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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 73 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 73 Part 3

Lin Chuyan hurried over to Yuanchi campus. When Xiang Nuan saw him, she welcomed him as if she had seen her savior.

Lin Chuyan stood in front of her and looked at her with a spurious smile.

Xiang Nuan was a little apprehensive and avoided eye contact with him.

“You want to quit school? Play professionally?” He asked in a rather disagreeable tone.

“I’m just asking.”

“Asking means you’re thinking about it.”

Xiang Nuan looked down on the ground and said in a small voice: “There’s nothing wrong with playing professionally. At least, we can be together everyday.”

When he came over, Lin Chuyan was too pent-up to even speak civilly. But after hearing what Xiang Nuan just said, he felt his heart quicken as sweetness began to seep in.

“You really think so?” He stood next to her and asked in a soft voice.

Xiang Nuan lightly tapped the edge of the stone pavement on the ground with the tip of her shoe: “I’m just thinking about it. It doesn’t cost any money anyway.”

“Do you really like to play games that much?”

“Not really.” Xiang Nuan raised her head up, looked forwards and her face looked like she was reminiscing about something: “I like the feeling of winning. I really enjoy it. Winning the game makes me super happy, super excited, I feel like I’m glowing…...That kind of feeling.” As she was talking, she turned sideways to look at Lin Chuyan: “I want to go onto a bigger stage, beat even more people and defeat the most capable players. Certainly, I want to be with you, to win together with you.”

Lin Chuyan looked at her beautiful eyes and saw an earnestness that he had never seen there before. He had a warm feeling in his heart, as if it had been touched by a soft, warm palm.

He quivered with a feeling that was comforting and satisfying. But, at the same time, he was a little terrified of losing it…...He thought to himself this was how happiness must feel.

After a long while, he moved his eyes away from her and also looked down at the ground. He lightly said: “Smooth-tongued.”

“I’m flattered. I’m doubtful anyone can beat you at smooth talking.”

Lin Chuyan was about to say something but when he looked up, he saw Ren Danyan irritatedly coming their way. He hurriedly greeted her: “Auntie.”

Ren Danyan only nodded at Lin Chuyan, then turned to look at her child.

Xiang Nuan meekly called her: “Mom……”

“I don’t deserve it. How about I call you mom from now on? As long as you don’t make any more trouble.”

Xiang Nuan shrank her neck: “Mom, you misunderstand. I really didn’t, I’m just asking, just curious……”

“Then why aren't you curious about other things? Why aren’t you curious about your studies? If you haven’t come up with the idea, how can you be curious about it? I gave birth to you, don’t think I don’t know how you think about these things.”

“Auntie, don’t get angry.” Lin Chuyan took over the conversation: “It’s me who told her about it. I shouldn’t be so mouthy.”

Ren Danyan took a look at Lin Chuyan. She couldn’t bring herself to be too harsh to Lin Chuyan and just asked: “Chuyan, why aren’t you in class?”

“I don’t have any class this afternoon. I came here to bring some food for her.”

“Chuyan, don’t protect her. Let me tell you, this person is easily spoiled.”

“Auntie, you must be tired from driving all the way here? Let’s go find a place to sit down. I haven’t seen you for quite some time now.”

They went to a tea house nearby and got a private room. The private room was clean and elegantly decorated. There was a pot of orchids with lavender flowers next to the window, their scent gently permeated the room.

Ren Danyan wasn’t an unreasonable person. Sitting in a room like this, she couldn’t really continue fuming at her daughter. In addition, it is said that “the fighting spirit aroused by the first roll of drums is depleted by the second and exhausted by the third.” She had already blown her fuse when she first saw Xiang Nuan, by now, she had calmed down a bit and looked more relaxed.

They ordered a pot of flower tea and some special tea cakes.

Xiang Nuan noticed that there was a slip under the tea menu. Curious, she pulled it out to take a look and found that they could even have someone come in to play some music for them. She made a sound of surprise.

Ren Danyan was annoyed by Xiang Nuan’s attitude as if nothing had happened and said: “You really like to anger me.”

“Mom, I really didn’t. You don’t believe me at all. You only trust others.”

“I know you didn’t. If you really did quit school, I would have disowned you a long time ago.”


Lin Chuyan looked quite apologetic: “Auntie, it’s all my fault, I……”

“Chuyan, you have to watch over her for me. It’s already dangerous that she even thought about this. Quitting school to play games, what are you thinking?”

Xiang Nuan argued: “It’s just taking a leave from school, not quitting school. I can come back to school later.”

“You’re still thinking about that? Do you really want a spanking?” As she was talking, Ren Danyan raised her arm as if to strike her.

Lin Chuyan hurriedly stopped Ren Danyan: “Auntie, don’t be angry. Please let me tell you……”

“Tell me what?”

“You may not know about it.” Lin Chuyan explained: “Nowadays, there are probably over 200 million people playing this game. But only about 200 of them could play professionally. You can calculate the probability of that.”

Ren Danyan took his words seriously and actually calculated in her head. Afterwards, she raised her eyebrows: “One in a million?”

“Auntie, how can you do math so fast?”

“That’s for sure. I was also a star student when I was young.”

“You’re still a star student now. Xiang Nuan wouldn’t be able to calculate that by herself, she has to use a calculator.”

“She's a fool.”

Xiang Nuan: = =

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Nice chapter. Thanks to the Translator!!!

  2. Xiang Nuan wouldn’t be able to calculate that by herself, she has to use a calculator.”
    I thought her mum would say "All the more reason she needs to continue with school."
