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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 89 Part 5

Translated by Team DHH at

Translator's Note: This is the last of Those Sweet Times. But we'll be translating some extra chapters. There's an extra chapter about Hu Ge and Keke and 12 chapters about Shen Zemu and Yang Yin that we'll be translating so look forward to that.

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 89 Part 5

Xiang Nuan was taken aback by Lin Chuyan’s reply. She looked up at him and began feeling emotional.

They had all grown up now. More and more things had become less and less important in their lives. Just like a lot of other people, Xiang Nuan had been crazy about certain things. But like most people, time has blown those things into the corner and sprouted into wild flowers here and there decorating the path of their youth. They became irrelevant, unimportant, insignificant, or unworthy of being remembered or missed.

She would bury them in the bottom of her heart and forget about them.

But he remembered, he remembered all of them.

He remembered them in the bottom of his heart and never forgot about them.

Xiang Nuan suddenly started crying.

Her tears gushed out, sliding down her cheeks like two tiny streams. She cried. Her eyes were watery, her body trembled, and even her lips were quivering.

Lin Chuyan was shocked to see her like this. Xiang Nuan wasn’t the kind of person who cried easily and the way she was crying now was something he had never seen before.

“You, don’t cry……” He was flustered and felt bad for her. He lifted his hand to wipe her tears away but there were more tears than he could wipe away. He ended up holding her in his arms and lightly patted her back: “Don’t cry, don’t cry……”

Xiang Nuan’s tears soaked his clothes. She stayed inside his arms and just let her emotions go. She cried for quite a while.

Finally, she stopped crying and started to hiccup.

Lin Chuyan used napkins to dry her face. He lifted up her chin and looked at her eyes which were now swollen into walnuts: “Do you have to do that?”

“I have to.”

“Let’s go up and check it out.”

There was no one working there right now. The house was empty except for a custodian there to keep an eye on the place. They went in to look around and Xiang Nuan washed her face in the bathroom.

“I want to go to the rooftop.” She said.

“Alright, let’s go see the sunset.”

There were chairs, tables and umbrellas on the rooftop. The sun was setting at the moment. The two of them sat on a long bench, shoulder to shoulder. Lin Chuyan hugged Xiang Nuan’s shoulder and Xiang Nuan leaned on his body, resting her head on his shoulder.

They were very close to each other. Xiang Nuan could clearly feel the rise and fall of his each breath.

“Oblivion is coming over in a bit.” Lin Chuyan said: “And Hu Ge, Yin Jie, and Shen Xuezhang.”


“You know what I mean?”


“No matter what you want to do, I’ll always be there with you.”


“Why don’t you say something?” Lin Chuyan asked. Suddenly, something was stuffed into his hand, it was from her.

Lin Chuyan looked down and opened his palm. It was a piece of candy, the candy she specifically reserved for him.

Lin Chuyan laughed and peeled off the wrapper. He put the candy into her mouth: “Payment for the last candy.”

Xiang Nuan took the candy with a red face but didn’t say anything.

Then Lin Chuyan opened the wrapper and looked at the words on it. He said with a smile: “What have you written here? I can’t read it, could you read it out for me.”

“Lin Chuyan, don’t push your luck.”

“Read it.” Lin Chuyan pushed the wrapper in front of Xiang Nuan.


“I’ve said these three words to you three years ago. You won’t get short changed for saying them now.”

“When did you say that to me?”

“That day when you got drunk.”

“It doesn’t count then. I was drunk. You have to say it again.”

“I love you.”

“......” Xiang Nuan was speechless: “Why aren’t you more reserved!”

“It’s your turn. Don’t try to weasel out of it.”

Xiang Nuan closed her eyes and said in a small voice: “I, I love you, Lin Chuyan.”

Lin Chuyan kissed her. The kiss was eager and passionate; Xiang Nuan’s lips even hurt a little.

After the kiss, Xiang Nuan discovered that Lin Chuyan had taken her candy away again.

“Sorry, I wasn’t doing it on purpose this time.” Lin Chuyan was apologetic: “How about I return it to you now?”

“You, go away……”

Lin Chuyan giggled in a low voice. In the end, he did return the candy to her.


Xiang Nuan asked Lin Chuyan: “The Times 1014, I understand the ‘times’. It was the name of our team before. But why 1014? Any special meaning?”

“What day is Oct. 14?”

“Hrm, the day that the International Organization for Standardization was established?”


“Then what day is that? Tell me.”

“The day we met.”

On Oct. 14 four years ago, two noobies met at Kings Valley.

From that time onward, all the times they shared were sweet times.

-- --THE END -- --

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thank youuuuu for the translation. I really love this novel. It's so sad to say good bye to them. Can not wait for the new novel later.

  2. I'm sad that this is "The End" of this novel as I enjoyed it so much. My utmost thanks to the Translator and for completing the translation. I will miss Xiang Nuan and Lin Chuyan.

  3. Thank you so much for the dedication you have put into translating this novel! Wishing you all the best translator ^o^

  4. Thank you 💜 loved this sweet couple and their sweet times

  5. I should have read this novel earlier! What a cute, light hearted novel!

    I'm going to raze that one review in NovelUpdates for making me doubtful of reading this.
