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Monday, February 22, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 146 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 146 Part 2

It was only seven minutes into the game and both mid and bot had made kills. With the two important carry positions both with a kill each, it had pretty much secured an advantage in each of the two lanes-- --

ZGDX was a team which was good at snowballing.

Once they gained an advantage in a certain lane, they could expand the advantage under most  circumstances until that specific lane was strong enough to take over the game and win in the end, unless the other side’s jungler was willing to give up the jungle and stay put in that lane. 

-- --It was a situation that CK didn’t want to see in the early game with both Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng having a kill each. And with Old K being a very aggressive jungler, once CK failed to protect their resources in the jungle, he would start plundering their resources!

Yang god couldn’t be at two places at once. He could only take their support, Old Wang, to wander about and placed wards defensively all over their own jungle and river to protect their own mid and bot as much as possible. They were hoping to stop Old K from coming to these two lanes to gank so as to prevent the gap from widening in these two lanes till the end of the laning phase……

“The other side has used all their gold to buy wards. Why don’t you guys have a selfless spirit like that?” Tong Yao mumbled: “The bush at my mid lane has turned into a mesh strainer with all the wards they placed here. Little Fatty, you place a couple for me too!”

Little Fatty: “Don’t make a fuss. Let me make the shoes first…… Don’t panic. It’s all defensive wards. It’s no big deal, Old K can stay on top and avoid mid. Yang god doesn’t have the heart to attack you anyway.”

Lu Sicheng took a glance at Little Fatty with a fake smile, but he didn’t say anything. Old K chimed in to tease Little Fatty: “You sure are brave enough to say that. Do you want Cheng Ge to ever heal you again?”

Little Fatty: “You’re too talkative. Why don’t you buy a couple of wards and place them for her.”

Old K: “I won’t.”

Tong Yao didn’t know what to think listening to her two stingy teammates: “Shit, a ward only costs a few cents. You two are so petty even when we have an advantage. If we were at a disadvantage, can we still keep playing?...... Saying what Yang god wouldn’t come to mid, how come I think he doesn’t seem to-- --Ahhhhhhhh!”

Before she finished her words, Tong Yao was chained by the other side’s Leblanc. At this point of the game, everyone had their ultimates available. Once she was chained, she would either die or have to use her flash. Tong Yao certainly didn’t want to die, therefore she decided to use flash to run away-- --But before she could do anything, the one who Little Fatty said wouldn’t have the heart to attack her, Kindred, suddenly jumped out of the bush along the river. Amidst Tong Yao’s scream, Jian Yang didn’t act as if he ‘didn’t have the heart’ but stepped directly on Tong Yao’s face. With a flurry of abilities, he killed Tong Yao instantly!

Tong Yao: “..................................................”

Tong Yao slammed the mouse quite forcefully. Her heart was still thumping from the shock of seeing Yang god appear so abruptly. Then she heard the happy laughter of Lu Sicheng in her headphones-- --

Tong Yao was exasperated: “What are you laughing at!”

Lu Sicheng slowly said: “The audience sitting in the very last row could probably hear your scream just now.”

Tong Yao paused and blushed: “That’s impossible!”

As she was retorting him, she didn’t know that the audience including the commentators had all burst into laughter which she couldn’t hear because of the soundproof headphones she was wearing-- --Just a few seconds earlier, her earnest scream from being scared had interrupted the commentators commentary and reached the ears of everyone in the audience-- --And then, the audience sitting in the front rows could also hear the bickering between Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng. They doubled down with laughter and couldn’t control themselves.

The game had gone on for 15 minutes.

With such a hilarious early game, this round was destined to move along in a cheerful atmosphere-- --

Though Tong Yao had killed Xiao Hua early on, the advantage she enjoyed diminished somewhat because Yang God had killed her just a few minutes later. From this time on till the end of the laning phase, she didn’t make much progress on Xiao Hua……

Fortunately, Lu Sicheng’s bot had kept its advantage. In addition, at top Old Cat used Rumble’s ultimate on Come Good Luck’s Gnar. Finally, at the 39th minute, while ZGDX was fighting Baron, CK came over to fight them. Lu Sicheng immediately ordered his teammates to give up on Baron even though Baron had only half of its health left. ZGDX’s players gave up the fight without hesitation and started retreating while fighting off CK……

In the midst of the seesaw battle, both teams reached a narrow part of the jungle. CK then realized that they had been tricked, but it was too late to retreat!

Old Cat’s Rumble, who had been keeping his ultimate handy, finally used his ultimate to roast the four CK players who were crowded in the jungle and disable CK’s ad! Tong Yao came up to push him back, then Lu Sicheng followed up with two critical hits dropping the other CK players’ health, who had been weakened by Old Cat already, to slivers. Tong Yao and Old Cat then followed up with their remaining abilities to reap the endgame!

At 41 minute and 20 second mark, ZGDX pushed to CK’s base and ended the first round!

When the ZGDX players took off their headphones and stood up, the audience cheered them. The noise of the applauses almost inundated the sound of their own conversation!

Translated by Team DHH at