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Thursday, November 17, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 56 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 56 Part 3

Ruan Yu sobbed for a while longer, until her tears gradually dried up. She watched policemen spread out into two groups, one group to check on Wei Jin and the other came to check in on their condition.

The BMW seemed to have some problem and the airbags had only deployed halfway. Wei Jin was carried out of the car. It looked like he had passed out.

On their side, they were doing fine except for Ruan Yu’s legs feeling like jelly. Xu Huaisong held her in his arms as he answered the police’s questions.

The area around them was a mess.

Ruan Yu leaned against Xu Huaisong and colors gradually returned to her face under beams of the three o’clock sun. But she was still a little dazed. She looked blankly at the arrival of two ambulances. One went to fetch Wei Jin who was strapped to the gurney and carried onto the ambulance and the other one drove a little further to pick up the hostage and the truck driver.

After a while, the traffic police and the insurance agent also arrived to take care of the collision scene and to assess the damage.

Xu Huaisong was busy responding to all of them but he didn’t let go of Ruan Yu even for a moment. After the tow truck came to take his car away, he could finally look down and asked Ruan Yu: “Are you doing better now?”

Before Ruan Yu could answer, a policeman they didn’t know came up and shook hands with Xu Huaisong: “Comrade, thank you very much for what you did to contribute to the arrest of the suspect. We just found a yacht under the bridge and we suspect that it’s manned by an accomplice of the suspect. If you didn’t hit his bumper in time to cut off the possibility of him escaping to the sea, it would have been a much more complicated pursuit.”

Xu Huaisong shook his hand and said flatly: “You’re welcome.”

The policeman took a look at Ruan Yu who was obviously shaken up and apologetically said: “Please ride in our police car back. Let’s go to the hospital first to have a check up.”

The two of them went to the hospital to do a complete check up. They waited for the reports to come out to make sure they were both fine. They also heard that Wei Jin had woken up. Since he had a minor concussion, the police couldn’t interrogate him at the moment but he was being closely guarded.

The flight to the US had already taken off a few hours ago. They couldn’t go to the US for now.

Xu Huaisong got a taxi to take Ruan Yu home. When they were back home and closed the door, he finally felt like breathing a sigh of relief but his cell phone started ringing.

It was a call from Tao Rong. Once the call connected, she hurriedly asked: “Huaisong, Mom saw the news about what happened on that bridge! Was that you? Are you two alright?”

Xu Huaisong kept answering her questions. Tao Rong on the other end seemed terrified and kept repeating “then that’s good, that’s good.”

Before Xu Huaisong finished talking with his mother, Ruan Yu’s cell phone also started ringing. It was also a call from her family.

They each tried to comfort their families. After ending their respective calls, Ruan Yu dubiously asked: “What’s going on, it’s even on the news now?”

“Don’t know.” Xu Huaisong glanced at the kitchen: “What can we eat?”

“Let’s do instant noodles. I’ll go do it.”

She was about to walk away to the kitchen when Xu Huaisong stopped her: “Let me do it. You get some rest.”

Ruan Yu sat down on the couch and took out her cell phone to check the news on Weibo.

The first thing she saw was a hot topic video– –Real Hollywood scenes on the bay bridge, 20 km long hot pursuit, thumbs up for the hero!

TV news channels would obviously lean more towards the police side and that’s what Weibo would promote.

Ruan Yu first gave a thumbs up for the hero, then began to play the video.

The video was from surveillance footage, showing the section where Xu Huaisong had chased after the BMW this afternoon. In the background, there was a male voice commenting about every move Xu Huaisong made until the last moment when they collided.

The voice said: “As the safety hammer’s about to hit them, the driver of the Cayenne turned abruptly to protect the person on the passenger side. That’s a pretty risky move. It was pure luck that he managed to avoid it……”

The hand she was using to hold the cell phone suddenly froze.

The male voice continued: “Nevertheless, the driver quickly reacted after the sudden turn and bumped into the rear bumper of the car in front to prevent his own car from turning over……”

Ruan Yu sat on the couch dumbfounded and no longer heard what the commentator was saying.

She looked up with teary eyes at the man who was opening the packages of instant noodles in the kitchen.

This man, who had made up a lot of lies before, had once again fooled her.

Ruan Yu realized now that under the circumstances at the time, how could he have known with certainty that he would avoid being hit by the hammer?

He didn’t know it.

He didn’t know it at all.

Translated by Team DHH at

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