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Friday, June 25, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 168 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 168 Part 2

Players from other regions began to gather in the hallway to see what the commotion was about. They didn’t understand Chinese but watched the three Chinese teams shouting back and forth at one another-- --It didn’t really look like a fight, either way, ZGDX was denied entry into the other two teams’ training rooms. But they could hear giggling inside the two training rooms……

It was quite baffling to the other teams.

In the end, Lu Sicheng forced his teammates to go back to their own training room so as not to cause any further embarrassment…… Those who gathered in the hallway then started to disperse. However, the players from the Korean region picked up their cell phones immediately after they were back in their training rooms to call Pope and Butterfly to find out what was really going on……

After sitting down back in the training room, Little Fatty began to throw a tantrum: “It won’t do. My stomach is all for Lao Ga Ma now. I can’t live if I don’t have some Chinese food tonight!”

Tong Yao: “You may not like the food in the Chinese restaurants here. The more authentic ones probably aren’t near our training base or hotel……”

It became very quiet in the training room. With the mention of Chinese restaurants, not only Little Fatty but everyone in the room was thinking of having a bite of greasy, hot and spicy food…… While everyone was feeling helpless, Lu Sicheng said: “There seems to be a Sichuan hot pot place nearby. Let’s go for some hot pot?”

Little Fatty instantly came alive from his listlessness and stood up.

-- --That was their second mistake of the night.

Half an hour later, the whole ZGDX team including staff and players got on the bus to go to the hot pot place.

In the meantime, there were numerous twitter and facebook posts on the internet of many foreign countries-- --

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, the three teams of LPL almost had a fight over food!]

[I saw it with my own eyes.]

[ZGDX has won their matches but lost the favor of the other two teams. The other two teams shut their doors on ZGDX. So gratifying to see that! : DDDDDD]

[Now they’ve left. Ah, I also begin to miss the food back in my country T _ T Let’s finish the game quickly. I want to go home to eat my mother’s cooking.]

[Missing kimchi, BBQ.]

[I want to eat fried chicken with beer 55555555]

Without knowing that they were being laughed at, the entire ZGDX team sat down at the hot pot shop. They found out that the restaurant had everything a hot pot place should have and the hot pot soup base was quite authentic. They were all so moved that they almost cried……

To use Little Fatty’s words, this place was even better than that expensive hot pot place they usually went back home.

Everyone was having a good time at the restaurant, especially Little Fatty.

Little Fatty had finished two plates of meat all by himself, no one could stop him.

-- --And that was the final fatal mistake they had made tonight.


At 8 pm, Little Fatty got on the bus, burping and rubbing his stomach, to go back to the hotel. On the way, his stomach started to gurgle. Tong Yao laughed and said: “Oh no, after ten days of American food, now your stomach can’t take greasy and spicy food now.”

At 9:15 pm, the bus arrived at the hotel. Little Fatty grabbed Lu Sicheng’s jacket which had their room card in it and ran upstairs like a rabbit…… Leaving a speechless Lu Sicheng, who went to Tong Yao’s room to stay there for a while.

By 9:30 pm, Lu Sicheng went back to his room. Little Fatty opened the door for him, then immediately turned to go to the bathroom to use the toilet for a second round.

At 9:40 pm, Lu Sicheng noticed that something wasn’t right inside the bathroom-- --In addition to the noise coming from the toilet, he could hear the sound of someone throwing up. He frowned and got up, went to the bathroom and knocked on the door: “Fatty, are you alright?”

It was silent for a few seconds inside.

Then Little Fatty answered honestly: “I’m not.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Oh oh~ Little Fatty HAHAHAH
    Thanks for the update

  2. OH NO what are they gonna do without their support 😳😬😦 ahhh Little Fatty you shouldn’t have eaten so much 😩
    Thank you for translating 🥰🥰🥰

  3. omgahd little fatty I hope this isnt the night before a competition ;(

    on a random not, I caved in and watched the drama. So far, okay. What shook me is that the actor who is playing Yang God is so good looking (well all of them are good looking!)~

    1. I'm on the last episode and then came back here to read this again. I must say that as much as I prefer the novel over the drama, the eye candies in drama got me sticking with it till the end. My eyes have been blessed. Good job to whoever casted all the male characters 🤣

    2. It's literally a feast of all the attractive men. All of them are super attractive in their own rights. And all of them look different and would appeal to different people.
