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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 88 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 88 Part 3

Chen Yinghu said: “Why didn’t Manager Wang ask about me? I played Miyamoto Musashi brilliantly today; I let my teammates develop more but ran to the front when there was a team fight. I ate grass but squeezed out milk.”

“Because you’re too talkative.” Shen Zemu taunted him.

Chen Yinghu felt his cousin seemed to enjoy taunting him more and more. He felt like he had been mistreated…...

Oblivion was listening to the others talking with a smile. When he saw Chen Yinghu looking a little down, he hurriedly said: “We watched the matches today.”

“Your team?”

“Yeah, all our teammates watched together. The other team was Team Invincible’s B team. We sometimes meet them when doing training matches. They are pretty good. So saying that you guys played very well this afternoon is far from an overstatement.”

Xiang Nuan was very happy to be validated by a professional player. She raised her wine glass and said: “Come, let's cheer for the super power of our team, bottoms up!”

She drank the wine in her glass, wiped her mouth, then asked: “How are you doing on the team? Is there anyone bullying you?”

“I’m doing pretty good.” Oblivion smiled shyly: “Oh, right, my coach said that he’ll arrange for me to be in some matches in the next season.”

“Really? That’s great! Congratulations! Come, let’s drink.”

Oblivion, with glass in hand, suddenly had a serious look on his face. He solemnly looked at everyone around the table and said: “I want to thank all of you.”

“Hrm? Why are you being so formal?”

Oblivion slowly stood up and said: “Really. I used to have a hard life. My father abandoned my mother and I. Our relatives all jeered at my mom. I went to work before I finished middle school. I’ve been through the ups and downs of life. In the real world, most of the people I met have been bad ones. I never expected to make friends like you all on the internet. I used to feel that I had bad luck. But now I feel that I’m a very lucky person. Thank you all, you guys have changed my life’s path.”

After saying those words, he tilted his neck up and drank the glass of wine in one gulp.

Yang Yin sat next to him. As she was watching him drink, a teardrop fell from the corner of her eye. Light reflecting off the teardrop made it look like a diamond.

After Oblivion sat back down, Yang Yin patted his shoulder. Then Yang Yin looked down at the wine in her glass and said: “I used to be quite headstrong. I ran away from home and haven’t had any contact with my family for many years. I wasn’t having a good time at the team I used to belong to. The boss always forced me to do things that I didn’t like. Sometimes I would have terrible fights with my ex-boyfriend. I don’t know how I survived those days. They were a mess. But I feel happy when I’m with you guys. I can’t tell why, but I’ve been very happy, very relaxed. I also want to thank fate for letting me meet a bunch of friends like you.”

After listening to the two of them, Chen Yinghu tearfully looked at them: “And me.” He said: “I didn’t have many friends before. When I was in school, because my grades were so poor, the teachers and my parents always scolded me. After I dropped out of school to play professionally, my classmates’ parents all forbade them from going out with me. I sometimes feel quite sad, like I’m a monster. Thanks to you all, you guys never look down upon me and are even willing to be friends with me……”

Lin Chuyan knocked on the table lightly and said: “What are you guys doing? Is this a roast? Hu Ge, you cried?”

“Oblivion also cried. Why don’t you talk about him?”

“He’s too dark, I can’t tell.”


Xiang Nuan leaned over to rest her head on Lin Chuyan’s shoulder and said: “I also want to thank fate for letting me meet all of you. Let’s drink to friendship-- --Bottoms up!” She drank without waiting for the others.

Lin Chuyan placed some food on her plate: “Eat something. Don’t just drink, silly.”

Xiang Nuan put down her glass and said: “When you guys play in the professional world in the future, Oblivion, Yin Jiejie, and Hu Ge, remember to win for me too. Please.”


“Sure thing.”

“Just you wait!”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. And most of this happenned because Xiang Nuan is nuts ♡

  2. The best of the chapters I've read so far!
