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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 115 Part 2

 Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 115 Part 2

It was even messier on ZGDX's official Weibo site. Some were calling Tong Yao shameless for seducing Lu Sicheng; some were calling Lu Sicheng names for having a crush on Tong Yao…...and the others were blaming management: [Damn the management, they don’t even come out to stick up for their players when they’re being blasted online. They obviously don’t treat their players like human beings. They only know how to squeeze players dry to make money from them. Get lost!]

It was said that the girl who administered the official site had been dissed so badly that she burst into tears and went directly to the public relations department of the club to demand the director issue a statement.

When the plane carrying Tong Yao and her teammates landed at Shanghai’s airport, the ZGDX Club finally issued an official statement-- --

[To the fans of the ZGDX Club:

Greetings to everyone.

Thanks to everyone for your long time fondness and support to the two members of our Club’s League of Legends Division: Tong Yao (game id: Smiling) and Lu Sicheng (game id: Chessman).

As to the private relationship between our team members, our club, upholding the management concepts of independence and open mindedness, will not excessively interfere in private relationships under the condition that said relationships haven’t impacted their training and performance-- -- “The mutual attraction will become a legend with high approbation,” will be the best blessing and wishes from the management of our club.

As to the online verbal attacks on our players recently, our club will investigate and follow through. Any speech that infringes on the personal safety of our players, our club will uphold our right to take legal action and safeguard the personal rights of our players to the end.

Finally, there is a quote on Weibo-- --

“If you are watchful of the current situation in the world, it seems that the opposite side of goodness isn’t evil, but ignorance.

Evil is only the by-product of ignorance.”

Don’t let ignorance blind your eyes to goodness.

We wish you all a happy life.]


On the bus back to the ZGDX base, Xiao Rui read the official statement from the club word by word on the microphone. After he put down the mic, he faced the two who were sitting on the last row and said: “I heard the official Weibo administrator cried three times from being attacked by fans. But there’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s not something shameful at all-- --But you two have to understand one thing: a lot of people are watching you, some who are sincerely wishing you well and some who are waiting to see you fall so they can laugh at you. Therefore, in regards to the world championship, there’s only winning. There’s no room for losing.”

Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng didn’t say anything at the time.

The atmosphere in the bus grew serious. Everyone had a ponderous look on their face. Everyone was carefully mulling over what Xiao Ruo had just said-- --

[Some who are sincerely wishing you well and some are waiting to see you fall so they can laugh at you. Therefore, in regards to the world championship, there’s only winning. There’s no room for losing]


After arriving back at base, they all went back to their rooms to take showers and get ready for bed. Tong Yao didn’t bother to think about anything or do anything. She only took out her cell phone to charge it and then fell sound asleep on her bed, without a dream throughout the night…...The next morning, the sun shone brightly into her room. Tong Yao took off her eyeshades and got up. She grabbed her cell phone and the first thing she saw was a WeChat message from her friend Chen Jinyang-- --

[The person totally tricked by a high schooler: Your official site is really something, facing off those trolls just like that. It’s almost like wishing you two for a harmonious union and to soon have a baby.]

The corner of Tong Yao’s lips twitched. 

She logged off WeChat and opened the Apple store to download Weibo, Tieba, the LoL app, and other various social network apps. She was at peace with herself as she waited for the downloads.

 Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Might be too soon to get back on social media XD

    Also, I'm almost surprised Cheng-ge didn't try to go to her room as soon as they got back ;p

    1. Oh he did waiting at the front of her door.. and he was afraid that Tong Yao'll affected by fans and will be depressed.. fortunately it's not happen

  2. Oh god.. too soon.. she'll get cold feet for sure. Thanks for the chapter

  3. Good to know she's at peace. Jiayou!

  4. Being a professional esports player, and a famous one to boot, theoretically it would be a lot less stress to just not be in social media. She has more than enough on her plate.
