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Monday, February 1, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 142 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 142 Part 2

Soon the match started, starting with the ban & pick phase. Ever since Lu Yue used Twisted Fate in the match that Tong Yao was banned from, Twisted Fate would be banned in any match he played in. But it didn’t really matter to ZGDX whether Twisted Fate was banned or not since the team hadn’t planned to use him in major league competitions so their opponents could use those matches to further research the team. They would only use him when they were playing training matches internally between the A and B teams. The commentator was correct, ZGDX indeed had started preparing for the world tournament.

When the ban & pick phase ended, it was obvious that the champions ZGDX had picked were different from the past. Compared to the emphasis on early game champions, focused on the laning phase, they had changed to picking champions based on their synergy, for example, Kennen and Aurelion Sol who were both great at crowd control and aoe damage……

Three minutes into the game, Tong Yao sat on the sofa, cross-legged, attentively watching the match when Ming god pushed the door open and walked in. Tong Yao only turned slightly sideways and absentmindedly waved at him while keeping her eyes on the screen: “You really let Lu Yue take Aurelion Sol.”

Ming god sat down next to her: “I really twisted his arm and forced him to choose it. He was so resistant to the idea as if it would kill him…… Oh, his champion pool, I would laugh in my dreams if he can have half of your champion pool.”

Tong Yao: “He calls that fewer but better.”

Ming god: “To hell with that. In the world tournament, if the others ban three mid champions, Azir, Twisted Fate, and Ekko, that would literally mean they’ve completely banned our mid from the game. Four against five, that’s unacceptable.”

The screen happened to show Lu Yue’s face at this time, which looked gloomy and pissed. Tong Yao kept tittering with folded arms……

In today’s match, Lu Sicheng completely changed from the last match against Red Arrow where he hardly said anything. In this match, he spoke a lot and was in command the whole time…… He took Sivir but didn’t play aggressively; he didn’t try to kill anyone but kept farming like a madman. He didn’t miss a single minion. Once in a while, he would go get a couple of Old K’s monsters…… When the enemy tried to gank, he would slip away as fast as an eel, making the enemy annoyed but they were unable to do anything about it.

Commentators were also amazed at his performance today. They kept saying: Today’s Cheng Ge is the commanding Cheng Ge!

The commentators were correct. Lu Sicheng’s ability to command today was a big improvement from before-- --He wasn’t intimidated at all facing Lan’s superior ability to execute plans and their speed at providing support to each other. ZGDX wasn’t in a reactive position either; they tackled their opponent calmly and orderly from the beginning to the end……

Summoner’s Rift in League of Legends was like a sand table for him where he could have an overview of the whole map. He stood next to the sand table with sharp eyes and keen ears. All five champions from his team and the resources in the jungle had become models on the sand table for him to deploy and he handled it with ease……

It felt like Lu Sicheng was singlehandedly playing all five champions of the team.

At the 20th minute of the game, ZGDX escaped unscathed under three continuous flawless ambushes from Lan. Commentator A almost jumped up onto his chair: [Inconceivable! ! ! ! I really feel like I’m in a dream! ! ! ! Lan’s ambush at mid lane was performed brilliantly, it could be said it was perfectly done. But ZGDX was even better than them! Shaking off all three ambushes completely. I don’t believe it's a coincidence! ! ! It can’t just be coincidence! !]

Commentator B also said in an excited tone: [Well, well, today’s ZGDX…… Aiya, they really have shown us something! Alright, alright, anyway I believe now that this team is truly working on something new when they were in a rough condition earlier…… Well, shouldn’t you take it down a notch and save it for the world tournament?]

The commentators' joyous mood spread to the audience. When the first round was over, the bullet comments with “666” almost covered the whole screen of the livestream. All ZGDX fans now finally felt their hearts settle……

The second round began and ZGDX maintained their steadiness and excellent teamwork as in the first round-- --During the whole game, the fans who were sitting in the first row could hear Lu Sicheng’s voice throughout. And when he finished giving out orders, though there was a delay setup for the broadcast, on the screen viewers could see the corresponding teammate carry out his order almost immediately-- --

Once the round had reached the late game, ZGDX started to counterattack at such a fast pace that viewers held their breath. People were again seeing the same team that had dominated the major league in the past.!

Before anyone realized what had happened, ZGDX won the round and the match. The audience gave them a big round of applause. All ZGDX fans jumped up and shouts of “Go ZGDX” filled the arena!

When the players of ZGDX stood up after the match, they looked like they were also breathing out a sigh of relief-- --

“Oh no, oh no, now there will be more of those comments saying that Lu Yue’s doing pretty good and I don’t need to come back.” Tong Yao, holding her legs, teased with a smile.

Ming god drank some water, with an expression of relief. He patted Tong Yao’s head: “He’s still wet behind the ears.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I was under the impression that Tong Yao and Lu Yue are the same age right?

  2. (spoiler ALERT) though in the drama, LSC is 24-25, Lu Yue is 23 and TY is 19 (when she signed with ZGDX) going 20.

    1. TY is 22 when signed with ZGDX going on 23 in the drama. Both she and Lu Yue are19 in the book

    2. she's currently 19 in this story in one of the previous chapters, lsc mentioned to his mother that she's an adult but not of legal marrying age which is like 20

  3. Overall I Enjoyed the match
    I am proud of Lu Yue he improved a lot😄😄😄
