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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 42 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 42 Part 3

Xu Huaisong drove back to Ruan Yu’s apartment. After eating some food, he was ready to go back to bed to get some sleep. But before he fell asleep, he checked the progress of Li Shican’s public relations team.

After the hotel surveillance video was released and the agency issued the warning “all related matters will be handled by lawyers,” the direction of public opinion changed. Most discussions about the matter had turned against the immoral paparazzi.

Li Shican had kept quiet until the sympathy towards him on social media had boiled over, then he posted a statement on Weibo, saying: [I only wish for the microphone that I hold in my hand to be used so that I can sing for you all, not in a fight for my family and friends.]

The agency was playing bad cop and Li Shican was responsible for arousing public sentiment. His public relations team worked hard to clarify the misleading timeline and angle of the photos. Furthermore, Li Shican’s declaration of “family and friends'' also successfully shifted the focus of the relationship between the two people in the pictures.

It was a perfect execution of public relations work.

Most people with a conscience wouldn't dig up Xu Huaishi’s identity anymore. Whoever did, would probably have to face the fury of Li Shican’s fans.

As long as nothing happened on the high school side, this episode could be considered over and done.

Xu Huaisong put down his cell phone and went to sleep.

Ruan Yu stayed on the couch in the living room to read the movie script that the screenwriters from Global Filming had sent on her tablet until it began to grow dark. She stretched and got up, put the tablet on the table, and was ready to go make dinner.

She noticed that Xu Huaisong’s laptop had been left on the table and he hadn’t logged off.

She picked up the mouse and began to navigate to the menu where she could log out. She figured that he might have unsaved documents and entered in his password to make sure.

What she saw afterwards was a screen full of psychological research papers.

Ruan Yu was caught off guard at first. She carefully read a few lines of the description of symptoms. She then realized what all the research papers were for.

The bedroom door opened and Xu Huaisong walked into the room, having woken up.

Their eyes met. Ruan Yu’s first reaction was to feel nervous. She was worried that Xu Huaisong would mistakenly think she was checking his computer. But when she saw the frustrated expression on Xu Huaisong’s face, she realized that he wasn’t even thinking in that direction.

He was upset that he had forgotten to close the windows and she had discovered them.

Touched, Ruan Yu approached him. She reached over, circling her arms around his waist, and buried her face in his chest for a while before saying: “Xu Huaisong, you’re so nice.”

Xu Huaisong laughed in a low voice: “I’m hungry.”

Ruan Yu released her hands: “I’ll go make dinner.”

“Don’t bother. Let’s go out to eat. Afterwards, I’ll take you home and then I’ll head to the office to discuss Zhou Jun’s case with them. I’ll probably go back to the hotel after that since it’s closer to the office. You’ll have to sleep by yourself tonight; if you can’t fall asleep, we can voice chat.”

Ruan Yu nodded and said: “En.”

Xu Huaisong lowered his head to check Ruan Yu’s expression and asked: “You want to go with me?”

“Not exactly.” Ruan Yu looked up at him with a smile: “I just wanted to ask whether your office still needs a worker who can serve tea or water? You know, the kind who’s always available, makes no noise, looks cute, and could possibly spark the inspiration they need to  solve the case.”

Xu Huaisong quietly said: “Gee, it’s the police’s job to solve the case, not the lawyers.”


Ruan Yu turned to walk away: “Never mind, then.”

Xu Huaisong dragged her arm: “However, some proper stimulation may improve brain function. For that, lawyers also need it.”

Ruan Yu turned her head back: “What stimulation?”

Xu Huaisong smiled: “Our law firm…… has many single men.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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