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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 56 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 56 Part 2

Since the police car was closing up from behind, Xu Huaisong didn’t risk bumping into Wei Jin’s rear bumper but instead followed closely behind.

One minute later, the police caught up with them and turned on the turn signal.

Ruan Yu took a look in the rear view mirror: “Is it preparing to hit the car from both sides?”

Xu Huaisong was about to nod but something flashed right in front of his eyes. He saw a safety hammer being thrown out of the skyroof of the BMW.

The direction of the flying safety hammer was right at the windshield in front of Ruan Yu.

Ruan Yu was so frightened that she even forgot to scream. Her eyes widened while her brain went blank.

The next moment, the safety hammer changed direction, missing the windshield.

Their car suddenly bolted out in a skew angle and bumped into Wei Jin’s rear bumper with a loud bang.

The airbags deployed. Both cars stopped moving after the collision.

Ruan Yu looked up amidst the white smoke. For a short moment, the world was still and she couldn’t hear anything.

Soon, the stillness was broken by the sirens of the police cars and the question from Xu Huaisong.

He quickly released his seat belt and leaned over to look at her: “Are you hurt?”

Ruan Yu was in a daze: “No……” After a short while, she began to sense what had happened and hurriedly touched his shoulder: “You, anything wrong with you?”

Xu Huaisong shook his head and opened the door to get out of the car. He walked over to Ruan Yu’s side and opened the door to help her get out.

Ruan Yu’s legs felt like jelly and she could only stand with help from Xu Huaisong. Then, she belatedly remembered what had just happened and asked: “Where’s that safety hammer? It just……”

She stopped halfway through her sentence and stood dumbfounded.

Earlier, Wei Jin probably went crazy from the pressure of being tailed so closely and threw a safety hammer from the sunroof trying to force Xu Huaisong to stop his car.

Both cars were driving at high speeds and the safety hammer very likely would have gone through the windshield, harming her.

Facing imminent peril, Xu Huaisong abruptly turned the steering wheel, changing the car’s direction.

Then, where did the safety hammer eventually hit?

Seeing that Xu Huaisong was alright, Ruan Yu then took a look at his Cayenne.

There was a notable dent on the A pillar of the car. The dent had been obviously caused by the safety hammer when it hit the car.

The location of the dent was very close to the part of the windshield right in front of Xu Huaisong. If the car wasn’t going fast enough or the direction of the car was slightly different, the safety hammer might have gone through the windshield and hit him.

The safety hammer was originally flying towards her.

Ruan Yu had difficulty breathing the moment she figured out the sequence of the events.

Compared to the nervousness she experienced earlier, she was more frightened now after thinking about what might have happened.

With any small miss, she might have lost him.

It became difficult to support herself and the bottom of her throat felt like it was on fire.

Xu Huaisong held her up securely: “What’s wrong, where does it hurt?”

Cold sweat dripped down Ruan Yu’s back. She held tightly to Xu Huaisong’s waist and looked up with tears on her face: “Xu Huaisong, you tried to kill yourself……”

Xu Huaisong glanced at the dent on the Cayenne and looked back, using his thumb to wipe tears away from Ruan Yu’s face. He said with a laugh: “Who said so? I calculated the correct angle to turn the wheel.”

Ruan Yu wiped her tears while still sobbing. She cried out: “Where do you have the magic power to calculate the correct angle!”

Xu Huaisong smiled frustratedly: “I really did calculate it. If it wasn’t for the fact that I knew the hammer wouldn’t hit me, how could I have the room to spare and hit Wei Jin to make him stop?”

Stunned, Ruan Yu thought what he said seemed to make some sense.

Translated by Team DHH at

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