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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 34 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 34 Part 3

Ruan Yu asked immediately after picking up the call from Xu Huaisong: “How’s your father now?”

“He’s still in the emergency room.” Xu Huaisong turned the conversation around to comfort her: “He’ll be alright.”

Ruan Yu replied in a low voice: “En. You focus on driving, don’t call while driving.”

“I heard from Chen Hui that you and Huaishi are staying at my place now?”

“Right. The two of us put together are over 40 years of age, there’s nothing you need to worry about.”

Xu Huaisong laughed, a little frustrated: “I’m afraid you’ll be bored, so I’m calling to tell you that the password to my computer is also your birthday. In addition, anything in the room is at your disposal.”

Ruan Yu hung up the phone and finally had something to do. With his permission, she moved his computer to the living room but paused a moment before typing in the password.

Xu Huaisong had set the password for both his cell phone and computer to her birthday, then, could the password to his bank account also have any special meaning, could it be also related to her?


Out of a narcissism complex, Ruan Yu started to match the numbers to herself.

30 – –Can’t figure it out.

90 – –No idea.

17– –She rather likes this number because it was her student number back in high school.

When she recalled that, she was dumbfounded in front of the computer.

She was number 17 in classroom 309.

Could it be that was the meaning of these numbers?

Yet she had never revealed any actual personal information in her novel. Then, how did he find out about it?

Ruan Yu couldn’t figure it out, but she didn’t feel it was right to bother Xu Huaisong with a question like this at such a critical moment. She had to hold back her curiosity for the time being.

When it was close to dinner time, Xu Huaishi was still too lazy to go out, besides she still had a lot of practice sheets to do. Ruan Yu therefore called for some grocery delivery and started to cook dinner for her.

The aroma of the food began to distract Xu Huaishi. She put down her homework and ran over to the kitchenette. She watched Ruan Yu pan frying salmon and excitedly said: “Wa, wa. My brother must have eight lives of bad luck so he can pick up such a treasure like you in this life!”

Raun Yu was busy frying the fish and just smiled without denying it.

The sunlight that came in from the window shone on her face, making her smile even more gentle.

Xu Huaishi couldn’t resist: “The side view of your face is so beautiful. Could I shoot a short video to send to my friends’ circle?”

Ruan Yu smiled and was quite easy going: “Yeah, sure.”

Xu Huaishi shot a video of the side view of Ruan Yu’s face and put the caption to show her friends: [Those of you who cast greedy eyes at my brother’s good look, the Maggie Cheungs, Gao Yuanyuans, and Joey Wangs of First High School. All of you, take a good look at this. This is the one who’s qualified to be my future sister-in-law. Goodbye, all of you!]

After showing off her future sister-in-law, Xu Huaishi happily leaned onto the windowsill, waiting to see the praise from all her girl friends. When she looked down through the window, she was surprised by her discovery: “Ya, Jiejie, come quick, look!”

Ruan Yu had just put the fish onto a plate and walked over to the window to take a look. She found the gardener of the hotel watering the trees with a high pressure water gun. Sunlight was striking the water mist and she saw a rainbow.

It was as if the rainbow was foretelling some good news.

Ruan Yu hurriedly went to get her cell phone and took a photo of the rainbow. As she was about to send the photo to Xu Huaisong, she stopped herself out of fear of interfering with his driving. She waited until 2:30 in the afternoon, when she was certain that his airplane had taken off, then sent the photo with a message: [To you.]

Since Xu Huaisong would be in the air for a dozen hours, Ruan Yu didn’t bother to check her cell phone anymore until she laid down on the bed with Xu Huaishi that night.

Ruan Yu didn’t feel comfortable leaving Xu Huaishi at the hotel all by herself so she stayed to keep her company. She asked the cleaning crew to change the bed sheet and bring over two blankets.

Xu Huaishi was happy to get close to Ruan Yu, she even wished that she could be sleeping with Ruan Yu under the same blanket. She excitedly chatted with Ruan Yu, sharing all the gossip from school.

Ruan Yu had received a message from Li Shican, asking her to go out for lunch tomorrow. She planned to prepare some lunch for Xu Huaishi tomorrow morning before going out. But since Xu Huaishi wouldn’t stop talking, she felt that she would probably sleep all the way till noon the next day.

At 1am, Ruan Yu yawned: “It’s enough, it’s enough, let’s talk tomorrow. Go to sleep.”

Xu Huaishi was still wide awake and said: “Jiejie, you go to sleep. I’ll check Weibo for a little while longer.”

Ruan Yu replied with an en, turned over, and just as she was about to doze off, she heard Xu Huaishi gasping for air next to her.

Ruan Yu was startled and turned her head to ask: “What’s wrong?”

Xu Huaishi said while holding her cell phone: “I saw a wanted notice on Weibo. Whoa, Hang City is such a dangerous place. There’s a murderer on the loose here. Fortunately we didn’t go out today.”

Ruan Yu wasn’t bothered by the news too much since news about any crime in the information age would be all over the internet. She yawned and said: “Hang City is a pretty safe city.”  she fell asleep right after saying so.

She, therefore, didn’t hear Xu Huaishi murmuring afterwards: “Gee…… why do I feel the head-shot of this suspect looks kind of familiar?”

Translated by Team DHH at

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