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Monday, August 24, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 112 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 112 Part 2

Lu Sicheng came out of the bathroom with only a bath towel wrapped around his waist. He pushed the small chair that was right in front of the bathroom door away with his foot and walked straight up to Tong Yao who was sitting on the bed with her back to the bathroom-- --Beads of water dripped from his hair onto her neck which was bent down as she typed on her phone. The water drops startled Tong Yao. As she abruptly turned her head to look up, Lu Sicheng took the chance to bend over and kiss her on the lips.

“Who are you talking to?”

As Lu Sicheng was asking, he also took a look at the cell phone in Tong Yao’s hand. When Tong Yao realized it, she scrambled to block the screen from his view but it was already too late-- --Lu Sicheng had a half-smile over his face: “You have this many thoughts just from one touch?”

Tong Yao had a crimson face and rushed to stand up from the bed. The sudden movement however seemed to trigger a cramp in her tummy and she fell back down immediately: “Go put your clothes on. What are you doing here?”

“Your stomach hurts?” Lu Sicheng bent over to look at her.

Tong Yao pushed his face away: “My head hurts more. Turn around, don’t look at me.”

Lu Sicheng noticed that Tong Yao’s eyebrows were knotted as if she was truly in pain and didn’t have the heart to keep teasing her. He patted her head and thought to himself that he should tell Xiao Rui later to change the dinner from Japanese food to Korean. There were a lot of raw and cold dishes in Japanese food which Tong Yao wasn’t suitable to eat as of now.

As he was pondering, he got dressed.

When he turned around, he saw Tong Yao was putting on the concealer on her neck in front of the mirror.

Five minutes later, Xiao Rui came to knock on the door under the urgies of all the famished team players. Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng walked out the room one after the other.

Xiao Rui: “Are you two making a little fella in there? Took you long enough!”

Lu Sicheng lifted his wrist to check his watch: “One hour.”

Xiao Rui: “Isn’t it long?”

Lu Sicheng gave Xiao Rui a glance: “It takes you only an hour to make a little fella?”

Xiao Rui: “......”

Tong Yao kicked Lu Sicheng from behind.

When all of them came down the stairs and climbed into the bus, the sun was already setting and it was a little windy. Lu Sicheng turned his head to see Tong Yao was still wearing her short sleeved team uniform and shorts. He was afraid that she would catch a cold and offhandedly handed over his jacket to her.

Tong Yao didn’t think too much of it and took the jacket to put on herself. But when she turned her head, she noticed that there were several young girls not too far away who were aiming their cell phones in their direction-- --They probably had noticed the ZGDX bus parked there and had stayed there waiting for the teams to come out……

Tong Yao paused in the middle of pulling one of her arms through the sleeve.

At the same time, Lu Sicheng, who had already gone on the bus, wondered why Tong Yao hadn’t come on the bus. He turned around to grab the door frame and popped out half of his body to ask with a stone face: “What are you dilly-dallying for?”

Tong Yao took Lu Sicheng’s jacket off and held it in her arms. She looked up and spoke somewhat nervously: “There are fans over there who’ve seen us.”

Lu Sicheng looked to the side and easily saw the girls who had cell phones in hands. He was quiet for a moment, then looked back at Tong Yao to say flatly: “What if they’ve seen it. Put the jacket on, be careful not to catch a cold.”


Tong Yao tightly held Lu Sicheng’s jacket, hesitated, then under Lu Sicheng’s calm gaze, mustered enough courage to put the jacket on herself-- --

Lu Sicheng reached out with his hand. Tong Yao bit her lower lip, then grabbed that big hand and hopped onto the bus.

She could hear a little commotion coming from behind her the moment she stepped onto the bus.

She wasn’t bothered by it and didn’t even look back.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. One touch is enough for thoughts. Lol.

    Thanks for the translation!

  2. Making a little fella๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

  3. I'm pretty sure the members already had an idea of their relationship ๐Ÿ˜†

  4. Ahahahahaha we going public yallll


  5. Thank you for the chapter๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  6. Well making babies can literally take 5 mins in some cases.

    I knew that they secret wouldn't stay hidden for too long. They just aren't trying hard enough
