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Monday, September 14, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 116 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 116 Part 2

“It’s the top three. I can’t say he’s the number one since there’s another ad with similar skill living right next door afterall…...The king of ad in my mind is Weixiao[1], Gao Xuecheng, king in capital letters-- --He’s the guy who’d scream from missing just a single siege minion…...Cheng Ge won’t do that, he only inherited Gao Xuecheng’s stone face. So boring.”

[So you two are really together? Ahhhhh, if you see this, answer me, answer me!]

“Yeah, we’re together. Otherwise, how could we be like that.]

[Who’s after who! ! ! How did you get together! ! !]

Tong Yao bent over to pick up Xiao Cong which happened to pass by-- --In a short half of month, Xiao Cong had already grown from ‘little scallion’[2] into a ‘big scallion.’ The originally scrawny kitten had a plump belly now…...Tong Yao held the cat closer to the camera and said: “He said if I don’t agree to be together with him, he would throw Xiao Cong away. I figured that it was a life no matter what, so I agreed to it.”


[Didn’t expect Cheng Ge to act like this.]


[Damn, that’s a great trick. Wait till I use the same trick to get me a wife!]

[Then, when are you two going to break up!]

With a wave of “66” bullet comments, Tong Yao stroked Xiao Cong’s head and calmly replied: “We aren’t going to break up. I found a boyfriend by my own merit, why should we break up.”

As she finished her words, the ban & pick phase ended and she adjusted her runes as she waited for the match to start-- --Once the game started, she didn’t look at the bullet comments anymore and focused on playing…...The content of the bullet comments became rather anxious; it was a rather different kind of stream from what the viewers had expected in the first place-- --

They thought Tong Yao would avoid all the topics regarding Lu Sicheng, yet she didn’t.

They thought Tong Yao would spar with those trolls, yet she didn’t either.

They thought Tong Yao would complacently engage in some PDA to slap the faces of those fans who claimed to be Lu’s wives, yet she didn’t.

They thought Tong Yao would hypocritically appease the feelings of Lu Sicheng’s fangirls, yet she didn’t-- --

Everything went normally.

Everything went as usual.

Because of Tong Yao’s matter of fact reaction, some of the fangirls, who were feeling jealous and pissed off at the beginning, were cooling down instead-- --It was quite miraculous. They cooled down without even realizing why-- --Tong Yao acted so naturally; she didn’t bother taking special care of other people’s emotions and didn’t deliberately avoid any questions……

It seemed that everything simply happened naturally.

After Tong Yao began playing her ranked match, some of the people who had made comments about ZGDX or questioned Tong Yao on Weibo quietly deleted their derogatory statements. Some even sent private messages to her to apologize. Others kept quiet, only a few continued to jump all over Tong Yao……

It looked like Tong Yao’s tranquil demeanor had placated most of the fans: That’s right, it’s just two players dating, what a normal thing, what’s wrong with that……………

Tong Yao, on the other hand, didn’t know about these subtle changes; she was still playing her ranked matches and working hard learning how to play her new champion-- --Taliyah was fast and agile. Additionally, she was very effective at charging at assassin type champions. The only drawback was that Taliyah wasn’t very strong during the laning phase. To Tong Yao, a more aggressive type of player, Taliyah wasn’t a very handy champion……

One time, she was killed by the enemy’s mid, Tong Yao took the chance to switch to bullet comments and saw all the [66666] at the enemy’s mid. There were others like [You’re in love and lost your touch. You seldom get killed by others online before. I’m waiting for the explosion of ZGDX.] [Taliyah isn’t your type of champion.]......

“I feel like I don’t play Taliyah very well too. But I see a lot of Koreans play it quite well, so I have to practice it. If I don’t, then there’s no way we can win the world tournament-- --One less practiced champion means I’ll waste one ban which is no good.”

Tong Yao replied calmly and switched back to the game afterwards.

There were footsteps on the third floor. The B team players had all woken up and had gone down to the first floor for training.  Tong Yao stretched out her head to greet them. When she looked back at her computer, the room right in front of her-- --Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty’s room door was opened from the inside and both men walked out with sleepy eyes.

Lu Sicheng took a look at Tong Yao, scratched his hair, then went back to his room to take a shower with eyes still narrowing to slits.  

[1]: weixiao (微笑) is the id of a real Chinese professional player Gao Xuecheng, now retired. His id translates to Smiling. Tong Yao mentioned him as the reason for her user id.

[2]: Xiao Cong means “little scallion” in Chinese.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. YaoYao ♡

    Thanks for the translation!

  2. It's somehow similar to Hyuna and Edawn, but in H&E's case, they went to Knowing Bros and Korea was like "..... eh? They kinda cute 😳" ksksksksk It's really a good way to deal with it


    1. Oh my god i thought exactly the same. I'm so glad they can be out an open now about their relationship

  3. I like the way they dealt with it. It’s strange to see fans who are against their idols dating. Where I come from no one cares. Unless the idol comes off as promiscuous, fans don’t mind them dating
