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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 32 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 32 Part 3

It was twelve noon when the meeting was done. Zheng Shan seemed quite busy. She left the room in a hurry for another appointment without seeing everyone off but had asked her secretary to arrange lunch and a place to take a break.

Ruan Yu however didn’t think she would need such arrangements because she had received a message from Xu Huaisong more than an hour ago on her cell phone: [I’m here near Global Filming. Let me know when the meeting’s over.]

Ruan Yu thanked the secretary and sent a message to Xu Huaisong before taking the elevator to go down. As she was about to get out of the elevator, she overheard two of the writers from the meeting, standing right in front of her, discussing the male lead selection in a hushed voice.

One of the two said: “A star with a huge fan base is a good thing, but didn’t Li Shican get embroiled in some suicide scandal not too long ago? I’ve heard from my friend in the business that the incident has caused quite some problems for him. His company isn’t happy that he made the public statement without their consent first and will probably cut down his engagements and endorsements……”

“You don’t understand, that is called……”

Ruan Yu didn’t get to hear the rest of the conversation.

She frowned and took out her cell phone to check Li Shican’s Weibo. Except for the fact that there hadn’t been any new posts recently, there didn’t seem to be anything unusual. The last message they exchanged was the one he left for her saying “All resolved, not that many bad consequences.”

Xu Huaisong happened to send his reply at this time: [Come to the front.]

There was no parking space in front of the Global Filming building, Ruan Yu had to walk out of the building in a hurry.

After she fastened the seatbelt, Xu Huaisong stepped on the gas pedal as he spoke: “This meeting lasted much longer than the meetings that I usually have.”

Ruan Yu was still thinking about the male lead and absent mindedly said: “En. I heard script  writing meetings will usually last at least 10 hours. Today was the first meeting and should be the shortest one.”

Xu Huaisong keenly noticed that Ruan Yu’s mind was elsewhere. He turned his head to take a look at her.

Ruan Yu was pondering whether it was a good idea to tell him about the choice of the male lead since it was still just internal information. But if she didn’t tell him, would Xu Huaisong be so angry at it that he would join the entertainment business himself?

Ruan Yu cleared her throat and asked in a roundabout way: “Do you have any opinion about the choice of actors for the male lead?”

Xu Huaisong looked straight to the front while driving the car to a nearby restaurant: “Should I have any opinion about it?”

Ruan Yu: “Hehe, you’ve read my story and I’m just asking what you think about it. Who do you feel would be a good choice for the male and female leads among the actors in our entertainment business?”

Xu Huaisong was silent for a moment: “I don’t know much about them. Can’t think of anyone.”

Ruan Yu thought it looked like he really was thinking of taking the role of the male lead himself?

The corner of her mouth twitched: “They have to choose someone from the entertainment business after all. It’s impractical to get an accountant or a doctor or a lawyer to play the role.”

Her tone of voice sounded to Xu Huaisong that she was having something else in mind. He stepped on the brake to slow down the car and turned to give her a look.

Ruan Yu straightened her back: “Did I say something wrong?’

“No.” Xu Huaisong frowned and tightened his grip on the steering wheel, as if he was pondering something.

Ruan Yu took a peek at him, then continued: “If the production team chooses a male actor whom you dislike to play the male lead……you, as the……as the person who helped save the story from being accused of plagiarism, would you regret encouraging me to sell the IP?”

Xu Huaisong pulled up along the roadside and completely stopped the car. He fixed his eyes on her: “Are you telling me now that Li Shican is going to play the male lead of your story?” 

Translated by Team DHH at

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