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Saturday, January 23, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 140 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 140 Part 3

The policeman who was responsible for handling the case sat down on his chair and lifted up his thermos to take a sip of tea. Then he started to exclaim about how the young people these days would do things without thinking of the consequences-- --He encountered a similar case at least once a month. Most of the cases were usually some internet celebrities who would file a report to the police about a certain internet troll. When the police located that person, they would find out that the person who spoke crazy online were mostly students or usually a very ordinary person

In real life, they weren’t as overbearing as they acted online at all.

“On the other hand, most of these cases end up being settled out of court. They’re kids after all and don’t know any better.” The policeman changed his attitude and grinned while saying: “She’s been lectured already. I think she’s really frightened. After this lesson, I figure she probably won’t dare do it again……”

The middle aged man who came with the girl: “Right, right, right. She's just a kid, doesn’t know any better. Our daughter’s only 17! She’s not even an adult yet!”

The middle aged woman: “We’ve really taught her a good lesson…… As for your side, we’re willing to pay all the medical costs plus a formal apology. How about we just let this thing pass? It doesn’t look good bringing things online to real life. Our child has been crying all the way here. It looks bad on her to be pulled from the class like this; she doesn’t know how to explain to her classmates. Besides, you see, her dad and I have to go work……”

The parents chimed in with the policeman.

Tong Yao slightly frowned and backed away as the girl’s parents moved forward trying to talk her into settling the case. Originally, she didn’t have an idea on how to handle the case, but now she had a weird feeling after hearing the parents. If the girl was concerned with being shamed in front of her classmates, then she shouldn’t be doing it in first place. Tong Yao had parents too, though she didn’t tell her family about this incident. Otherwise, her parents might have jumped up and came to Shanghai directly carrying a watermelon knife……

Tong Yao kept backing away from the parents until she backed into a solid chest.

“No settlement.”

She heard Lu Sicheng’s sober voice.

“Your child is 17, our kid is only 19. If we let this pass just because your kid doesn’t know any better, then what about the suffering of our kid?” His voice was quite calm, it didn’t sound like he was angry but rather like he was calmly reasoning with them. He paused for a moment, then stressed: “No settlement.”

The girl abruptly looked up while her parents were momentarily stunned. The girl looked at Lu Sicheng with wide eyes as if she couldn’t believe what she had heard from him-- --Looking at the girl’s face, Tong Yao was a little uneasy and reached over to grip Lu Sicheng’s arm. Lu Sicheng didn’t move and there was no sign on his face that he had changed his mind by the girl’s pitiful state.

“......I, I really didn’t mean it, I was wrong, please forgive me. I’ll never do anything like it again.” The girl’s parents kept pushing and shoving at her from behind and finally the girl stammered out a few words. She carefully looked at Lu Sicheng as she spoke.

Tong Yao didn’t make a sound, but looked up to take a look at Lu Sicheng. He had a poised, shallow smile on his face: “Don’t be nervous. You’re underage and the blades you used aren’t controlled substances. You won’t be jailed. At most, you’ll just have a police record. However, you’ll have to go through reeducation, pay compensation for mental distress or something. Plus, a player of our club can’t play in several matches because of you……”

Her parents heard compensation, not just medical costs, and their facial expressions changed. They still wanted to argue that “it’s just playing video games, how serious a matter can it be.” Xiao Rui spoke up: “Then, if I break your daughter’s hand right before the college entrance exam, would you consider it an inconsequential matter as well? She can take it the following year anyway……”

The policeman: “Hrm, watch what you’re saying. This is a police station. What nonsense are you talking about?”

Xiao Rui said: “Sorry.” Then he shut his mouth, perfectly content. Lu Sicheng didn’t want to deal with them any longer and merely said: “It’s impossible to settle.” Then he dragged Tong Yao to go sit outside of the office-- --leaving the others inside to finish filing the case.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. thank u for your translations😋😋😋

  2. Thank you for your translations

  3. Mr. police officer.. saying something "crazy" online is not the same as physically sending a weapon and harming another person. That's not just some internet celebrity.. her hand is a tool of her trade. I think the parents will be very surprised to find out just how much a match of "playing games" will cost them. Good thing they love to work so much. They can work to pay out.

    buuuuuuuut I think Tong Yao might let her go.

    1. Exactly! Her hand is her tools to work. They must learn how much loss her team has to endure for missing few matches.
      And she has no idea how many parasites cochroaches have on their body. If Tong yao wasn't lucky enough, she might get infected right after the injury and no one can ever say whether she'd even survive.
      This girl must be given a lesson.

  4. Totally agree with LSC here. You can't get away from treathening to kill someone just because you are young. Got to say i love Xiao Rui's Arguement!

  5. I kind of expect from Tong Yao's character that she might let the student go but from LSC and Xiao Rui or any logical person's perspective, what the kid did was a crime, 17 year old or not. what she did is a crime that should be punished by the law. She had the intention to cause bodily harm and that alone with the evidence from TY's injuries, the letter and the knife, she should face the consequences of her actions. If she doesn't she will never learn, she will do it again either to TY or to another.

    1. This is so true.... 17 year old or not, she must take responsibility with her actions.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Being young is not an excuse or a reason to be exempted of the consequences of your actions.

  7. I also hate the part where the parent's of the 17 y/o girl said “it’s just playing video games, how serious a matter can it be.”

    Let's say it is just video games but they never thought of the effect on the kid they harmed if the kid gets hospitalized

  8. The girl deserves the punishment
    Hell she should go to jail😠😠😠

