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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 90 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 90 Part 3

Tong Yao turned to grab her cell phone off her bed and looked for the post [Women are dreadful. I’m glad Cheng Ge is still single. I don’t want any woman to influence his professional performance. I beg all men and women to do me a favor and stay away from him.] She stood on  her tippy toes to raise the phone high up to show Lu Sicheng-- --

Lu Sicheng quickly glanced over it .

Then he finally understood what Tong Yao was dreading about.

He paused for a while, then before Tong Yao could react to it, he reached out with both of his arms and embraced Tong Yao who was still standing on her tippy toes and brought her very close to him-- --Tong Yao was still holding her phone up high at the moment. Without any warning, she widened her eyes and staggered forward, stepping on Lu Sicheng’s foot and her nose hit the man’s solid chest. She could feel his sturdy arms gather tightly around her waist.

Tong Yao: “......”

Her heartbeat suddenly stopped.

Three seconds later, her heartbeat resumed at a quick pace. Blood seemed to have surged from her toes to the top of her head all of a sudden-- --Her face turned pink, her ears were burning, as she slightly raised her head and looked sideways, she could see the earring dangling off the man’s ear as he bent forward to hug her waist.

“You should know that a fan’s opinion can’t represent mine own, right?” The man’s low and magnetic voice sounded right next to her ear: “Somehow, this does seem fair to me.”

The man was like a small hill putting his weight on Tong Yao.

Both of Tong Yao’s hands rigidly hung down at the sides of her body. A few seconds later, she hesitantly lifted her hands to twist the corners of his shirt……-- --Lu Sicheng felt the tug, he moved his head, and a faint smile could be seen at the corner of his lips, though Tong Yao didn’t see it.


“I know.” Tong Yao said in a small voice: “It’s just that what this person said makes some sense…...Maybe, in everyone’s mind, it’s better for you to keep the image of a bachelor who only thinks about playing games.”

“I won’t.”

“...................................It’s not just the matter of you saying that you won’t.”

“At worst, we just won’t make it public. It’s fine to just keep it like this now.” Lu Sicheng moved his chin up away from Tong Yao’s shoulder and lifted his hand to fiddle the wispy hairs on her forehead with his lean fingers: “I’m not going to force you.”


“Really.” Lu Sicheng lightly said: “I was the one who crossed the line first-- --Thinking about it, maybe, in your position, you don’t need this kind of problem even more than I.”

Tong Yao fixed her eyes on that pair of dark brown pupils.

The eyes were gleaming.

Tong Yao’s heart seemed to have sunk to the bottom of the ocean again. She paused for a while, but before she could ask Lu Sicheng what he meant, Lu Sicheng spoke again: “But this doesn’t mean that I’ve regretted my decision.”


“If you want to blame someone, just blame me.” Lu Sicheng once again embraced Tong Yao into his arms, just like how Dabing was holding the little kitten in the cat nest. He put his hand behind the back of her head and pushed her against his chest: “I started all this and I’m prepared to be responsible till the end.”


“You, at most, are just an accomplice.”

“......How am I an accomplice?”

“You play well and your attitude towards the profession is overly earnest and cute. All of that has seriously enticed me-- --

Tong Yao was confused and blinked, asking: “What the hell is this?”

Lu Sicheng lowered his head and buried his face between Tong Yao’s chin and neck. Using his slightly cold face to nudge Tong Yao’s slightly warm earlobe…...Lu Sicheng paused for a while then earnestly said: “To want to commit a crime.”


“You’ve come of age, haven’t you? Then I could get a lighter sentence-- --”

Finally Tong Yao stood on her tippy toes again and cupped her hands over Lu Sicheng’s face and pushed him out of her room.


Lu Sicheng went downstairs with a dark face.

Little Fatty looked up at him: “Took you long enough just to deliver water?”

“She fell asleep after sending the message. She didn’t open the door after a long time.” Lu Sicheng sat back to his own seat, moved his finger around, and put his earphones back on,  ready for another ranked game.

Little Fatty: “How dare she let the captain deliver water to her.”

“......Yeah.” Lu Sicheng leaned against his chair and lazily agreed as a smile flashed in his eyes: “Don’t know who’s been spoiling her. He has guts.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Even my heart was racing little one πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’“πŸ’“

  2. I guess I've commenting this too much but CUTEEEEE


  3. Thank you for the chapterπŸ˜ƒ

  4. who know who really spoiled her....

  5. Uuuhhhh😳😳😳😳😳

  6. oowwwmmyyygghhhhaaad...πŸ˜πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

  7. You are the one that spoils her Captain. LSC in love is a different species

  8. Makes you want to commit a crime? Damn LSC you out here wildin and the poor bunny with a carrot is both suffering and enjoying it lmaooo

  9. What happened to the cold cruel captain πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ but seriously it was way too much cuteeeeeeπŸ₯ΊπŸ–€πŸ€✨

  10. A man like Cheng ge pleaaasseeeee. Want someone to spoil me too (╥﹏╥)

  11. ������ please Chen get the dog food is too much ehh why don't I become your accomplise too.Lol
