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Monday, August 30, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 180 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 180 Part 3

While the audience was surprised by Tong Yao’s swift movements-- --

At bot, Old K coordinated with their bot duo and attacked the enemy’s bot duo three times with another two pincer attacks. OP’s support died and their AD used two of his summoner’s abilities to get away in a flurry but still died on his way back thanks to ZGDX’s top. ZGDX was in the lead in kills, 2 : 0!

As this happened, Tong Yao returned to mid lane. It looked like she was back to the laning phase with Jin Yuguang. But she briskly cast the red card and threw it squarely at the second melee creep of the minion wave, then used Q to quickly take down the entire wave of minions and went up to level 6-- --At this very moment-- --the audience couldn’t even figure out how ZGDX was able to coordinate so quickly-- --when Twisted Fate had the first use of his ultimate and circle of rotating cards showed up at bot, their top also teleported to bot. Together with Old K, who was hiding in the enemy’s jungle, they combined with their own bot duo to kill the enemy’s bot duo once again and also took down the first tower of the game!

The series of movements happened in less than 20 seconds!

It went so fast that even the commentators didn’t have time to clearly tell the audience what was happening!

Commentator D: [Because his other teammates are all nearby, Jin Yuguang has given up on the idea of coming to help…… He should be quite frustrated. This Twisted Fate has been a ghost on the battlefield. The last second she was on top, then she went back to mid, then she’s level 6 and left again……]

Commentator F: [I believe that Jin Yuguang’s also dumbfounded right now…… After all, this round’s laning phase seems to have lasted for only five minutes. Hum, five minutes. To Smiling, mid lane is just a place to farm.]

Commentator E: [Laning phase? There wasn’t one.]  

Commentator D: [Now, Smiling’s working with K to get the first drake-- --Hahahahaha, she’s really busy! ZGDX seems to have two junglers. OP seems quite irritated because the enemy always has another person to help with other lanes, either their jungler or their mid!]

Commentator F: [They go anywhere that’s not mid.]

-- --Indeed, this round’s roaming was exactly the strategy that Tong Yao had figured out while sitting out the last round. After she had witnessed how frustrated Lu Yue was at mid in the last round, she finally realized that Jin Yuguang was very strong and if she kept on thinking about how to defeat OP by defeating him at mid, her overall mapsense would be subconsciously limited. This was a five-person game, in addition to mid there was top and the AD!


She couldn’t beat him at mid, but she could farm all the minions then run.

There would be no one at mid for him to come to gank.

With Tong Yao’s Eye of the Watcher in addition to Little Fatty’s and Old K’s Sightstones, ZGDX was able to place wards in the enemy’s jungle at bot…… With the two ganks at top and bot by Tong Yao, Jin Yuguang became isolated at mid. Very quickly, the game’s tempo was in ZGDX’s!

At the 20th minute, the normal laning phase at top and bot ended. ZGDX was in a big lead with 7 : 0 kills. In addition, the skill of their AD was greater than OP’s and it was impossible for them to lose a single team fight!

At the 27th minute, OP’s five players, who were behind ZGDX by 6000 gold, worked as a group to kill Old K, then they cleared the minion lane at mid and turned to begin fighting Baron……

Old Cat went back to base right under OP players’ nose.

Commentator D: [It looks like ZGDX’s going to give up the Baron this time.]

Commentator F: [After clearing a wave of minions, the jungler’s going to respawn soon. If ZGDX goes for the fight and waits for their jungler to come back, they won’t necessarily lose. I don’t understand why they’re simply giving up. It feels like a wrong decision……]

Before the commentator finished what he wanted to say, unexpectedly, ZGDX went in for the fight, 3 against 5, without their jungler and top-- --

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Let’s go ZGDX!!! I’m really getting high and excited with this round! Tong Yao was able to frustrate Jin Yuguang and I am so happy! HAHAHAHA she’s brilliant!!!!! Thank you for the translation and update❤️❤️❤️❤️

    And lastly thank you so much for the update and translation!!

  3. Thanks for the updates! πŸ˜‡

  4. support and adc died, and tong yao also got a kill at top in last chapter. then should they be in a 3:0 lead?

  5. I want moreee. Can't get enough of this. πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜

  6. The chapter is so short. Can't get enough. Tong Yao became a two person in this round. Using Twisted Fate, Jin Yuguang lost his tempo. Maybe, what Tong Yao is aiming is to kill all the players of OP except for Jin Yuguang and or kill first all of Jin Yuguang team mate then all ZGDX kills him for last and try to destroy the tower to win the round.

    1. That's what I was thinking as well. Leave the mid tower for last and while they are all dead go for the nexus.

  7. This round is getting exciting! Can't wait for the next update.
    Thanks so much 😘

  8. I feel like I am really watching a game of football!! Sitting on my nerves and I can't calm down 😭😭
