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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 53 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 53 Part 2

Before they reached the gate, they could already hear high-pitched outbursts: “I’m here today to catch you. Don’t be a hypocrite visiting my daughter’s grave every year! Now look at your son and that bastard, who knows what they’re up to again!”

“Ms. Wang, Huaisong isn’t in Su City. There must be some misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding? Old Qian at the market said your son has come back and is going to do exactly the same thing as his father to help a killer get free! I want to see who your family is going to wreck again!”

Ruan Yu couldn’t catch up to Xu Huaisong, but kept running behind him, panting the entire time. She saw from afar that a fiftyish woman was shouting at Tao Rong and Grandma Xu outside the gate. The woman was very agitated and even stepped forward to shove Tao Rong.

Tao Rong lost her balance and the shopping bags in her hands flew out. She staggered backwards, almost bumping into Grandma Xu.

Fortunately, the guard moved forward in time to prevent Grandma Xu from falling onto the ground. The guard also managed to keep the two sides separated.

Xu Huaisong arrived to let his mother and grandma stand behind him: “Ms. Wang, please watch out what you say and do.”

Wang Qin saw him then turned to demand Tao Rong: “Isn’t this your good son? And you said he wasn’t in Su City?”

Tao Rong truly didn’t know that Xu Huaisong was in Su City. She was stunned and moved forward to say: “Huaisong, go back, don’t……” Then she kept bowing and apologizing to Wang Qin: “Ms. Wang, I’m so very sorry, I……”

“Mom, what are you doing?” Xu Huaisong frowned and pulled his mother back behind him. Ruan Yu happened to arrive just then, out of breath. He gave her a look.

Ruan Yu understood what he meant. She bent over to pick up the shopping bags on the ground and pulled Tao Rong and Grandma Xu to walk inside the community: “Auntie, Grandma, let’s go home first.”

Tao Rong stopped after walking away a few steps. She looked back: “She’ll take it out on Huaisong……”

Ruan Yu looked over and saw Xu Huaisong was negotiating with Wang Qin. She patted Tao Rong’s back to comfort her: “He’ll take good care of it. Don’t you worry.”

After much persuading, Ruan Yu finally brought Tao Rong and Grandma Xu home.

Xu Huaishi looked through the peephole and opened the door with a sad face: “Mom, Grandma, you’re finally home. I’m scared to death!” She then looked at Ruan Yu: “Jiejie, why are you and my brother in Su City?”

“I’ll tell you later.” Ruan Yu closed the door and helped Grandma inside: “Grandma, are you hurt anywhere?”

Grandma shook her head and said: “No.” Then, she finally recovered from the sudden commotion and asked: “Hum, who’s this young lady?”

This was the first time Ruan Yu had met Grandma but Xu Huaisong wasn’t here. Ruan Yu felt awkward and hesitated: “Grandma, I’m……”

Tao Rong, who was absent minded on their way home, finally regained her composure and helped Ruan Yu: “Mom, this is Huaisong’s girlfriend, I told you before.”

Grandma patted the back of Ruan Yu’s hand: “This is the first time you're here and we make so much trouble for you.”

Ruan Yu: “Hehe, it’s nothing, Grandma.” She wiped sweat off her forehead where her bangs were sticking to it from all the running.

Seeing Ruan Yu was a little uneasy, Xu Huaishi helped to make her feel more comfortable: “Jiejie, sit down here. Where’s my brother?”

Ruan Yu helped Grandma to the couch while explaining: “He’s taking care of something at the gate.”

Tao Rong poured a glass of water for her from the kitchen and brought a towel for her to wipe away sweat.

Xu Huaisong didn’t come back for quite a while. The four people in the living room were all worried and the atmosphere in the living room grew somewhat grave.

After a while, Tao Rong doubtfully asked Ruan Yu: “When did you and Huaisong get here, are you two here for business?”

Ruan Yu nodded: “We came here yesterday.”

Grandma tilted her head and asked: “Then last night you stayed in a hotel, why not come and stay at home?”

Tao Rong tugged Grandma’s sleeve: “Mom, Huaisong hasn’t stayed at home for so long, he’s used to staying in a hotel.”

Ruan Yu figured that Tao Rong was probably saddened that her son wasn’t close to her anymore. She hurriedly took the blame: “It’s not that, not that. He did suggest we come here to spend the night. It’s me. I was afraid of causing trouble for you……”

Translated by Team DHH at

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