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Saturday, February 20, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 146 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 146 Part 1

Once the match started, both sides entered a normal laning phase-- --Though Tong Yao hadn’t been able to pick Leblanc during official competitions or skirmishes for quite some time, she could usually play Leblanc during ranked matches. Leblanc was still a familiar champion to her. By looking at the other side’s Leblanc’s item builds and creep score, she could already fully understand Leblanc’s economy, basic attack damage and ability damage. 

In addition, Tong Yao was fully aware of Leblanc’s abilities and mobility. As such, during the early game, Xiao Hua couldn’t gain an advantage when exchanging abilities or farming-- --As for surprise attacks, that was simply out of the question. Basically whenever Xiao Hua moved to a position where he had prepared to attack, Tong Yao would slip away like an eel. Xiao Hua couldn’t do anything about it.

Three minutes into the game, a group of monsters had been taken care of. Tong Yao took a look at the time and was about to say something when she heard Lu Sicheng asked Old K: “Have you farmed enough? If so, come down to bot. I have a feeling that Yang god is coming this way.”

By watching replays of CK’s matches, he had noticed that Jian Yang liked to go to bot for his first gank-- --It wasn’t a wild guess on Lu Sicheng’s part. Every player had his own routine and preference. It was like Pope who wouldn’t give up rushing the turret before reaching level 4 as long as the enemy hadn’t been pushing him hard enough. Sometimes even the players themselves didn’t realize that they had such a habit……

Old K acknowledged Lu Sicheng’s request. After he finished taking down the four raptors, at the 4th minute, he headed into the bushes at bot without bothering with the other monsters even though he had Smite available-- --

At the 4th minute 20th second, Yang god’s Kindred indeed came down to the bot. He worked with CK’s bot duo to form an advantage of 3 against 2-- --Yet Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty, who were expecting the arrival of enemies, took their time to make a fighting retreat. While draining Yang god who was ahead of the others, they were retreating towards their outer turret……

When they were closer to their own side, Old K suddenly appeared!

Old K’s champion leaped out from underground to attack Kindred!

Little Fatty: “Ah!”

Old K: “Ahhh! Look how high I sent him!”

Little Fatty: “At this moment, Yang god in my eyes is already a corpse.”

In the midst of their yammering, the retreating Lu Sicheng started to attack. In the first second Yang god landed on the ground, he was hooked by the q ability of Little Fatty’s Thresh. As he reeled Kindred in, Little Fatty cast q again together along with his e ability to attack Kindred. Before Yang god had a chance to react, his champion had already died from their perfectly coordinated attacks!

The first blood!

ZGDX fans in the audience were in a great excitement-- --

But before they finished cheering for the teamwork between Little Fatty and Old K, a prompt appeared on the big screen: Syndra kills Leblanc!

The audience was stunned.

Commentator A: [Hahahahahaha, wait, wait, what did we miss here?]

Commentator B: [How did mid make a kill? Where's the Program Director? Come, someone get the Program Director to replay it! ! ! ]

Commentator A: [Let’s take a look at the replay of what happened at mid…… To tell the truth, I’ve so focused on bot and didn’t really notice what was going on at mid.]

The audience, like the commentators, was surprised by the news and couldn’t figure out what had happened. The program director kindly replayed the scenes at mid. Then everyone realized that right at the moment when there was a 3v3 fight in bot, the two champions at mid were also involved in a fight-- --

In the beginning, Xiao Hua was pretending to farm, then he used Leblanc’s w ability to step on Smiling’s face and lashed out with all his abilities on her. Afterwards, he immediately moved back using the w ability. Smiling’s Syndra was now at low health and started to retreat-- --

Right at that moment, a similar scenario that had happened at bot happened at mid. Xiao Hua wanted to chase after Tong Yao and demonstrated his quick fingers by dashing with w, chaining Smiling with e, and then warping back with w. What he didn’t expect was that Smiling would suddenly stop retreating once she was back behind the minion lane. Smiling mashed qwqeqr plus ignite on Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua didn’t even have a chance to react and was killed instantly. Smiling’s Syndra gained a kill!

After the replay, the audience was in an uproar.

Commentator A: [Wow, the speed of Smiling’s fingers, ahhhhh! Single for 20 years!]

Commentator B: [Poof, it’s a bit over, a bit over. Have you asked Cheng Ge whether he agrees or not……]

Commentator A: [See that scene! See that scene! I believe that for all the ZGDX fans who are either watching the stream or in the audience would feel at ease right now. Not playing the last couple of games hasn’t influenced Smiling’s condition at all. She’s still the same Smiling that people know, with the same aggressiveness and decisiveness!]

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Soltero 20 años para smiling, jajajaja eso es muy doble sentido. Aunque Cheng Ge lo hecho a perder.

  2. Tong yao and me has the same game style. Pretend to retrrat and attack when in safe zone! Sometimes a bit dnager as im the one getting killed hahahah

  3. Smiling is so fast🙌😄😉
