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Saturday, September 5, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 114 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 114 Part 3

Lu Sicheng finished his call. The moment he hung up, he announced shocking news: “My mom insists on coming to Shanghai. Lu Yue, you go talk to her. It’s already the later half of the league competition. What is she making trouble for.”

Lu Yue didn’t respond. It was Tong Yao who reacted. Her whole body tensed up, she sat up straight and nervously fixed her eyes on Lu Sicheng: “What is Aunty coming for? It can’t be that she’s coming to see me? Or she’s going to have a private chat with me? -- --Lu Sicheng, I refuse to do it, you can’t let me be treated so miserably. A poor ordinary female lead and the wealthy mother of the male lead sit in a coffee shop. The mother comes in and tells the girl right away ‘How much money do you want to leave my son alone’. The female lead either will name her price or a cup of burning hot coffee will be spilled on her face………………….”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Tong Yao: “What if I get disfigured?”

Lu Sicheng looked down at the hand which was clasping his and the panicky girl who had just perfectly retold a favorite plot from various Korean dramas. He sighed and helplessly said: “Then you just name your price.”

He could feel the hand on him stiffen.

He added: “Remember to ask for more, ask for ten million. Then when you come back we can split the money and buy you a Maserati.”

Tong Yao thought about it, then reached over to hug Lu Sicheng’s waist with both of her arms and buried her head in his chest: “I don’t want a Maserati, I just want you.”

Everyone on the bus who had heard her all pretended to vomit, refusing to take the PDA. Xiao Rui was the one who made the loudest sound and added a warning: “You two better watch out. If you two want to PDA every day after we go back, I’ll send you to live in the storage room.”

However, the couple didn’t pay attention to the disgust of the others.

After hearing Tong Yao’s words, Lu Sicheng happened to remember what he had said the other day that “I don’t want fans, I want you.”  He was so moved by Tong Yao returning the same declaration to him that he was about to hug her back. Then he heard Tong Yao slowly say with a muffled voice: “Why do I need that many cars for? Haven’t you already given me your Maserati?”

Lu Sicheng: “...................................”

Lu Sicheng affectionately rubbed Tong Yao’s head, then gripped his teeth: “Don’t worry, you aren’t the kind of person who would get coffee thrown at. Probably before my mom opens her mouth, you’d already named your price: 2.5 million[1], no check, cash only and not in consecutive numbers. I’ll go far away once I get the money.”

Tong Yao lifted her head up to look at the perfect curve of his chin: “Why 2.5 million?”

Lu Sicheng: “Because the number matches you perfectly.”

Tong Yao: “Well, in my mind, you’re at least worth five million.”

Lu Sicheng: “......Is alright if I don’t say thank you, right?”

Tong Yao: “......”


It was hard going public, even harder than reaching up to the sky.

First, they had to get the approval of their teammates.

Then it was to get the approval of their parents and the blessings of their friends and relatives.

-- --For most couples, once they had everyone’s blessings, they could make their wedding plans. But to Tong Yao, this was only the beginning. When they were back at the hotel, she turned on her cell phone again. Other than the dozens of missed calls from her father, she checked Webo, it was overflowing with forwarded messages and comments. Even her private mailbox was stuffed.

Tong Yao clicked open the first one to take a glance at it-- --

Once again, Tong Yao logged off Weibo with a blushing face, uninstalled Webo, uninstalled Tieba, and uninstalled the League of Legends app.

Goodbye, trolls.

[1]: 250 in Chinese is pronounced “er bai wu” (二百五) which is referring to a simple-minded, silly, or very stupid person. 2.5 million is a play on this number.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I just love that goodbye trolls part.

    Oh, And give me more PDA

    1. The first comment actually cursed at her. That's why she's said Goodbye trolls

  2. well they went from underground relationship to openly saying revolting flirty banter right in front of the whole team. Guess they'll have to get used to having dog food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  3. I'm all about how cute they are, but I'd be shuddering if I was one of their teammates XD
