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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 118 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 118 Part 1

As soon as they arrived back at the base, Old Cat put down his stuff and went out of the door, not even waiting for Xiao Rui to remind him about the curfew. Old K sat down at his seat and started to play ranked matches as if nothing had happened, he even started to stream.

Tong Yao took a look at him. Today, Old K had changed his stream id from the usual [Play duos with Princess Cat to drop our ranks] to [Solo for a while, Korean server rank ~].

Tong Yao went to his stream. There were already quite a lot of viewers there. However, not many of them were talking about Old K’s game, rather most of them were interested in-- --

[Where’s Old Cat?]

[Has Old Cat deserted you?]

[....................................Are you going to have a new princess? Choose me, choose me, choose me!]

[Why don’t you play duos with Cat? He’s not at the base? It’s especially quiet at base when he’s not around!]

[Cat’s gone out? At this hour? Don’t all the clubs have curfews after the incident with Xu Tailun? Going out at this hour means a pay deduction.]

[ZGDX top and jungler are estranged. They probably can’t beat YQCB next Sunday.]


Tong Yao looked at the computer and thought all these people really knew how to stir up a controversy and appeared to be really trying to irritating Old K…...As she was thinking, she saw a line flew by on the screen-- --

[Wow. I was present for the match today. Old Cat suffered miserably at top and Old K didn’t go to help. Old Cat had a dark face throughout the game. At the middle of the match, they exchanged some words but I couldn’t hear it clearly since I wasn't sitting in the front rows. I only knew that after the exchange, Old K’s face looked even darker and he didn’t say anything afterwards…...It can’t be that they’re having a fight because of this? 23333333333333][1]

Tong Yao: “...............................................”

How could the person use ‘23333’, Tong Yao thought, the person didn’t know how serious the situation was.

Tong Yao looked at the comment with alarm; she almost wished that she could reach into the computer and delete it. From the corner of her eye, she could see that Old K had switched screens to look at the comments. She was even more nervous now, afraid that Old K would blow up when he saw those bullet comments-- --

What surprised her was that he had seen the comment but didn’t say anything.

But after the match was over, he logged out of the game and said: “I’m tired, no more streaming.” Then he simply turned off the stream with a lot of people facing the dark screen still typing “? ? ? ?” Old K stood up, shut down the computer, and went upstairs.

Tong Yao and Little Fatty looked at each other with concern.

Little Fatty: “These two can’t be for real?”

Tong Yao: “......I don’t know.”

After Old K went upstairs, the first floor became even quieter. Unease about the entire situation made Tong Yao lose any want to play any games. She dropped her mouse and went upstairs to look for her captain-- --She knocked on Lu Sicheng’s door and heard footsteps after a while. The door opened from inside, a damp face appeared behind the door with the fragrance of the soap……

Lu Sicheng was bare chested and wore loose shorts. He looked into Tong Yao’s eyes. A water drop dripped from his flat stomach all the way down and finally disappeared into his shorts-- --

Tong Yao silently swallowed.

She thought to herself “be calm, we’re all adults.” She didn’t show any emotion on her face and forced herself to move her eyes away from where the droplet had disappeared. Tong Yao used a calm voice to say: “You’re showering, then I’ll come back-- --”

Before she finished, Lu Sicheng had already clasped her wrist and pulled her into the room, though there was hardly any expression on his face. The door slammed shut! Before Tong Yao could say anything, Lu Sicheng had picked her up and thrown her onto the bed-- --

“You came yourself.”

[1]: 233 is the number of a laughing emoji (like lol). Extra 3’s is like the same thing as typing “lolololol”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. here we go again hahahaha

  2. Captain pls have mercy on little fatty he shares a room with u 囧

  3. I feel something about Old K and Old cat...I want to ship them hahaha

  4. I feel that the author is using this feud to expand Old Cat and Old K's character more. However, I cant shake off the feeling that something is going on between the two. Or not.

  5. Ever since they started dating, the captain seems to only think with his lower head. I miss the bashful LSC from pre-dating days.
