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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 17 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 17 Part 3

Liu Mao thought about it then asked Xu Huaisong: “Do you know anything about ‘pseudo-attraction’?”

Xu Huaisong gave him a glance.

“I have a friend who was attracted to a girl not too long after he started college but he didn’t tell anyone. Before graduation, he heard from others that that girl also liked him. The situation is quite similar to yours. But guess what happened later on?”

There was no response. Liu Mao continued: “Afterwards, he began chasing after that girl and eventually they became a couple. But what happened next?” He gestured with two of his fingers: “They broke up after two months. Because in reality, when they were mutually attracted to each other, they didn’t really know each other. After they were together, they found out the relationship wasn’t what they had thought it would be. It turned out that they had been living in their own imagination.”

Xu Huaisong cast his eyes and drank even more.

“My friend told me later on that when he was chasing that girl, he was totally controlled by his own obsession. All he could think of then was that it was too pitiful if he let her slip away. After breaking up, he realized that what he had felt was ‘pseudo-attraction’ created by ‘regret.’ But his realization came too late. A memorable mutual crush and the good impressions of each other were all destroyed by……”

“What do you mean?” Xu Huaisong put down the glass with a thud: “Persuade me to back away so you can avail yourself of the opportunity to get her?”

Liu Mao almost choked: “For heaven’s sake, I……”

Before he could offer his explanation, Xu Huaisong had picked up his suit jacket and strode to walk out.

When Liu Mao came out after paying the bill, Xu Huaisong was nowhere to be found.

Xu Huaisong didn’t have a local phone number yet. Liu Mao could only contact him with a WeChat voice call. The call rang for a while before getting picked up.

Liu Mao asked: “Where are you?”

“On a taxi……”

“Going back to the hotel?”

The voice of Xu Huaisong sounded a little blurry. He stayed quiet for quite some time before saying: “To her home.”

Ruan Yu got up around 2 am. It was probably because she took a nap in the afternoon. She became wide awake after she had gotten into bed.

Since she couldn’t sleep, she started checking her friend circles on her cell phone.

She wasn’t expecting to see any new posts at this hour. But once she refreshed the page, she saw a new post posted not too long ago.

Zhikun Liu Mao: [Accompanied someone to get drunk late into the night. Not much particular feeling, just one character: vertical, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical, left-falling, right-falling, horizontal.][1]

He also posted a picture with a row of vodka bottles, showing only a corner of the table.

There wasn’t anything else.

Ruan Yu followed the stroke sequences as she drew on her bed sheet and came up with the character “困” (sleepy). Ruan Yu thought that Liu Mao seemed to be much more interesting than when she first met him.

She quickly went through her friend circle and didn’t see anything else that was interesting. She went back to check Weibo.

After pondering for a few days, she had made the decision only a few hours ago to not continue writing <Really Want to Whisper in Your Ear>. The chapter she had written about the female lead’s erotic dream had already embarrassed her enough. She couldn’t embarrass herself any further.

Therefore, she had posted her apology and announcement on Weibo.

Ruan Yu clicked open that post and wanted to see how her readers reacted to her statement. She would pick a few of them to respond to. Suddenly she saw the one at the very top.

This particular post seemed to have come from some other blogger who was trying to attract attention to himself and wasn’t really a fan. The id of this person was “Good quotes about love affairs” and he wrote: [Everyone has to look forward anyway. There’s nothing that isn’t going to pass. It’s only that one can never go back to where it was.]

Heavens, how could she have liked this post? When did her hand slip?

She shrugged and had goosebumps all over her arms, then quickly canceled the like.

[1]: He’s listing out different kinds of strokes to spell out a Chinese character.

Translated by Team DHH at

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