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Monday, June 8, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 98 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 98 Part 1

At noon the next day, Little Fatty, who was eating instant noodles in front of his computer, heard someone come downstairs. He looked up with a piece of noodle still hanging from his mouth and the first thing he saw was the section of leg between a short skirt and a pair of knee high stockings…...The piece of noodle fell back into the bowl and Little Fatty asked: “What are you up to?”

Tong Yao, with slippers, crouched down in front of the shoe cabinet and earnestly looked for the shoes she wanted to wear. While looking, she pulled out a shoe box and opened it to take a look. Inside was a pair of shoes which she hadn’t seen before and they turned out to be her size-- --She looked up to make sure it was her personal shoe cabinet…...Tong Yao blinked: “When have these shoes been here?”

“The mutual sponsor of you and the mid next door put them in there the last time she was here. She said she already had a pair of the exact same ones…...Where are you going?”

Tong Yao took out the shoes from the box; they were a pair of black shoes, with low heels decorated with a few pearls and metal brand logo on top of the shoes with the signature fabric of red and green stripes…...Tong Yao put down the shoe box and put her feet inside the shoes to try it out, they were a perfect fit. She looked up to glance at Little Fatty: “I’m going out shopping.”

Little Fatty with the noodles bowl in hand: “Oh. Lipstick is a little too red.”

Tong Yao mumbled: “Really?” Then hurriedly grabbed a tissue to wipe her lips…… At the same time, there was the sound of a door opening and closing upstairs. Little Fatty looked up-- --This time, it was the team’s ad who was wearing a simple outfit, thanks to the hot summer weather which didn’t give a man too many choices about what he could wear. But even when dressed simply, he was still much better looking than 95% of the men on the street since he had paid some attention to putting his outfit together in addition to shaving and washing his hair……

The other 5% might as well be those handsome movie stars.

Little Fatty: “Captain, oh captain, where are you going then?”

His captain stopped in the middle of the stairs with hands in his pockets and took a glance at the person next to the shoe cabinets-- --Tong Yao paused and smoothed out her breath: “I’m going out shopping.”

Lu Sicheng turned to look at Little Fatty: “I’m going shopping with her.”

Before Little Fatty could say anything, Lu Yue happened to come out from the kitchen with a bowl of noodles in his hands. He passed by Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng and glanced at them. Finally he sat down at Lu Sicheng’s chair right next to Little Fatty and logged on to the game to invite Little Fatty to play duos. While he was doing all this, he said with an imposing manner as if he had seen through them: “Why do you two have to dress like you’re going to the Civil Affairs Bureau every time you two go out on your own?”

Lu Sicheng: “I look like this every day.”

Tong Yao: “Me too-- --”

Lu Yue: “Forget about that, what you too. The last time you wore a skirt was when you went with my brother to go buy goldfish in the market. There isn’t any other time.”

Tong Yao: “..................................True! But what’s wrong when a country pumpkin dresses up to go shopping!”

Lu Yue didn’t pay any attention to her, but poked at his noodles and said: “When did you two get together?”

The shoe box in Tong Yao’s hand dropped on the floor.

Lu Sicheng raised his eyebrows.

Little Fatty choked on a mouthful of burning hot soup. The burning sensation made him thump his chest and stamp his feet as he struggled, his face red: “I’ve been deserted? !  The ad who I worked hard to raise abandons me for mid? !”

Lu Yue looked up without much expression: “I’m just joking.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Yue: “I can’t accept the miserable fate of my brother’s son who would only be 1.5 meters high like his mom and be laughed at all his life.”

Tong Yao used all her might to suppress the urge to throw her slippers at the face that looked similar to Lu Sicheng: “You shut up.”

Lu Sicheng didn’t bother with Lu Yue and dragged Tong Yao out of the door. Tong Yao kept looking back as she was brought to the garage. Even after Lu Sicheng had strapped her into the passenger side seat, she still fretfully slapped her lap and said: “Lu Sicheng, why didn’t you give him a retort? Is it because you think what he said makes a lot of sense? Hrmph, I’m so angry. Your Lu family’s perfect genes are going to be contaminated by my 1.5 meter inferior genes-- --”

“Go ahead, come contaminate me.”


Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Oh my... please contaminates him...

  2. That's the most beautiful usage of "contamination" 🀣🀣🀣

  3. Yes . Please do contaminate him. He wants it. I want it. We all want it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Lu Yue said he's joking but I feel like he 100% knows lol

    Sicheng's smart mouth lmao


  5. lol little brother saw right through them but she kinda admitted it too fast with the shoe dropping. I like that fatty's first response isn't to question them but to make a joke about being left behind. They, at least these two, seem to respect that it's their choice. Also why are they talking about mixing genes already?? It's like their 2nd date lmao.

  6. Waaaahhh! I really like Lu Yue's character! Welcome back to the scene little brother!

    "But even when dressed simply, he was still much better looking than 95% of the men on the street . . ." - I couldn't help but think about Xu Kai in his casual wear but still looking handsome as ever.

    1. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘true true..cant wait to see Lu Sicheng alive in Xu Kai...
      however...still cant imagine the beautiful Cheng Xiao in Tong Yao's personality..πŸ˜…

    2. I am so excited for the drama too. Dying to see Xu Kai as Lu Sicheng. His teaser image already got me hard.
      I am excited to see Chen Xiao as Tong Yao. She looks beautiful in the teaser image too. But I am worried about the height. Tong Yao 1.5m when Chen Xiao is too tall for it.
      Still hope the drama broadcast as soon as possible.

  7. Lu Sicheng you smooth son of a gun

  8. Thank you for the chapterπŸ˜ƒ

  9. Lu Yue looks docile most times but has a very sharp eye. And LOL at them talking about mixing of genes and LSC so eager to do so.

  10. Aaaaaa I barely stop myself from screaming hagsgsgsffs

  11. Come on tong yao, contaminate him, he's been waiting for that πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰, best usage of the word contaminate πŸ˜‚
