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Thursday, March 10, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 34 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 34 Part 2

Ruan Yu and Tao Rong chatted a little while longer before Ruan Yu’s cell phone started to ring.

It was a call from Liu Mao asking whether she was still at the hotel.

“I am.”

“Then you just wait there. Xiao Chen should be there pretty soon. Huaisong asked him to take you home.”

Ruan Yu was speechless: “Why bother Xiao Chen during the holiday? I can go home by myself, you can ask……” She suddenly paused and took a look at Tao Rong. She moved the cell phone away from her and asked: “Auntie, how did you get here?”

“We took the high speed train.”

“Then how about the way back?”

“Oh, right.” Tao Rong turned to tell Xu Huaishi: “Huaishi, go quickly check whether we can change the return tickets to an earlier time.”

Without checking, Ruan Yu knew it must be impossible to change the tickets now since it was the holiday, unless they were willing to stand all the way back to Su City.

Ruan Yu moved the phone closer again: “I really have to ask a favor from Xiao Chen now. Could you ask him to come over?”

Chen Hui arrived at the hotel in a short while. Ruan Yu made the arrangements with him and kept thanking him. Then, she went downstairs with Tao Rong, who insisted on not staying for dinner, and Xu Huaishi to see them off.

On the way down, Xu Huaishi seemed to want to say something but stopped herself until they were next to the car. She pulled on Tao Rong’s arm: “Mom…… I’m here already, can’t I stay a couple more days?”

“I’m uncomfortable leaving you here in Hang City all by yourself. Go back with me, we’ll come again when your brother’s back.”

Xu Huaishi followed her mother into the car with pouting lips. Half way into the car, she looked back at Ruan Yu with a pitiful look on her face.

Ruan Yu, understanding Xu Huaishi’s call for help, paused for a moment then stepped forward: “Auntie, if Huaishi would like to stay at Hang City for a couple of days, I’ll take care of her.”

Xu Huaishi didn’t know about the condition of her father and therefore wasn’t preoccupied with the bad news like her mother. She would be glad to stay for a couple days more.

But when Ruan Yu asked her where she would like to visit, she shook her head and said: “It’s too hot and crowded everywhere during the holiday. Actually, I just want to chat with you. We can go back up or go to your place.”

Ruan Yu didn’t expect her to be a homebody.

Ruan Yu gave it some thought. Then she first called her parents to let them know that she wouldn’t be going home today. Then she asked Xu Huaishi: “Do you want to stay here at your brother’s place or go to my place?”

“How far is your place from here?”

“About half an hour drive if there’s no traffic.”

“There's traffic now for sure! Nevermind, I’m sick of sitting in a car.”

The two of them went back to the room upstairs.

Xu Huaishi put down the backpack on her shoulders, took out a stack of practice sheets, and bitterly said: “Jiejie, you don’t have to take care of me. I have homework to do. You just go ahead with your own things.”

Ruan Yu couldn’t help chuckling.

Xu Huaishi probably had also mistakenly thought that she was living with Xu Huaisong and didn’t realize that she actually didn’t have anything to do here.

What could she do? Ruan Yu thought about it, then remembered the orange cat. She opened the door to the bedroom to check and found the cat nestled inside.

She carried the cat out of the bedroom. Xu Huaishi was surprised to see the cat: “Wow, my brother really has changed. He used to be super annoyed at taking care of cat hair or dog hair!”

Ruan Yu was surprised.

Didn’t Xu Huaisong like cats a lot back in high school?

Xu Huaishi excitedly ran over to play with the cat while asking: “What’s its name?”

“It only has an English name now. Do you want to give it a Chinese name, to be more like the natives?”

“Then, you give it a name. I heard from my brother that you’re a writer, you’re much more cultured.”

Ruan Yu thought how much more cultured did one have to be to name a cat?

Ruan Yu had an idea right away: “Let’s call it Pipi which rhymes with Tiffany. En…… Xu Pipi?”

“Good, good, goes with my last name!”

Ruan Yu chuckled and didn’t say “it’s going with your brother’s last name.” The next second, she received a phone call from Xu Huaisong.

Translated by Team DHH at

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