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Friday, December 18, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 134 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 134 Part 3

Before the match against Huawei officially started, the skepticism of ZGDX had reached a new height online. The doubt also carried to the arena. Even the commentators discussed it before the game. They also mentioned the comments that Rp players said about ZGDX after the skirmish a couple days ago-- --

It was a subtle hint. By the time the game was about to start, the entire audience had learned to look at ZGDX with doubt in their eyes. Any time the team was slow in following orders, or failed to support each other, or a bunch of different people were giving commands, the audience would attribute all the mistakes to the problems that had been mentioned online.

ZGDX narrowly won the first round of the match. During the later part of the mid game of the second round, they encountered some minor problems-- -- Tong Yao had killed the opposing AD, so she turned to get Elder Dragon. She then noticed on the map that the other team was starting to clear out the wards near Baron. She pinged Baron and asked in the team’s channel whether the other team was aiming to steal Baron.

“Without their AD, if they fail at stealing Baron then they’ll just get wiped.” Little Fatty said: “It’s impossible. It’s just a diversion tactic.”

Everyone voiced their opinions about the matter. Finally, Lu Sicheng decided not to give up getting Elder Dragon, they would continue their fight there-- -- The result was that Huawei indeed took down Baron. Then, during a team fight, Little Fatty’s positioning was a little off and died instantly. The round was over for ZGDX even though Huawei was missing their AD.

The ZGDX players didn’t take the defeat too seriously, it happened in competitions quite often. They simply prepared for the third round.

What they didn’t expect was that the commentators would start making an issue about it-- --

Commentator C: [For these two rounds, though they won one and lost one, reminded me of what everyone has been saying earlier. It seems that ZGDX’s tempo is indeed a little messy. The thing with Baron just now, all five players were talking. I could hear the noisy chatter. It’s really quite strange.]

Commentator B: [I just had a discussion with Commentator A by text message. He heard that ZGDX is readjusting the team and their tactics lately, they’re still in the adjustment period-- --]

Commentator C: [Adjustment, still? The season’s competition is two-thirds done, how are they still in an adjustment period? All the other teams are done adjusting. Now a strong team suddenly starts to adjust…… It feels like a pretty inappropriate time. All the worries from the fans are justified.]

Commentator B took a glance at Commentator C and forced himself to suppress the urge to kick Commentator C under the chair to warn him to watch his words: [......No need to worry too much. Just like the saying that a phoenix is reborn from the ashes. Maybe after this seemingly unusual adjustment period, ZGDX will become even stronger?]

Commentator C didn’t continue the topic.

The third round was about to begin.

The audience had started another wave of war with words online following what the two commentators had said-- --The focal point was basically the views of the two commentators. Under the official ZGDX Weibo site, roughly half the people were rooting and encouraging the team against the other half that was trying to discredit them……

Many questioned the team why they had played two lackluster rounds.

There were also many who were encouraging the team to pull through the bottleneck quickly and they were looking forward to a whole new ZGDX which would conquer the world.

When the third round began, compared to the previous two rounds, it seemed that the team’s intensive training from the previous few days had paid off-- --

10 minutes and five seconds into the match, Tong Yao teleported down to bot and worked together with bot to crush the other side’s bot and jungler. She earned a triple kill, acquiring first blood for this round.

At 15 minutes and 30 seconds, ZGDX lost a team fight. Lu Sicheng was surrounded by three enemies and died, but he took their jungler with him, leaving the other two enemies at low health…...The remaining four of the enemy team began fighting the elemental dragon. Everyone who was watching thought Huawei’s move was too risky and ZGDX should go fight for the dragon-- --Four of ZGDX players did start moving towards the dragon pit, but suddenly Tong Yao, Little Fatty, and Old Cat turned around. The three of them turned to mid lane to push the enemy’s outer turret-- --Everyone was surprised. Huawei at the time was about to finish with the dragon. Only Old K went down to the dragon pit, used smite, and tried to fight for the dragon.

At 30 minutes and 20 seconds, ZGDX first killed Huawei’s mid, then the ad. The five players worked as one, moving wherever they were directed to, and didn’t waste a single ability. They played so coordinately that it felt like there was only one person playing the match.

At 31 minutes 0 second, all five players of Huawei died. ZGDX pushed to Huawei’s base.


The audience cheered.

Commentator B laughed aloud while clapping: [What did I say! Look at their execution. It seems that I’m watching Team Lan in action here! Only Team Lan could perform such a sudden change of target like this before!]

[1]: Stands for "Good Game"

Translated by Team DHH at