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Thursday, June 24, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 11 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 11 Part 2

When Ruan Yu put a spoonful of yogurt into her mouth, she stopped.
The cereal hadn’t softened enough yet. If she started chewing, it would make a lot of crackling sounds and she felt it wouldn’t fit the vibe of the moment.

She hadn’t really talked to Xu Huaisong in their high school days and even now, she didn’t know him that well. She felt quite uneasy making crunching sounds as they were eating lunch face to face across the screens……

Ruan Yu held the mouthful of yogurt in her mouth until the cereal had softened enough. Then she chewed little by a little before swallowing. Afterwards she lightly coughed and said: “Mr. Xu, you seem quite busy?”

Xu Huaisong happened to have stuffed a mouthful of pasta into his mouth. He wasn’t able to talk but simply nodded.
Ruan Yu happily said: “Then you go ahead. I’ll contact you when it’s time to call!”
Xu Huaisong hadn’t swallowed the pasta yet and couldn’t find a reason to shake his head. So he could only nod again.

Ruan Yu was relieved and quickly clicked on the x.


They didn’t get back on the video chat until 12:15 pm Beijing time.

Ruan Yu held her cell phone in hand and kept taking deep breaths.
Xu Huaisong could tell that she was very nervous. If she made the call now, she would expose her intentions without a doubt. But there was only one chance to collect evidence from the defendant, it would be impossible for Ruan Yu to try it again.

Xu Huaisong thought about it and asked: “Why don’t you do a set of eye exercises?”
He lifted up the papers next to his hand and shook them: “Looks like it works.”

He was talking about something in the story of <Really Want to Whisper in Your Ear>. The night when the male lead in the story picked up the female lead’s hand, the female lead was too excited to go to sleep that night. She did ten sets of the eye exercises to calm herself down before she could finally fall asleep.
But, in reality, it was an adaptation of what really had happened that night.

Ruan Yu gave him a spurious smile: “Novels are usually deceiving.”

The reality was she had stayed up the whole night that night till it was almost dawn. Then she suddenly realized that if Xu Huaisong had said that he made a mistake, it was obvious he had someone else in mind. She got angry and sad and started to curse him as a jerk and only then she was finally able to go to sleep.

Ruan Yu was an eighteen years old girl then who was being unreasonable. Thinking back on it now, there wasn’t anything wrong with Xu Huaisong not liking her.
She was glad that she didn’t write the part about cursing him as a jerk into the story.

Xu Huaisong didn’t know about all these thoughts going through her mind. He was silent and cast down his eyes when he heard her saying that “novels are usually deceiving.”

Ruan Yu seemed to have relaxed a bit. She held her cell phone and said: “I’ll make the call now?”
Xu Huaisong came back to himself: “En.”

Ruan Yu turned on the recording app, dialed Cen Sisi’s number, and turned on the speaker.
Ten seconds later, the call was picked up on the other side.
Ruan Yu took the initiative: “How are you, I’m Ruan Yu. Is this Cen Sisi?”
The other side immediately answered: “Yes, it’s me. Xuejie, I’ve saved your number!”

Ruan Yu had successfully confirmed the identity of the other person on the phone.

Ruan Yu glanced at the computer screen and saw Xu Huaisong nodding at her as approval. She continued: “Is it convenient for you to talk now?”
“It’s fine. Go ahead.”

“It’s about the matter of reconciliation. I was planning to have the lawyers talk to you tomorrow. But come to think of it, I think I should talk to you first.”
“The thing is that a while ago a movie production company contacted me about buying the copyright and adaptation of the story.”

Cen Sisi replied with “ah” in a low voice. It seemed that she had anticipated how this conversation would develop.

“The movie production company wants me to handle this scandal properly. Otherwise the movie adaptation won’t happen. Therefore, my lawyers won’t just be representing my personal interests. They want you to give an apology statement and admit that in addition to posting the insinuating long Weibo post, you’ve also incited paid spammers and bought trending hashtags to attack me.”
“I…… I didn’t do those things, Xuejie!”

The conversation had come to the most critical point. Ruan Yu again was feeling perturbed. She subconsciously glanced at Xu Huaisong.
Xu Huaisong couldn’t make any sounds, but simply nodded to her and mouthed: “Continue.”

Ruan Yu pursed her lips: “Such a statement certainly is asking a lot from you. But, according to the production company, if there’s no reconciliation then we’ll have to proceed with the lawsuit.”
“But Xuejie, I really didn’t attack you on purpose……”

“I know, you didn’t know Wenxiang was me at the time anyway. But since I’ve made this phone call, I would like to hear your thoughts on this. We’re from the same school; those businessmen won’t take your position into consideration, but I certainly would.”

It was using the bitch’s own way to trick her. Even Ruan Yu was moved by her own words. The script created by Xu Huaisong floated as naturally and smoothly as in a prime time TV drama.

Translated by Team DHH at

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