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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 102 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 102 Part 1
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

It was the peak season for skiing. Yang Yin and Shen Zemu decided to go on a weekday to avoid the crowd.

But there were still quite a lot of people at the ski resort.

Yang Yin fell in love with how Shen Zemu looked wearing a ski suit. He looked sunny and lively. When he stood in the snow, watching his straight back and long legs made her feel like her hormones were about to explode.

Her infatuated mindset made her perform crazy tricks on the slopes like a peacock spreading its tail.

Shen Zemu knew how to ski, but usually just went down the slopes without any fancy moves. He actually couldn’t understand the mindset of people who did acrobatics while skiing.

But when Yang Yin went airborne on her snowboard, swirled in the air, and stirred up the snow in a flutter in all directions…… he felt it wasn’t such a bad thing to do, at least it was pleasing to the eyes.

When Yang Yin was showing off her moves, she took an unintended look at Shen Zemu and noticed that he was filming her with his cell phone. She temporarily lost her concentration and made an error. She flopped onto the ground.

Her posture was somewhat awkward, like a wild goose that had been shot down.

“Aiyo! Don’t shoot, don’t shoot!” Yang Yin cried out as she laid on the ground.

Shen Zemu had already put his cell phone away and pulled her up from the ground: “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” Yang Yin stood up and said: “I fell down a ton the first time I learned to ski that I had to rub my bottom for a whole day. But after that, falling down won’t do anything to me.”

Shen Zemu silently tried to imagine the picture of Yang Yin rubbing her bottom. Then he took a deep breath.


This year, the snow resort had opened a new field for another winter sport, sledding. People would sit on big inflated sleds and slide down the slope. Yang Yin heard that it was quite the high speed ride which sounded rather thrilling.

Yang Yin thought it would be a fun thing to do and turned to ask Shen Zemu: “Why don’t we go try it?”

“En.” Shen Zemu turned to buy tickets for both of them.

There were sleds with a single seat and double seats. Shen Zemu didn’t ask Yang Yin but went ahead and bought tickets for a two person sled.

The sled was simply made, the two seats at front and back were very close to each other and there was no barrier between the two seats. Yang Yin sat in the front and Shen Zemu at the back. His two long legs were laid right against each side of her body, as if he could hook her into his arms with his legs.

“Sit tight.” Said the attendant who was responsible for pushing their sled. Then he began to run, pushing the sled forward and sent their sled down the slope.

The sled picked up speed and went faster and faster. The scenery quickly passed them by and the wind blew next to their ears like a passing train. Sometimes snow would splash onto their faces and catch them by surprise with its coldness……

Yang Yin started screaming: “Ah! Ah! ! !” It was so damn exciting for her!

Shen Zemu thought she was screaming out of fear, so he reached over with both of his arms and held her tightly in his arms.

Yang Yin: “......” Her scream immediately became stuck in her throat.

She became silent and was too afraid to move, like a petrified little lamb.

Shen Zemu tightened his hold on her. He thought that an indecent person must’ve designed this sled since the seats were so close together, it was too easy for the two people on the sled to hug.

Yang Yin’s heart was thumping fast, as if it was going to jump out. The sledding was already thrilling enough and now with the added exhilaration from the person behind her, Yang Yin felt like she would die if she kept going like this.

Though, on a second thought, it didn’t seem like a bad deal to die in his arms.

Finally, after who knows how long, the sled stopped.

When Yang Yin tried to stand up from the sled, her legs were wobbly. She tried to step off the sled and slipped, almost falling down.

Shen Zemu reached out with his arms and easily caught her.

He supported her waist and lowered his head to look at her. She blushed. There were snowflakes on her bangs and eyebrows. Her eyelashes were fluttering and her eyeballs were rolling around, like she was thinking about something.

“It was too exciting just now.” Yang Yin found a reasonable excuse for her wobbling legs.

“En.” Shen Zemu lightly nodded and released the hold on her.

They walked shoulder to shoulder. Shen Zemu had deliberately walked slower to be right next to her and asked: “Want to try it again?”

“No, no more……”

She figured if they tried it one more time, she probably wouldn’t be alive afterwards.

Translated by Team DHH at