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Saturday, August 22, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 112 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 112 Part 1

Tong Yao smoothed her hair and took a deep breath before opening the door to go knock on the door next door-- --Little Fatty answered the door. Xiao Rui and the rest of the team were all sitting inside the room chatting, talking about tomorrow’s rival and the possible lineups.

With just one look at Tong Yao, Little Fatty immediately used his wide body to block the doorway and asked: “Where’s the captain?”

As he was asking, he kept glancing at Tong Yao’s neck. Tong Yao could sense it. Flustered, she lifted her hand to cover her neck while keeping her voice steady: “He’s taking a shower and asked me to come get him underwear.”

“......” Little Fatty thought about it, then used a small voice which only the two of them could hear: “Red underwear, to celebrate?”

“Celebrate what?”

“He’s swallowed up esports most favorite girl…...turning from the esports most favorite daddy to esports most favorite son-in-law?” Little Fatty sighed: “What an animal!”

Tong Yao’s face turned crimson from embarrassment. She watched Little Fatty fish out a pair of blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and a pair of black underpants from Lu Sicheng’s suitcase. Little Fatty stuffed all the clothes into Tong Yao’s hands. With clothes in hand, Tong Yao whispered: “We didn’t do anything.”

“Have you taken a look of yourself in the mirror?”


“Go take a look.” Little Fatty said with an amiable look on his face: “If I were the captain, I wouldn’t want to let you go out of the room and be seen by any male creatures.”

Tong Yao suddenly remained deathly silent and dashed back to her own room with Lu Sicheng’s clothes in her arms. Before she left the doorway, she heard Xiao Rui asking: “What were you two mumbling about? How about the captain, is he going to shower for the rest of his life?” She didn’t really hear what Little Fatty said in reply since she had already returned to her own room and slammed the door shut with a loud thud.

Inside her room, there was only the noise of the running shower coming from the bathroom. Tong Yao brought over a small chair to place in front of the bathroom door with Lu Sicheng’s clothes on it. Then she sat cross legged on the bed, with her back to the bathroom door, and started playing on her cell phone-- --

[ZGDX, Smiling: Almost had a home run.]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: …………………………..Where?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: In the hotel, on my bed. My period came in time to stop it.]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: Your period is really something. My sympathy to my Cheng Ge……]

[ZGDX, Smiling: You’re missing the point. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, shame on you!]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: What’s there to be shamed…...When I was at your age, that high school kid sneaked into my room in the middle of night and told me that he felt so down because he got the lowest grade on the finals. He promised he would just stay in the same bed with me and wouldn't do anything. In the end, he did everything for the whole night. The next day I went to his school and learned that he was always at the bottom of his class. To hell with his bad mood-- --]

[ZGDX, Smiling: I can’t imagine Ai Jia was like that before.]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: Same here. These past few years, he’s so behaved that I even suspect that he’s having mental issues. I wake up everyday from sweet dreams and look forward to having him reach the legal age to marry me.]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: I’m thinking that if Cheng Ge’s really reliable, there’s no harm to try him out…...In case he’s just pleasant to the eyes but of no real use-- --]

[ZGDX, Smiling: His is at least an iPhone 6.]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: Length, width, and height?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: Width…...Ahhhhhhhhh, stop asking, stop asking!]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: Shoot, you’re the one who used the metaphor. What are you ashamed about?]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: Then length?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: A, a folding small ruler?]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: ……………………………...Have you been to my school, my friend? The small folding ruler is at least 30 mm long! Are you kidding me? ! Does he wrap it around his waist while he’s walking?]

[ZGDX, Smiling:................. I’m just saying. It’s longer than a normal ruler anyway!]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: Oh really, how do you know?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: Because I’ve touched……]

[ZGDX, Smiling: None of your business! ! ! !]

[Night time angler-the crazy fisherman: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!]

Amid Jinyang’s barrage of hearty laughter, the door to the bathroom opened.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. one of these days, he's going to see these text exchanges between you and ya girl XD;;

  2. Ah well... Asian novels are too exaggerating in this aspect. The man is pure Asians , allright? He is chinese, not a Viking, an African nor an Arab. He is not even a mixed blood with a person from those three ethnic groups. His size wouldn't reach that number. It's already good enough if it can have the half of that ruler length.
    I am not insulting here, please don't get my words twisted nor misunderstand.
    I am merely stating a fact. It is scientifiy, statistically true.

