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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 97 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 97 Part 3
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Xiang Nuan told Lin Chuyan: “I want to buy you a cosplay costume and have you wear it to the convention with us, alright?”

Lin Chuyan asked: “Which champion costume are you going to buy? Is it Zhuge Liang?”

Among all the male champions in Kings of Glory, Zhuge Liang was Xiang Nuan’s favorite. If their appearance wasn't part of the consideration, her favorite would be Zhang Fei.

Xiang Nuan shook her head when she heard Lin Chuyan’s question: “No way. Zhuge Liang’s costume has too many layers. It’s so hot now, what if you get a heat stroke?”

Lin Chuyan was very moved by her consideration, he thought his girlfriend was just like an angel.

Xiang Nuan: “I’m thinking of buying Daji’s passionate Samba costume, that’ll keep you cool.”

Lin Chuyan: “......”

He had misunderstood her intentions……

Xiang Nuan pulled on his clothes: “Please wear it, I especially want to see you cosplay Daji.”

Lin Chuyan felt that he had met a twisted person.

Though Lin Chuyan could be shameless, there was a limit even to that. He couldn’t see himself doing that and refused.

“Please.” Xiang Nuan said.

Lin Chuyan patted Xiang Nuan’s head and said with a smile: “Under one condition.”

“What condition?”

Lin Chuyan got closer while holding her head and whispered: “You’ll put it on me yourself, one piece at the time. Undress first, then put on the costume.”

-- --

Xiang Nuan and Lin Chuyan accused each other of having twisted minds. In the end, they didn’t reach an agreement. As such, Lin Chuyan went to the convention dressed normally without cosplaying anyone.

The four of them met outside the convention. Xiang Nuan was a little surprised: “Yin Jiejie, you……”

“What about me?” Yang Yin asked with a smile.

“You’ve become more beautiful.”

Yang Yin didn’t bother making herself look good before, but now it was different.

She pinched Xiang Nuan’s face and said: “You’re so sweet.”

Xiang Nuan took a look at Yang Yin, then turned to glance at Shen Zemu. Her eyeballs rolled around.

They walked into the convention. Xiang Nuan suddenly said to Yang Yin: “Yin Jiejie, let’s go to the bathroom together?”

“Sure.” Yang Yin felt Xiang Nuan wanted to tell her something, she could see it on Xiang Nuan’s face.

Once they were in the bathroom, Yang Yin asked: “What’s wrong?”

“Yin Jiejie, are you and Xuezhang……”

When Xiang Nuan asked the question, she was slightly pouting her mouth as if she was unhappy about something. Yang Yin’s heart skipped a bit. She had almost forgotten that Xiang Nuan had told her about how she had a crush on Shen Zemu.

Yang Yin was also uneasy now and asked lightly: “You, do you mind?”

“Hrm?” Xiang Nuan was taken aback. When she finally figured out what Yang Yin meant, she hurriedly shook her head: “No, no, no, no, no! Don’t misunderstand me, Yin Jiejie. I don’t mean that……” She scratched the back of her head while saying: “I’m just a little curious. Why didn’t you tell me? I’ve told you everything about me. Besides, why do I feel that even Lin Chuyan knows more than me?”

Yang Yin relaxed and shook her head: “It’s really nothing going on. It’s just me who likes him. I haven’t told you because……”

“Because what?”

Yang Yin looked down, played with her own fingers, and said quite frustratedly: “I just feel that the gap between us is too big.”

“How can it be too big? Aren’t you the same age?”

“It’s not the age. It’s something else, like education, family background, and things like that.”

Xiang Nuan instantly shook her head: “I don’t think those things are problems. As long as you like-- --”

“Then we should be together?” Yang Yin interrupted her and sighed: “You don’t feel those are problems because there’s no such problem between you and Lin Chuyan.”

Xiang Nuan didn’t know how to respond. Indeed, she and Lin Chuyan didn’t have those concerns at all. She really didn’t know how to convince Yang Yin to not mind such things.

Suddenly, Xiang Nuan felt sorry for Yang Yin and went up to hug her.

“Yin Jiejie, go for it.”


Translated by Team DHH at

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