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Friday, January 22, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 140 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 140 Part 2

It took three seconds for Tong Yao to react to what Lu Sicheng was talking about. Her face turned white, then red-- --She had heard before about the women’s safe period, but she really didn’t know anything about it. She looked up confusedly at Lu Sicheng and listened to him talking intermittently: “I didn’t get it inside, but you never can be sure about this thing, so it’s better to take the medicine-- --The medicine isn’t good for you, but just this once. Next time, I promise…...Tsk, if you don’t want to take it, it’s alright too. If an accident happens, I definitely will take responsibility. Even if you aren’t old enough to get the certificate, we can engage first. I’m just afraid that a young girl like you would feel you’ve gotten the short end of the stick to settle down so early in your life. I know all the young girls always feel that they can have better choices later in life. But, let me tell you in advance that you can keep choosing for the next eight million years, but you won’t find someone better than me-- --”

Tong Yao raised both of her hands to cover her ears.

Lu Sicheng stopped in the middle of his sentence.

At that moment, he finally discovered that if he kept going on, the person in his arms would probably pass out with a red face in his arms-- --Actually, he himself also felt what he had just said had already strayed from the point he was trying to make……

“Said enough?” Tong Yao noticed that he had stopped talking and released her hands on her ears to give him a hard stare.

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Lu Sicheng was reminded that last night Tong Yao had also stared at him like this. His heart melted and grabbed her wrist to pull her closer to him, then carefully landed a kiss on her nose.

Tong Yao pulled her head back to avoid him-- --

“Don’t move. Let me kiss you.”

“I just want to move, don’t touch me.”

While the two of them were struggling, Xiao Rui came down from the third floor while yawning. When he saw the two entangled bodies on the stairs…… He cleared his throat: “Tsk, tsk, tsk. That’s enough, you two. Watch your influence on the others.”

Lu Sicheng slightly let go of Tong Yao and looked up at Xiao Rui. Then they heard Little Fatty’s loud mocking laugh: “What influence. Let me tell you all a story. Last night when Cheng Ge was taking a shower, he suddenly walked out halfway through his shower. I asked him what he was up to. He said his girl was crying next door. Then he went to comfort his girl…...I don't know what happened afterwards. All I know is that Cheng Ge never came back to our room.”

Hearing Little Fatty, all the mouse clicking sounds abruptly halted. All the eyes were looking in their direction. Lu Yue picked up his cell phone in front of him and Tong Yao’s face turned pink.

“We didn’t do anything.” Lu Sicheng said without any expression: “We just chatted under the blanket.”

“......................................” Xiao Ruo was stiff for a moment; his eyes moved between Tong Yao whose hands were being held and Lu Sicheng who was holding her hands. He thought about it then said: “I choose to believe Cheng Ge this round. At a moment like this I have to bet on the fact that his conscience would prevent him from doing anything to a little guy like Tong Yao.”

The redness on Tong Yao’s face subsided a little. She took a look at Lu Sicheng without any expression on her face. Lu Sicheng shamelessly nodded: “True, I can’t do it. She’s the apple in my eyes. I can’t do that kind of rotten thing.”

Tong Yao: “......”


The next day, Lu Sicheng received a call to inform him that there had been progress about the package Tong Yao had received. It seemed that the person who had sent the package had been found in the neighboring city. The person on the phone was asking whether they wanted to go over there to deal with the situation, to see if they wanted to settle privately with a cash compensation or else……

After the phone call, Lu Sicheng immediately packed a few things and took Tong Yao and Xiao Rui to fly to the neighboring city the same day. Tong Yao wasn’t quite sure what the trip was about when she got on the plane until she got off the plane and went into the police station-- --This was the first time Tong Yao had ever come into such a serious and solemn place-- --Only then she realized that the person who sent her the package had really been apprehended.

The person was a 17 years old highschool girl.

It was a Monday. When they saw the girl, she was still wearing her school uniform. It looked like she had been taken away directly from school. She looked panicked and was accompanied by her dark faced parents. The entire time, she only looked up at Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng once in the beginning. Then she lowered her head with a pale face and didn’t look up again…… She looked rather pitiful.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I honestly love how whenever Lu sicheng does something, Lu Yue first instinct of action is to always pick up the phone, like he is ready to call their parents

    1. Or maybe he was doing a live report of Cheng Ge dating behavior to their mother, lol

    2. I think the live report is quite accurate.

  2. so.... I hope she took the medicine.

    They're going to let her go cause she's 17? 17 is old enough to know that what she did was criminal and I highly doubt the pro gamers are short on cash to want the compensation. At least give her community service or some kind of public reform program.

    1. wait i thought she was 20!!!! and Cheng Ge was 25

    2. No lol she is 19 or 20. They meant the person who sent the package with the blades and cockroaches is 17.

    3. she is 19, because she can be married yet(in China girls have to be 20)

  3. Cheng Ge can be a blabbermouth too when he wanted to 😂

    1. Bruhhh he meant the girl who caused her pain

  4. Conscience? Pretty sure Cheng Ge doesn't know what that word means half the time

  5. this is the problem to all the fans out there.. they become so obsessed with thier idols..
