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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 74 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 74 Part 1

Ren Yandan knew her own daughter quite well. Once she heard from Lin Chuyan that the probability of becoming a professional player was slim, she realized that her own child couldn’t possibly be qualified.

She felt much relieved.

Since she had a dinner date with friends that evening, she didn’t stay at Nanshan for dinner. By the time she had to leave, Ren Danyan already felt much better. But because she had come in a fury, she couldn’t really make peace with her daughter yet.

Lin Chuyan went with Xiang Nuan to see Ren Danyan off at the parking lot. Ren Danyan watched the two of them hold hands. She found it to be a most pleasing picture with such a handsome man and such a beautiful woman.

Ren Danyan took a deep breath and tried to calm herself before speaking: “Make sure you wear enough clothes in the spring. It’s easy to catch a cold in the spring. Don’t stay outdoors too often, the air isn’t good…...You hear it?”

Xiang Nuan was feeling a little down and slowly answered: “I know.”

“Chuyan, I’m handing her to you now. You better watch over her for me.”

“En. Don’t worry, auntie.”

“Don’t be influenced by her.”

Amused, a faint smile appeared on his face. He gently said: “She’s fine.”

After Ren Danyan drove away, Xiang Nuan remained silent as she watched the tail of the car moving further away.

Lin Chuyan noticed that Xiang Nuan looked moody. He tried to tease her: “Did you hear that? You have a bad influence on me.”

Xiang Nuan abruptly threw his hand away.

Lin Chuyan was stunned: “What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t do anything wrong nor did I hurt anyone. Why do you all accuse me?”

Lin Chuyan knew Xiang Nuan was upset now. He anxiously cuddled her in his arms: “Alright, alright, I’m wrong. I should have said that.” As he was speaking, he put his palm at the back of her head and gently stroked her hair. He spoke in a soft voice at the same time: “Don’t get upset.”

Xiang Nuan’s body began to relax a bit and she quietly leaned against Lin Chuyan: “So, you’re the fool.”

“I’m, I’m the big fool.”

Xiang Nuan was quiet for a while, then said: “I was just calling the adviser to ask about registration and just mentioned the thing about taking leave from school.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s just that the adviser misunderstood you. Don’t get upset.”

Xiang Nuan moved her body a bit, changing into a more comfortable position, but still leaned against him. She got over her annoyance and became more docile. She said in a small voice to him: “Besides, is leaving school to play professionally really that unforgivable? That I’ll get beheaded just by asking about it?”

“Leaving school to play professionally is only a choice. That by itself is a neutral thing. Nothing good or bad about it.” Lin Chuyan patiently explained, still stroking her hair while talking: “In theory, everyone has the freedom to do whatever one likes to do. But, freedom has its boundaries.”

Freedom has its boundaries.

Xiang Nuan was naive but not stupid. She pondered his words for a while then said: “I know.”

Lin Chuyan breathed out a sigh of relief that it seemed that she was finally turning around.

“Lin Chuyan.” Xiang Nuan suddenly looked up at him.



“Why are you saying sorry?”

“I shouldn’t have gotten angry at you just now.”

Lin Chuyan smiled: “I’m your boyfriend. If you can’t get angry at me, who would you get angry at? Wanna yell at a tree?”

Xiang Nuan suddenly stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him on the face.

The soft lips pressed down on his skin and Lin Chuyan could faintly smell her body scent. His heart fluttered.

“I’m your girlfriend. If you get angry in the future, you can throw your anger at me as well.” Xiang Nuan said.

Translated by Team DHH at