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Saturday, September 12, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 116 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 116 Part 1

Little Fatty, while scratching his butt and with eyes narrowed into slits, opened his room door and was getting ready to get a drink of water downstairs. He took one step out of the door when he saw his team’s mid and ad embracing each other in the hallway facing head to head talking in small voices. He was taken aback and dropped a line “too hot for my eyes” before going back in and slamming the door shut.

Tong Yao let go of Lu Sicheng and urged him to go back to sleep. Lu Sicheng didn’t argue, released his hold on her, and turned around to go back to his room.

Tong Yao went to practice farming with several mid champions in custom game mode by herself-- --She paid special attention to the champions that she wasn’t too familiar with, such as Taliyah. When she felt she was ready, she decided to go into some ranked games to try it out. She logged on and got in the queue.

While she was waiting, she noticed the little notebook on her desk. She picked it up and flipped through it-- --Then she discovered that she was far behind her required streaming hours for this month because she had procrastinated early in the month, then she was preoccupied with other things plus the trip to Xiamen. She thought for a moment then logged on to do stream.

-- --Everyone found it unexpected that Tong Yao would do a stream in the teeth of the storm!

The viewers of her stream grew exponentially. During those dozens of seconds between the time when she reached over to adjust the camera to the time when she sat back into her chair, the viewers grew from a dozen or so in the beginning to over two hundred thousand……The bullet comments flew over the screen. The viewers who hadn’t had a chance to face the female lead in the incident for the past few days finally got their chance to express themselves!

[Wow, she’s streaming!]

[Damn, damn, my wifey is streaming. I’m here to support-- --Wifey, are you alright! !]


[Warning: Bunch of trolls ahead.]

[How dare you do a stream. Is it because you’re the hot topic recently so you’re here to rub it in for more attention? Hehe.]

[↑It’s here already.]

[Demacia Cup 6666666666666. How did you two get together anyway? Hahahaha.]

[Moderator, get to work, moderator, get to work. Or, Smiling, let me be the moderator. I’ll be here till you get off.]

[How are you, our ZGDX’s sister-in-law? Where's my Cheng Ge?]

[Where’s Lu Sicheng, where’s Lu Sicheng, where’s Lu Sicheng, where’s Lu Sicheng?]

[Let your man come on the stream! ! ! !]


The bullet comments flew by quickly. Comments, both supportive or insulting, disappeared quickly from the screen. Tong Yao took a few glances at them and randomly picked a few rather neutral questions to answer: “So I’m streaming. I’m practicing with rank matches, if I don’t stream at the same time when would I have time to stream? Why would I be shameless streaming? I’ve been streaming before…...If I don't stream today, I won’t have enough streaming hours by the end of the month again. By that time all I can stream is me sleeping-- --”

[Sleeping with Lu Sicheng!]

[Perverted streamer, I’m calling the police!]

[Shame on you, who wants to watch you sleep with Cheng Ge.]

“...............I sleep by myself.” Tong Yao answered, keeping a straight face. At this time, she got in a team and entered the game. She immediately chose Taliyah at champion select, then continued to chat: “Teammates? They’re all still sleeping. We just got back to base last night and are all exhausted-- --Right, we came back from Xiamen-- --The B team? The B team played pretty well. Though they lost the match to CK, they still managed to squeeze into the next round. Dubhe is quite talented……”

[How could you praise another ad!]

[Only your man deserves to be called talented, thank you.]

[Recording, reporting. Switch to Lu Sicheng’s moderator!]

[Tell us about Cheng Ge! ! !]

“Tell you what about him?” Tong Yao glanced over the bullet comments and replied quite at ease: “Cheng Ge is a very strong ad, is ranked at least in the top three in the world now……”

[Only top three!]

[Damn, how can you keep cool when talking about your man? Where’s your teenage girl’s heart! I want to see you blush! I want to see you embarrassed!]

[Top three 6666666666]

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Aahh these fans love gossiping.
    Thank you for translating

  2. This is so refreshing, such a mature couple 🤧


  3. I'm still amazed she can keep up with all the comments while playing.... 200K viewers!
