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Saturday, June 6, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 97 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 97 Part 4

Tong Yao pushed the door to her captain’s room open and saw the bundle on the bed inside. Her captain was facing the door with his back and playing games under the blanket-- --He probably had just showered as his hair was still wet.

When Tong Yao walked into the room, Lu Sicheng said without turning his head: “The hair dryer is broken, can’t dry my hair, don’t nag.”

From the way he spoke, he probably thought it was Little Fatty who had come into the room.

Tong Yao stood behind him, squatted down, then opened her arms to bear hug the man together with the blanket and giggly cried out: “Trap you in bed!”

The cell phone fell from Lu Sicheng’s hand, he confusedly turned his face to look into a smiling face-- --Lu Sicheng kept a blank face and turned himself around inside the blanket. Then he reached out with both of his hands to grab Tong Yao and picked her up to put her on his bed. His body was leaning forward.

Tong Yao was still giggling, but tried to keep her distance by leaning backwards.

Lu Sicheng continued to move forward.

Tong Yao continued to lean backward. The atmosphere between the two became somewhat complicated-- --Tong Yao’s body was bent back almost 45 degrees; her smile disappeared and her face tightened: “Captain, I’m not that flexible, my back is going to break.”

Lu Sicheng stopped and their faces were a finger length apart, very close.

Lu Sicheng cast his eyes downwards and said flatly: “What are you getting away for? You climbed onto a man’s bed yourself.”

A soft hand lifted up to push the man’s expressionless face back. At the same time, Tong Yao said, with a voice that seemed to be a little flustered: “You’re dangerous, full of dirty thoughts.”

Her palm somehow touched his lips.

Lu Sicheng paused for a moment, then pushed away her hand but at the same time clasped her wrist to bring her into his arms. Then he lifted the blanket up to cover Tong Yao who had bumped into his chest. His other hand naturally landed on her waist: “What’s up?”

“Do we have to keep this posture?”

“It’ll also do for you to lie under me.”


“Are you going to tell me or not?” Lu Sicheng exerted some force in his hand, pretending that he was going to push Tong Yao onto the bed.

“...... I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you.” In order to keep the currently seemingly more innocent position, Tong Yao reached out with both her hands to embrace the man around his waist. “I came here to thank you for trying so hard while playing 4 protect 1 today, showing everyone a textbook example of how to play at a disadvantage. And also to thank you for so courageously announcing in front of everyone in the country that you have someone you like already.”

“Therefore you climbed onto my bed? I accept this appreciation.”

When he finished, his arm was being pinched though it didn’t hurt nor did it itch.

Lu Sicheng looked down and met the pair of sparkling eyes under the blanket. Then he heard the person in his arms excitedly say: “Cheng Ge, are you busy tomorrow?”

“Yes, get more points, move up to Challenger.”

“.......................Other than that?”

“Nothing else.”

“Then, let’s go on a date? Ah? A date! Not the kind in the Summoner Canyon, a real one like any normal person.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Hurray.. I was so eager for their date ❤❤ Read the raws through Google translate a while remembered giggling and being flustered after they've started dating.. but Google translate steps plenty of good stuff so I need more ❤❤❤ Thanks for the update.. they are do cute..can't wait for the drama adaptation hope it doesn't steal done of my favourite scenes

  2. A for an effort for Tong excited for more sweet moments!!!

  3. The smile I had the entire chap 🥺🥺🥺🥺


  4. Umm Cheng ge is starting to get physical now.
