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Friday, September 4, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 114 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 114 Part 2 

Tong Yao read all the messages sent by her family and friends on WeChat and was going to call her father who sounded like he was about to go ballistic. Then she thought about what her father would say over the phone-- --Or perhaps, her father had already bought a ticket to fly to Shanghai and was getting ready to board the airplane-- --She sent her mother a short text instead: “Hold my dad down.” Then she put down her phone, shut it off, and chose to avoid the coming storm like an ostrich.

She was sitting shoulder to shoulder next to Lu Sicheng at the last row of the bus.

It was dark inside the bus. When Tong Yao put away her phone, she heard Dubhe complaining in a low voice: “He’s taken me for Cheng Ge and went crazy on me.” “20 last hits in 10 minutes” “I was going mad”......

Little Fatty and Alkaid broke into laughter. Alkaid’s laugh was still clouded by the shadow of death.

Tong Yao: “Ai……”

She uneasily moved her body, but the man sitting next to her had his big head pressed down her shoulder-- --Ever since that kiss inside the arena, Lu Sicheng was like a person who had finally reached the surface from underground and breathed fresh air. He had become simply unscrupulous since there was no way he could be pushed back like how they were before they went public: He would act lovey-dovey like a girl, leaning his tall body on Tong Yao’s and held Tong Yao’s hand as if fearing she would run away. All the while, he was holding his cell phone in his other hand……

He was making a phone call.

[I was inside the arena earlier. It was very noisy, I didn't hear the phone ring…...Why are you calling me? Can’t I focus on my brother’s match?]

[I’ve told you I’m not gay and you won’t listen. Now you blame me that you guessed wrong?]

[That girl……] Lu Sicheng looked up to glance at Tong Yao who was looking down at him at the same time. He kept his head on her shoulder but stretched his neck to peck on her lips again. Then, without minding her red face, he continued calmly talking on the phone, [That girl is my teammate-- --Yeah, yeah, yeah, she looks quite young but is over 18, it’s legal…...The sound just now? I just kissed her.]

Tong Yao couldn’t keep still anymore.

She scrambled to grab his phone.

Lu Sicheng sat up straight, used one hand to keep Tong Yao’s head still, and pinched her grimacing face at the same time: [Don’t come to Shanghai, you’ll scare her…...Why do you want to know what profession her parents are in? What are you talking about registration, she’s 19, not at the legal marriage age-- --I never said I won’t be responsible. What do you mean that I’ve tarnished her innocence in front of millions of people? It’s an inflated number produced by the streaming platform. Gee, don’t screech. Where’s my dad? Oh, he’s working overtime…...I’ve told you she’s 19, not yet the legal age to marry-- --It won’t work even if you bribe the Civil Affairs Bureau-- --Don’t talk like those ignorant people who know only about money. If you keep being unreasonable, I’ll hang up.]

Tong Yao: “...............................................”

Lu Yue walked to the back row: “My dad also watched the stream. I asked him to before the match. He didn’t expect to see something even more exciting than watching me playing as the starting player.”

Lu Yue added: “He said he kept calling you but the line is always busy.”

Lu Sicheng lifted his eyelids to glance over Lu Yue, then lifted his leg to kick him while mouthing: “Get lost.” Lu Yue brazenedly grinned showing off his white teeth and sat down uninvited on the last row as well-- --Then he turned to look at Tong Yao with a bright smile: “What is your new password?”

Tong Yao: “Why should I tell you?”

Lu Yue: “To please your brother-in-law, so I won’t make trouble for you when you marry into our family-- --Ouch!”

Before he could finish, Lu Sicheng reached over with his long arm and slapped Lu Yue’s head, hard.

Xiao Rui was sitting in the front row and was busy searching for door installers in Shanghai. He was preparing to take down Tong Yao’s room door after they went back and replaced it with a security door, to prevent Tong Yao from getting pregnant…...Lu Yue reached over to take a peak and jeered at him: “It’s no use even if you install a hundred doors. This girl would open the door for him.”

Xiao Rui stopped in the middle of flipping the web pages and turned to ask Tong Yao: “Would you?”

Tong Yao didn’t know how to reply.

Xiao Rui sighed in exasperation.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. "Ever since that kiss inside the arena, Lu Sicheng was like a person who had finally reached the surface from underground and breathed fresh air. He had become simply unscrupulous since there was no way he could be pushed back like how they were before they went public"

    And the truth did indeed set him free. LOL.

    I'm still living how much Lu Yue keeps tatting on Cheng Ge to their parents. I felt he was such a rebellious kid since he first appeared... didn't imagine he'd be in such close contact with his parents XD

    And poor Xiao Rui.... hahaha.

  2. Their soon going to meet the parents. ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ

  3. lol xiao rui, just buy them contraception instead of a door.

  4. Both their parents reaction lol
    and Xiao Rui... it's no use. Just buy contraception for them... 😂

    1. this comment made me laugh for a whole day.......

  5. I sooo love Lu Yue!! 😂😂😂

  6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


  7. PDA everywhere all the time °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

  8. Why does everyone immediately start talking about pregnancy and marriage as soon as they go public? Too much pressure. LSC's parents though? And the differences in reaction from both sides of the families....Classic

    1. Yeah me, too. Is it normal culture in Chinese? I've seen at least 3Cdramas wherein the couple were still in college and their parents were already discussing marriage and children. I mean, they're pretty easy going parents compared to those who will disown you if they learn you're in a relationship and havent finished studying.

    2. Most, not all, but a good amount of people in China dating seriously do it with the intention of marriage. Also in Chinese culture it’s more common to introduce dating partners to friend and family even early on.

  9. LSC's filter went out the window during that convo with his mom 😂😂😂

    1. (drama) the way Lu Yue squeaked after LSC threw the pillow and hit him square in the face 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. Hahaha.... my favourite chapter ever! His mom wants them to get married asap! Hahaha....

  11. I still can't believe his mom thought he was gay!!(hahaha)

  12. Poor Duhbe got smashed by Yang in retaliation lol
