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Thursday, June 16, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 43 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 43 Part 1

After dinner, Xu Huaisong called Liu Mao to confirm that the people working Zhou Jun’s case were still at the office. With an affirmative answer from Liu Mao, he drove over to the office.

Liu Mao, after speaking with Xu Huaisong, turned to announce the news to everyone in the open office. Those who were stretching and getting ready to get off work all paused in the middle of their movements, as if they were being choked by fate.

One of them took the lead by switching the table lamp back on again after he had just turned it off and said: “I just remembered that I haven’t sent out a document yet. You guys can go ahead.”

Right afterwards, another one who had just flipped his laptop closed also patted his head and said: “Hum, my bad, I still have a report to do.” and sat back down as he spoke.

In a twinkling of an eye, everyone in the open office sat down like grass bending over from a puff of wind.

One minute later, the open office was back to the same orderly manner it was in half an hour ago. There was only the sound of clicking keyboards and the flipping pages of books at a more enthusiastic rate than earlier.

Liu Mao, who was standing at the front door with his briefcase in hand, sighed and went back to his own office as well.

The young ladies at the front desk became busy at the same time.

“What do you think Lawyer Xu likes to drink?”


“Espresso? American? Latte? Mocha?”

“We’ll just get all of them ready. Why are you so excited?”

“Aya, you probably weren’t at the office last time when Lawyer Xu was here? If you had seen him in person, you wouldn't be as casual as you are now!” 

Half an hour later, Lawyer Xu came in person.

The two ladies were about to show their perfect smiles to welcome him, however, their smiles frozen half way.

Their Lawyer Xu was holding the hand of a woman as they briskly walked towards the front door of the building.

The woman who was next to him didn’t watch where she was going at all. She was looking at him, talking to him along the way. When they were about to go up the steps, he tightened his grip and tugged on her to say: “Watch out, the steps.”

The woman twitched her mouth and pulled her hand from his grip. She mumbled, rather unreasonably: “I have to watch out…… is my hand being held for nothing?”

The two front desk ladies then saw their Lawyer Xu grab the woman’s hand again and said with a laugh: “Then, I’ll watch out.”

Their half smiles also disappeared. They had to work to get their normal expression back on their faces. When Xu Huaisong and Ruan Yu passed by the front desk, they said in unison: “Good evening, Lawyer Xu!”

Xu Huaisong stopped and told them: “Get someone to get the night snacks from my car and give it out to everyone.”

The two ladies hurriedly replied: “Yes.” Their expression saddened after Xu Huaisong left the lobby: “The furthest distance in the world, is when you crush on someone from just one glance, and then fall out of love in the next glance……”

“I’m the one who’s preparing all the espresso, American, latte, and mocha for him, but he brought me heavyweight PDA……”

The two of them hugged together and groaned.

Ruan Yu who had just gone up the stairs to the second floor faintly heard a strange noise from the lobby. She looked back at the direction of the lobby and asked: “What happened to them?”

Xu Huaisong thought about it, then smiled mysteriously: “They’re probably very happy that there’s night snacks.”

They went up to the second floor and stood outside the open office to take a look. 

Immediately people began standing up to greet Xu Huaisong: “Lawyer Xu.”

Xu Huaisong nodded to them, then turned to explain to Ruan Yu: “This is the open office space. The conference room is upstairs.”

Ruan Yu also nodded to the people who turned to look at her. She then pulled on Xu Huaisong’s sleeve to signal to him to leave quickly.

Xu Huaisong looked down at her hand, smiled, and turned to go up the stairs. He asked her on the way: “Should I find you a room to rest or you want to go up with me to the conference room?”

“Conference room.”

Xu Huaisong nodded.

Translated by Team DHH at

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