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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 96 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 96 Part 1
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Shen Zemu didn’t have much stuff to move in, just some books, his computer and some clothes. His room was on the second floor, right above Yang Yin’s room downstairs.

Originally, Yang Yin’s room wasn’t on the first floor. She switched her room downstairs so she could get up early to go to class without interfering with the rest of the team’s sleep.

The next day after Shen Zemu moved into the base, Yang Yin pushed her bicycle out the door early in the morning. She felt as if she was being watched and turned around to look up. She saw Shen Zemu standing behind the window on the second floor watching her.

Yang Yin was surprised.

Her players were all deep in sleep at the moment, only Shen Zemu was different, he got up early.

Shen Zemu was only wearing dark colored shorts, bare-chested. He was slightly bent over with his arms pressing down on the window sill. From Yang Yin’s angle through the window, she could see his narrow waist line and some hairs on his abdomen which extended downwards into the waistband of his shorts. Yang Yin swallowed; she would like to see the contour of his abdominal muscles but she was too far away.

Shen Zemu quietly watched her without saying anything.

Uneasy, Yang Yin felt her body burn up a little under his gaze. She carelessly waved at him and got on her bike to ride away.

When she was almost at the gate of the community, she stopped and sent a message to him: Nice figure.

Very quickly, Shen Zemy replied: Thank you. Yours isn’t bad either.

Yang Yin suddenly remembered that she had lied in his arms naked before…… With that in mind, his message looked more and more suggestive to Yang Yin.

She was teasing him because she thought he always acted so seriously. She didn’t expect that he would tease her.

It looked like she shouldn’t have been mischievous in the first place.

-- --

Yang Yin came back to base after class. Shen Zemu didn’t ask her where she had been. He was never a talkative person.

That night Shen Zemu joined them for their regular run. The lead became two people. Deng Wenbo, without knowing what he was thinking of, also came by and parked the car on the roadside, waiting to see them run by. When the group got closer, he rolled down the car window: “Yang Yin! If you pretend not to see me again, I’ll deduct your pay!”

“Boss, how are you. Boss, goodbye.” Yang Yin quickly greeted her boss, but didn’t slow down a bit.

The players who were following her burst into laughter as they ran.

After their run, Yang Yin took a shower and stayed in her room to study. There was one exam scheduled for the coming October. She planned to register for three subjects first, three easier subjects. She would take her time to study the specialized subjects and wait till April next year to take the exam.

After studying for a while, she felt hungry. She wanted to get some food in the kitchen. When she passed by the living room, she saw Shen Zemu smoking in there.

“Couldn’t sleep?”


“I’m going to cook up something, do you want some?”


Yang Yin said: “Tomorrow I’ll buy a robot to put in here. A robot would talk more than you.”

There were ingredients already in the kitchen. The club had hired a helper to clean and cook for them. Yang Yin searched inside the refrigerator. In the end, she cooked some noodles with lettuce, tomatoes, and oyster sauce. She also added two fried eggs to the noodles.

The noodles looked pretty good.

Shen Zemu had finished smoking. Yang Yin put a large bowl of noodles in front of him. He said: “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Yang Yin also sat down and said: “It can’t be that you can’t sleep because you smoke?”

“It’s not that.”

“Then why? Have you gone to the doctors?”

“It’s neurasthenia.”

Yang Yin was even more curious now: “You’re so young, why would you have neurasthenia?”

Shen Zemu looked down and used his chopsticks to flip the fried egg in his bowl before answering: “I was seriously ill when I was in middle school.”

“What illness?”

He didn’t reply.

Yang Yin instinctively felt that it wouldn’t be as simple as an illness. She rested her chin on her hand and lightly said: “You know all my secrets. Maybe you should tell me yours?”

Translated by Team DHH at

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