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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 87 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 87 Part 2 

Lin Chuyan got hold of Xiang Nuan’s wrists and pulled them over her head. His hand was large enough to pin both of Xiang Nuan’s wrists. Xiang Nuan wasn’t able to move, like a fish stranded on the beach.

Lin Chuyan was on top of Xiang Nuan and slowly kissed her, tenderly. Her body was soft as wicker and smelt as fragrant as flower petals. Lin Chuyan’s hand caressed her waistline and he kissed her lips greedily and indulgently. His heartbeat grew faster and faster and his breathing became more and more erratic.

He told himself that he couldn’t continue.

There was a voice in him telling him to stop.

His body was about to go out of control.

Yet he couldn’t stop himself. She was his fatal weakness, how could he stop?

Suddenly, there was noise coming from outside…...It was the sound of a key opening the lock.

He had to stop whether he liked it or not.

Lin Chuyan released Xiang Nuan and sat up. Then he pulled her up and helped her tidy up her hair and clothes.

Xiang Nuan had a red face and glistening eyes.

Lin Chuyan squinted to look at her moist and bright red lips. He swallowed and said: “You better hide first, the way you look now……”

Xiang Nuan ran to the bathroom, splashed her face with cold water, and walked out only after she was sure that she didn’t look suspicious.

It was Yue Yingying who had come to visit. When she saw Xiang Nuan coming out of the bathroom, she immediately waved at Xiang Nuan: “Xiang Nuan, come over here, quick!”

“Auntie, why are you here?” Xiang Nuan was happy to see her and sat down right next to her.

“I came over to see you…..” After saying so, Yue Yingying noticed that her own son was casting a look at her, she then added: “you all.”

“What is this?” Xiang Nuan pointed at a simple yet elegant looking box which Yue Yingying had brought with her.

“They’re hand-made pastries, from the most famous bakery in Nanshan City. Taste it and see whether you like them.”

“Thanks, auntie!” Xiang Nuan helped herself to some pastries.

Lin Chuyan still felt odd that his mother had come so suddenly and asked: “Mom, is there something you plan to do here?”

“There’s something. Isn’t Xiang Nuan’s birthday coming up soon? We’ll celebrate her birthday together this year…...Is it alright, Xiang Nuan?”

“Sure, auntie. Auntie, the pastries are so good!”

“Good. I’m glad that you like them. I’ll bring more for you in the future.”

Lin Chuyan said: “There’s still one more month before Xiang Nuan’s birthday. How can it be coming soon?”

“It’s coming soon if you round off.”

Lin Chuyan couldn’t refute his own mother.

Yue Yingying continued: “Xiang Nuan, will Professor Xiang and your mother come here for your birthday?”

“I’m not sure.”

“They should, right? It’s your first birthday away from home.”

“En. En.” Xiang Nuan certainly wished that her parents would be here for her birthday.

“If that’s the case, then why don’t we all celebrate it together? We can formally meet your parents at the same time, what do you think?”

Xiang Nuan knew very well what Auntie Yue had in mind. Wasn’t it like meeting the parents before arranging the wedding?

She was a little embarrassed and didn’t know how to reply with a red face.

Yue Yingying realized that she might have acted too rashly. Xiang Nuan was only a college freshman and she was already in a hurry to meet her future in-laws. What if Professor and Mrs. Xiang didn’t want to meet her? Xiang Nuan was their most precious daughter afterall and it was her son who was going to take their daughter away……

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Lol. Lin Chu Yan's entire family is in a hurry.

  2. Chuyan's family is hilarious. They are so eager for their son to get married that they forget he's just recently passed his teenage years.

  3. Ooooh some hot scenes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
