.”

The reporters asked: [What are the solutions from your perspectives? Lately there’s a call for boycotting Korean help.]

Tong Yao: “It depends on each club to discipline their players more.”

Lu Sicheng: “It all depends on each player’s self-discipline. If a player can’t be responsible for himself, the club can’t be in control in every aspect-- --I have to add that this isn’t just a problem with any foreign help. This is also a problem for among some of our own players, ”

The reporters asked: [What are your thoughts about the relationship between a player and the fans? We all know that the one who eventually exposed Xu Tailun is a fangirl who had an affair with him-- --]

Lu Sicheng: “The relationship is a delicate co-existence. We should keep a proper distance afterall.”

Tong Yao: “Let’s be clear about what happened here. Anyone who’s involved in an affair, regardless of whether it’s a man or a woman, has done something unforgivable. As a fan, they should make sure they’re not fooling themselves through some beauty filter. When simple admiration and idolizing turns into twisted possessiveness, then it’s become a very dangerous and undesirable thing to do.”

The reporters: [Hahahahaha, it looks like Smiling, as a woman, has a different view on this matter. Then, what the two of you have suggested is that there are more or less lifestyle problems among the players in this circle.]

Tong Yao: “Since we’re all young, our character and values haven’t stabilized. Joining the workforce too early makes it easier for us to go the wrong direction. It’s just like when we were students, we would always annoy the teachers…...There’s not much we can do about it. Let’s hope everyone can practice a bit more self-discipline?”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. As always it left me feeling for more 😁😁😁

  2. Thank you for the chapterπŸ˜ƒ

  3. I told myself, I should wait and read when a few chapters are up, but can never wait!

  4. “Because it’ll decide whether I’ll have the appetite for dinner or not.”


  5. Begging and being a black belly at the same time huh lu sicheng.
    Thank you translator sama and team dhh

  6. Aaiya...I would be dazed for days after such a confession. I like how his confession is manly and cute at the same time
