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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 131 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 131 Part 2

Tong Yao moved her lips, but Dubhe continued: “I can’t stand others trashing the thing that I want but am unable to get yet.”

Tong Yao: “?”

Dubhe: “When the team lost to YQCB, weren’t you sitting there traumatized?”

Tong Yao: “What?”

It took a few seconds before Tong Yao’s brain reacted to what Dubhe had just said. She blushed and stepped back a few steps. It was awkward and her heart was throbbing. She forced a smile: “Is it a ZGDX tradition for ADs to flirt with girls to make them happy?”

Dubhe: “?”

Dubhe glanced up at Tong Yao as if he was surprised to hear her. He said after a short pause: “I’m saying that I want a good mid teammate and you happen to be one.”

Tong Yao: “.................................”

Tong Yao took a look at the chair next to her and felt an urge, out of embarrassment, to lift the chair and smash it into Dubhe’s head-- -- She made a face towards the back of Dubhe. At that moment, the door to their captain’s room opened up on the other side of the hallway.

Lu Sicheng walked out with a sleepy face, his hair was messy, with strands of hair sticking out in every which way. He walked briskly straight towards Tong Yao and Dubhe, then stood right before them. Without saying a word, he picked up Tong Yao-- --

Tong Yao hadn’t realized what had happened and could only hold onto Lu Sicheng’s neck with both of her hands. She heard Lu Sicheng speak using his cold and low voice to the only other living person there: “Recycling bulky item.”

Without waiting for Dubhe’s reaction, Lu Sicheng turned around and walked out carrying Tong Yao with him.

He walked back to his room and used his foot to close the door.

The door closed with a bang. Little Fatty shook and jumped up, pulling off the eye covers on his face. He was met with the eyes of his team’s mid who was being carried by Lu Sicheng. Little Fatty cursed, putting the eye covers back on to lay back down on bed and pulled his blanket over his head.

Lu Sicheng put Tong Yao on his bed-- --Tong Yao struggled to sit up-- --Lu Sicheng took off his slippers and got into bed while yawning. He pushed Tong Yao back down and used his big hand to keep Tong Yao’s head in place: “Keep me company for a while.”

Tong Yao: “......I’m awake.”

Lu Sicheng: “So you sent that kind of WeChat to wake me up?”

Lu Sicheng: “Go back to sleep.”

Tong Yao: “I can’t.”

Lu Sicheng: “Then just close your eyes and rest.”

Tong Yao: “But I feel like playing games.”

“......Playing what games, morning is for sleeping.”

Lu Sicheng sounded drowsy as he mumbled-- -- But he didn’t loosen his hold on Tong Yao’s waist. Tong Yao struggled a few times but couldn’t free herself. She got a slap on her bottom instead……

Then the hand stayed on her bottom, not moving away.

Lu Sicheng: “If you’re not sleeping, then we should do something else.”

He pushed her bottom towards him as he spoke. Tong Yao pushed her hand against Lu Sicheng’s chest, but her thigh had touched upon something warm and protruding-- -- As if under an immobilization spell-- --Tong Yao instantly quieted down……

She looked up and saw Lu Sicheng, with closed eyes, slightly frowning. There were light dark circles under his eyes……

Tong Yao was slightly taken aback.

She lifted her hand and used her fingertips to carefully smooth out the creases between his eyebrows.

Then she retracted her hand to hug Lu Sicheng’s waist. She lowered her head and buried it in his arms……



“You’ve suffered.”

Tong Yao felt the hand on her bottom move a little, then his eyebrows started to slightly knit together again.

“If you talk in such a condescending tone again, I’ll bang you till you cry.”




Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Condolences to Little Fatty if he didn't wear earplugs and had to hear this conversation

    Thank you for the update!

  2. Poor Little Fatty, always be the witness of their private lovey dovey things, lol!

  3. okay so at least we know dubhe has no such intentions. He just wants to play the game with her.

  4. Haha... Recycling bulk item. Our captain lu is funny.

  5. I'm embarrassed for Little Fatty 😳


  6. oop poor little fatty.😭😭

  7. Thank you for the chapterπŸ˜ƒ

  8. Little Fatty isn't getting paid enough for this lololol...on the other hand...maybe it's for all the red buffs he's stolen from his captain? lol

  9. HE can be condescending to her, but not her to him?!?! Gaaah. LSC is a jerk.

  10. Happy to know that Dubhe is not like that. Whew! I've been eyeing him with my laser eyes ready to shoot! I wonder if Fatty will be the best man in their wedding. Hahaha... i like fatty too!

  11. Lsc shares a room with Fatty. TY has a room all to herself, nice and private.....Why do they always insist on fooling around in LSC's room....come on give little fatty a break....poor guy has been really supportive....why torture him so

  12. ....Fatty, you can go and take our patience, you'll need lots of them.

  13. My guess is Cheng Ge heard every word that was said and went to rescue his girl - keep in mind Dubhe is exactly the same personality as Chenge Ge - so he knows exactly what he meant - even though he quickly covered it up - remember how Cheng Ge used to talk to her earlier on. Dubhe is definitely interested in her other than as a mid

    1. Annette my friend I was exactly thinking the same
      If dubhe wasn't interested then he wouldn't have misbehaved with her
      Poor Tong Yao she didn't understand his intentions
      He better behave as I already have an urge to kick him on the balls😈😠😀

  14. "...I’ll bang you till you cry.” πŸ‘€πŸ€€πŸ˜πŸ₯² ah, captain!
    I wish TY flirted with him and teased him a lil. πŸ˜ͺ