    1. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

  3. Ah well... Asian novels are too exaggerating in this aspect. The man is pure Asians , allright? He is chinese, not a Viking, an African nor an Arab. He is not even a mixed blood with a person from those three ethnic groups. His size wouldn't reach that number. It's already good enough if it can have the half of that ruler length.
    I am not insulting here, please don't get my words twisted nor misunderstand.
    I am merely stating a fact. It is scientifiy, statistically true.

    1. No, you're being racist

    2. Haha there is nothing to misunderstand. The very fact you were bothered by it of all things and feel the need to voice it out in a long comment, says it all.

    3. Statistically true based on what? Who measured asian populations dick, for that 'statistic'? A valid sample would at least be hundreds of thousands per region in Asia for that to be valid.

    4. Lol, easy friends... The fact that you can't think objectively, being straight
      away defensive and even insult someone racist indiscriminately is actually what is funny here.
      I am my self an eastern Asian , why should I be racist by stating opinion about my own fellows LOL. It doesn't make sense.
      And where in my comments was insulting anyone? I was merely stating a fact. I am a fan of Chinese romance novels but it is indeed a fact that many intimate scenes are simply exaggerating and illogical. Not only about the size, but also such description like "being unable to get up from bed for 3 days and three nights after just one session of passion.
      Oh c'mon... How many times such descriptions are found in web novels?
      It's fun and entertaining. Human being love fantasizing. it's just the way it is. It doesn't matter at all.
      But it still doesn't cancel the fact that it is illogical 😁。
      不ε₯½ζ„ζ€, but if you all really believe that I am talking nonsense,
      then there is no need for you to react so defensive at all, right? 😁

    5. And as long as a ruler? 30mm must be a typo, it was likely meant to be 30cm. But 30cm? C'mon please... Even for caucasians that number is exaggerating πŸ˜….
      But if you don't think that 30cm (a ruler length) is not a good reason for me to say that it's exaggerating, yeah well... then... I have nothing more to say 😁.

    6. They said folding small ruler. So i think its 15cm/ 6 inches which is normal no??

    7. I hate to agree with KD. But its true. Saw one (excuse me) and a half Arab, cant say im saying the size that Toyang is near the one i saw haha. BUT KD darling, for the fun of novel, dont overexplain. Maybe just our heroine too overjoy taht she overestimated the size XD

  4. I can't believe she didn't even bother to look at herself in the mirror as Little Fatty had suggested! Wasn't that the reason she dashed back to her room in the first place?!? 🀣🀣🀣

  5. I can't really tell if this is consensual or not tbh. I love LSC but I feel like he is disregarding her feelings. Isn't s.x something that you should discuss first. They have just started dating. I don't know how experienced she is but shouldn't he be taking it slower than he is? Ask her if she is ready to go all the way? He is only considering his own needs at this point.

    1. Tbh Asian men very rarely speak about these things. It's mostly a western idea to expressly ask for consent. Thus most asian novels have this shoot first ask questions later approach.

    2. I have to agree with you. Its quite uncomfortable reading the past chapters because at the back of my head Im asking wether she consented or Im just a poor reader lacking some serious comprehension. I mean, even the popular Mr.Gray asked for his Mrs.Gray's consent with bulleted detailed contract. Im just quite disappointed to the author. The author did them dirty.

    3. I think it all boils down on how the author wrote it. By how i see it, Tong Yao is just far far too shy to admit and talk about what exactly she wants. Because, you wouldn't excitedly chat the news of an "almost homerun" to your friends if you didn't like what happened by any means. It's just that, like most asian stereotypes, women are expected to be shy and silent abt this particular matter, letting men do all the work. At some point in the past chapters, if you look closely you woild notice that she's into it too, the author just failed to elaborate it and it shows on how most readers took it the wrong turn.

  6. The comments, hahaha easy! This is fiction. Everything is possible in your imagination. 😏

  7. Ai Jia 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 I can't even... That was pure gold.
