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Thursday, February 17, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 32 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 32 Part 2

Ruan Yu got out of bed and sent a reply to Global Filming thanking them for the invitation and to notify them that she’ll be attending the meeting next Tuesday. When she laid back down on bed, she received a WeChat message from Xu Huaisong.

He said: [Then the fox just has to chase the rabbit harder.]

Ruan Yu looked at the screen and the smile on her face became wider and wider.

On Tuesday, Ruan Yu arrived at Global Filming on time.

The meeting was scheduled quite early in the morning, Ruan Yu didn’t ask Xu Huaisong to rise early to drive her there. She took the bus which had a stop right near Global Filming.

Global Filming occupied one single building in the most expensive section of the city.

Ruan Yu identified herself at the front desk on the first floor and immediately was greeted by someone who looked like a secretary. The secretary briefly introduced to Ruan Yu the departments on each of the floors and then led her to go to the conference room on the 7th floor.

Most of the participants of the meeting had already arrived. There were table cards with black characters on a red background placed on the table. The host was the investor and the producer was next to him, followed by all the screenwriters and editors.

Ruan Yu’s table card was placed towards the back and the title was “script consultant.”

After Ruan Yu sent her reply email out, the producer Zheng Shan happily arranged the title for her.

It was rather quiet in the room, where only occasional muttered voices could be heard. Ruan Yu sat down at her seat, trying not to stir any attention from the others.

Not long afterwards, the others also arrived at the room one after another. The last one to enter the room was the producer and almost half of the people in the room stood up.

Zheng Shan looked rather easy going. She gestured and said: “Please sit, everyone. Apologies, Mr. Wei got held up by something else. We’ll go ahead with the meeting.”

Mr. Wei was the investor of the movie and also a director on the board of directors of Global Filming.

All the participants expressed their understanding of Mr. Wei’s absence.

Ruan Yu was the last one to join the group and remained quiet. Zheng Shan seemed to notice Ruan Yu’s uneasiness and introduced her to everyone in the beginning of the meeting: “This is the original author, Wenxiang. From now on, she’ll join our screenwriters group as our script consultant.”

Ruan Yu stood up to nod at everyone as a greeting. Some exclaimed “so young,” but soon the room became quiet again.

Zheng Shan jokingly said: “You’re all too quiet! Our writers are all quite young with an average age of less than 30. Do you all look like young people?” She gestured to her secretary to play a powerpoint as she continued: “Since you’re all so quiet, let me show you something first.”

The projector showed a high definition stage photo on the screen.

Ruan Yu looked up and was a little surprised.

The person in the photo was sitting in front of a grand piano, wearing a white shirt and a pair of thin rimmed glasses while playing the piano with his head looking downwards.

Before Ruan Yu realized who this person was, Zheng Shan asked first: “You might not recognize him since he looks quite different now. This is Li Shican before he became an actor. This was in his freshman year when he performed on campus. Have you all figured out who he looks like?”

“Aiyo.” Finally, someone broke the silence: “Isn’t this our male lead in the story!”

Ruan Yu was shocked.

Zheng Shan laughed: “Look at this, only a young, handsome man can attract your attention.”

Someone else asked: “Producer Zheng, have we decided on Li Shican to play the male lead?”

“Hush.” Zheng Shan gestured: “It has basically been finalized, but let’s just keep it internally for now. Alright, let’s begin our meeting.” 

Ruan Yu’s cell phone vibrated as Zheng Shan finished talking, it was a message from Xu Huaisong.

Ruan Yu couldn’t check it at the moment and put her cell phone into her pocket. Her mind wandered off as she held the meeting program in hand.

My goodness, Li Shican was going to be the male lead.

Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. Li Sichan playing the role of the first love of his first love 🥹
