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Friday, January 15, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 139 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 139 Part 2

Tong Yao’s mouth was open but no sound was coming out of it. Lu Sicheng’s big hand landed on the back of her head, rubbing her short hair which was still slightly damp from the shower she took a while ago. He lowered his head to kiss lightly on her red and swollen eyelid: “If that’s all, then let’s talk about me.”


“I was the one who took the wrong champion because of my headstrong attitude and it was I who didn’t do a good enough job as the commander which led us to have a hard time winning the match. All this had nothing to do with you but you were the one who took the brunt of the verbal abuse-- --In the past, I had given you lessons on how to be a professional player with such  confidence as if I was a big deal and everything would be alright if you only did as I said. Now, look how it’s turned out. I feel……” Lu Sicheng paused before continuing: “Very ashamed.”


…...Lu Sicheng felt ashamed.

…...Had the sun risen from the west? It was unheard of!

Tong Yao’s ears pricked up, but she maintained her composure as she looked at Lu Sicheng-- --He was carefully kissing her on her forehead, nose tip, eyelids, corner of the eyes, cheeks, and lips……

His voice became smaller: “Then you got hurt, I was very worried and furious as well-- --But I don’t know whom I can blow my top off at……”

“So you blow your top at me.”

“I haven’t.”

“Then why did you ignore me for the past couple of days?”

“...................Because I insisted that you should’ve played the game, because I’ve lost my senses from being so angry that I haven’t even considered that your injured finger would hurt or that someone might be there to really hurt you. It actually wasn’t a big deal for you to take a break from just one game, it even might be a good thing-- --But I’m too prideful and full of myself; I don’t want to back down or give in to anything. In the end, it feels like I’ve lost my mind, I even forgot to be considerate to you. Even Xiao Rui and the others know better than me.”

Lu Sicheng’s voice became smaller and smaller.
His voice was slightly hoarse as well……

He reached over to carefully push Tong Yao onto the bed-- --His kisses touched her lower jaw and neck. Finally his lips lingered on her tender and slightly cool lips…… He used the tip of his tongue to meticulously trace her lips, making them warm and moist, slowly turning them to a bright red.

The tip of his tongue went in between her lips and slipped past her teeth.. While their two tongues were tangled together, both of their breaths became erratic…… Their breaths became heavier and heavier-- --

When they parted again, Lu Sicheng looked tenderly at Tong Yao, still lying under him. He used his big hand to softly caress the reddish corners of her eyes-- --

She was looking at him.

His silhouette reflected in her dark pupils.

There was only him.

Something triggered in his heart; his heart seemed to have spread the peculiar emotion through his veins all over his body. At the moment, it was as if the pain on her bandaged finger that rested on his neck had passed on to his body from her skin…… He sighed and lowered his  body to give her a kiss on the lips: “It’s not that I’m unwilling to talk to you, it’s just that I don’t know how to say to you to accept me like this, that I’m not the man in your mind who’s perfect and superior. I’m just a guy who has a lot of shortcomings and who doesn’t even know how to protect you well at such a crucial moment.”

When Lu Sicheng was uttering these tender words, he was like a whining large dog-- --fuzzy and quite cute.

Knowing that Lu Sicheng wasn’t avoiding her because he was unhappy with her, but for this rather childish reason, Tong Yao felt a weight was off her mind and couldn’t help feeling how mind-blowing her imagination could be. In the meantime, her man seemed to also have a wild imagination-- --

If they combined their powers together, it could probably form a new Milky Way.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Will cheng ge finally hit home run?

  2. yessss good communication between couples always makes me smile so many issues can be solved by just talking

  3. Gracias por la traducción 😀😀😀
