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Thursday, October 6, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 53 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 53 Part 1

It was close to noon when Chen Hui came to pick up Ruan Yu and Xu Huaisong the next day. Since Zhang Jie wasn’t quite finished with her interviews, they decided to have lunch first.

When Ruan Yu and Xu Huaisong got into the car, Chen Hui turned his head to jokingly ask: “We’re already at Su City, Song Ge doesn’t plan to go back home for a visit? Last time I took your mom home, I had dinner at your place. Your grandma's cooking was outstanding. I even got to take a piece of Dongpo pork[1] home!”

After the old house was demolished, Xu Huaisong’s grandma moved in with Tao Rong and Xu Huaishi in the city. Chen Hui thought that would be a good place to have lunch.

Xu Huaisong smiled and turned his head to look at Ruan Yu: “You better ask her whether she wants to go there.”

Ruan Yu was taken by surprise by his sudden mention of her.

The way he looked at her seemed to imply that it was because she wasn’t willing to go home with him that Chen Hui was losing his chance at having Dongpo pork again.

Ruan Yu looked back innocently. Xu Huaisong blinked: “So we’re going?”

Ruan Yu hesitated.

For her first visit to his family, she thought it should be conducted more formally. However, she wasn’t prepared at all this time. Furthermore, she was still wearing the wrinkled t-shirt which she wore to sleep last night because she didn’t bring a change of clothes.

It didn’t feel proper to shop for new clothes and gifts on the spur of the moment now. Besides, it didn’t seem right to go visit with Chen Hui tagging along either.

Ruan Yu was mulling over and frowned slightly. As she was about to open her mouth, she heard Xu Huaisong say: “Start driving. Let’s just find a place to eat.”

Ruan Yu pinched his sleeve and said in a low voice: “It’s not that I don’t want to go visit with you. I’ll have to get prepared next time……”

Xu Huaisong nodded and rubbed her hair: “I’ll nap for a while.” He then leaned back and closed his eyes.

“Isn’t it tiring to sit like this?” Ruan Yu raised her hand and pushed his head onto her shoulder: “Come.”

Xu Huaisong smiled and laid his head on her shoulder. He didn’t tell her that this was even more tiring for him because of the difference in height.

The three of them found a random restaurant along the road. After eating, they got back in the car and prepared to go pick up Zhang Jie. Xu Huaisong received a phone call.

It was from Xu Huaishi: “Ge, I just came back from cram school and saw a woman who looked somewhat familiar at the gate. She kept asking the guard which building the Xu family lives. She kept saying ‘that bastard, that bastard,’ looking especially agitated. Do you think this is……”

Xu Huaisong sat up straight immediately and asked in a serious voice: “Did she see you?”

“No. As I passed by, she was focused on the guard. She shouldn’t have seen me.”

“Where’s mom and grandma?”

“They’ve gone to the market, not home yet.”

Xu Huaisong was silent for a moment before saying: “You go back home and lock the door. Don’t open the door unless it’s mom and grandma.”

Xu Huaishi seemed to have started trotting on the other end of the phone: “Ge, don’t frighten me. Is it that family coming to make trouble for us again? Haven’t they stopped for many years, why all of a sudden……”

Xu Huaisong pinched in between his eyebrows: “I’m not sure what happened now. You go home first, I’ll be over in no time.” After hanging up the phone, he told Chen Hui to drive to his home.

Ruan Yu didn’t clearly hear what Xu Huaishi had said on the phone and asked with furrowed eyebrows: “What has happened?”

“Someone probably has informed the victim’s family that we had met Jiang Yi at the market yesterday.”

Chen Hui realized the seriousness of the situation and stepped on the gas pedal, rushing to Xu Huaisong’s home. As they were getting near to the community, they were caught in traffic on the main street. 

It was only three or four hundred meters away from the main gate of the community. Xu Huaisong opened the door and said: “I’ll just run over.”

Ruan Yu hesitated, then jumped out of the car as well. She jogged behind him.

[1]: Dongpo pork (东坡肉, dōngpōròu) is a Hangzhou dish of braised pork belly.

Translated by Team DHH at

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