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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 100 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 100 Part 2
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Shen Zemu was someone who prefered quiet. He grew impatient with the constant noise around him; karaoke was one of the places he couldn’t stand the most. He stayed in the room for a while longer and got up to go to the bathroom to smoke.

Afterwards, as he was coming out of the bathroom, Deng Wenbo happened to come his way.

Shen Zemu looked straight ahead as if he didn’t see Deng Wenbo at all.

“Stop.” Deng Wenbo blocked his way and turned to close the door to shut both of them inside the bathroom. Deng Wenbo at this point already had too much to drink, even his eyes were out of focus. He squinted his eyes at Shen Zemu, with undisguised hostility. “If you dare try to win Yang Ying’s affections, I’ll fire you. Get back to where you came from!”

Shen Zemu simply gave him a glance, the look in his eyes was chilling like the frost in autumn.

“What are you looking at?” Deng Wenbo said: “I’ll fire you now if you look at me like that again!”

Shen Zemu opened his mouth: “You don’t deserve her.”

-- --

Yang Yin was singing when she saw Shen Zemu and Deng Wenbo come back from the bathroom one after another. Deng Wenbo had a dark face.

“Go, my team doesn’t need you. Get lost!” Deng Wenbo pointed at Shen Zemu and said in a loud voice.

Yang Yin hurriedly put the microphone down and stood up to get in front of Deng Wenbo. She asked: “What’s wrong?”

“He’s fired by me.”

“How can you fire him just like that. You have to discuss it with me, boss.”

“What’s there to discuss, I’m the boss!”

While Deng Wenbo was talking, the smell of alcohol permeated onto Yang Yin’s face. Yang Yin rubbed her head and turned to the others in the room: “You guys carry on…… Shen Zemu, you sit here first.” Then she dragged Deng Wenbo out of the room.

Shen Zemu was worried about her and followed her out of the room as well.


Yang Yin was quite annoyed at Deng Wenbo and pulled him outside, stopping at a random corner.

“What’s wrong with you?” She asked Deng Wenbo.

“I don’t like him. I’m the boss, I can fire whoever I feel like it.”

“What if I disagree?”

“You disagree? Then I’ll just disband the team and neither of you need to come.” Deng Wenbo took the chance to blow his pent-up anger. He felt like he had always been treated quite cordially wherever he went. But in his own team, his coach and data analyst could walk all over him. Why did he have to take it? Why not just disband the team and he didn’t have to deal with them anymore.

“Deng Wenbo.” Yang Yin suddenly called out his full name.

Deng Wenbo’s neck stiffened: “What?”

Yang Yin abruptly grabbed his collar and pulled downwards. Deng Wenbo was forced to bend over and lower his head to look into Yang Yin’s eyes.

The two faces were very close to each other. Deng Wenbo could see the fury in her eyes. He should be angry as well, but he wasn’t. He looked at those familiar eyes which were shiny black from anger…… Suddenly, he felt his heart was racing.

“Deng Wenbo, is this team just a toy in your eyes? Something you can play with it when you like and toss it when you aren’t happy?”


“Did you know.” She looked straight into his eyes and said: “All of your toys train for ten hours a day, everyday. They wouldn’t dare relax for even a minute. They are apprehensive when they lose a game. They are elated when they win a game just because that slim hope of qualifying for the preliminaries. Do you know how much effort they’ve put in? Now you’re going to disband the team just like that? Disband? Are you sure?”

Yang Yin was breathing heavily from rage. Her breath sprayed onto his face. He couldn’t think straight. Yang Yin fixed her eyes on him with a somewhat frightening look on her face. Yet in Deng Wenbo’s eyes, she looked quite charming at the same time.

Deng Wenbo also began to hyperventilate a little.

Yang Yin still stared at him: “Say something, hrm?” The pitch of her voice rose all of a sudden.

“I, I like you.”


“I like you.” Deng Wenbo finally said it. He felt a little melancholic, but what he felt more was the relief that he had finally let her know about his intentions. “I like you.” He mumbled repeatedly.

Yang Yin was completely unprepared to hear this. She released him and turned her face away: “You like me, so you want to disband the team?”

“No…...I just like you, and don’t want to see you be nice to other men.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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