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Monday, October 12, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 122 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 122 Part 2 

“Try what?” Lu Sicheng’s big hand firmly clasped around Tong Yao’s wrist and her face was beginning to blush.

Lu Sicheng smirked and said with a voice full of confidence and ridicule: “Try to see whether you could browse Weibo while we’re making love or just shiver in my arms.”

Lu Sicheng had pulled Tong Yao on top of his solid chest. Tong Yao’s hair was slightly messy but her black eyes were bright, yet serious: “Don’t take advantage of me. Who are you trying to trick? I won’t try it, you rascal!”

Afterward saying so, Tong Yao couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst into laughter.

That was her first real bright smile of the day.

The corners of Lu Sicheng's eyes relaxed a bit. He reached over to hug her tighter, then lowered his head to kiss her on her forehead: “It’s not easy to get you to smile. I was looking forward to it as if I was anticipating a Sago palm tree[1] to blossom…...Can you be more relaxed? We’re just facing a relegation team tomorrow, why are you so scared?”

“........................................” It took Tong Yao awhile before she realized that Lu Sicheng was trying to distract her from the game tomorrow. She lifted her hand to touch Lu Sicheng’s face: “It’s all because you kept saying that we’re going to lose.”

“It’s because there’s a real possibility of it. I’m afraid that you won’t be able to take it. You’ve been winning matches so far, what if you cry over the loss?”

“I did cry before.” Tong Yao slightly raised her head: “That time when I was bullied by that  freaking Ah Tai from your old team. I almost lost the ability to take care of myself.”

“I wasn’t your boyfriend at the time and I didn’t have to care whether you cried or not.” Lu Sicheng pushed her head back against his chest: “But now I have to care.”

“Then, tomorrow you can keep carrying me to victory.”

“......It’s Li Junhe on the opposite side. How do I keep carrying you to victory? Break his hand before the match?”

“......” Tong Yao pinched Lu Sicheng’s face: “Don’t you know how to draw a big pie[2] to make me feel better.”

“If you like to see a big pie this much, then you can hug your cat as you go to sleep. A pie of several kilos, is that big enough?”


Lu Sicheng was really boring.

Well, mature is another way to say boring. He was just too realistic. If he wasn’t sure about it, he simply couldn’t find anything rosy to say in order to make others happy-- --He would never draw a big pie for anyone if he wasn’t prepared for it, even though he knew whatever promise he could make would make others feel much more comfortable.

…...It was because of his maturity, whatever he said or did was always very persuasive to others. When he was at ease with the outcome of a game, he could successfully influence the mood of others around him. Tong Yao opened her arms to hug Lu Sicheng’s waist. Her whole body curled up and she buried her face in his chest-- --

Whenever she thought about the game tomorrow, her heart would begin thumping but she felt much calmer than before.


As she was sleeping that night, Tong Yao dreamt of Old K and Old Cat in a match and the two started to fight over a rock on the road. It all started with Old Cat trying to get a krug for a long time until his health was extremely low. Then Old K came over to take down the krug with smite (*a summoner ability that deals a large amount of damage to the monsters in the jungle and minions, usually taken by the jungler). The rest of the team was stunned and Old Cat just exploded. The two of them kept fighting harder and harder. Eventually, Old K completely lost it; stood up, yanked his earphones out of his ears, and slapped Old Cat several times-- --

The sound of the slaps was very loud!

Tong Yao felt the pain just by watching it-- --It really hurt-- --It felt like those slaps were on her own face…...Then she woke up from the pain.

When she opened her eyes, she found Dabing was sitting on her pillow and slapping her face with its paw. The moment she opened her eyes, the paw happened to hit her nose-- --It was so painful that tears welled up in her eyes. Tong Yao got up and pushed the cat off the bed and stared at Xiao Cong who was just sitting there as a spectator. Tong Yao felt lucky that she was never interested in getting a nose job, otherwise she probably had to call for an ambulance now.

Tong Yao covered her nose, wiped off her tears, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and changed into her team uniform. She then walked downstairs and saw the two cats were squatting on the couch lovingly licking each other’s fur-- --A sharp contrast to the cats that were her two teammates Mr. Old Cat and Mr. Old K. Even though they were also sitting on each end of the couch, they were looking down on their own cell phones without even acknowledging the other’s existence.

The loving interaction between the two cats couldn’t inspire the two teammates to love each other again.

It didn’t make the two men feel ashamed or embarrassed at their own childish behavior.

[1]: The Sago palm tree rarely blossoms, so it means something that rarely happens or is difficult to see.

[2]: This is a play on words. The original Chinese was 画大饼 (hua da bing), which means literally to draw a big pie/pancake but in this case means to draw a rosy picture or make an empty promise. But 大饼 (da bing) is the name of Tong Yao’s cat, which Lu Sicheng references in the next paragraph.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I really love their interaction makes me crave for a relationship 😹

  2. I loved how she compared the two lovely cats with the annoyed cats😂😂😂
    If you know what I mean right?
